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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Another thought on slotting 4 LotGs instead of 3 is when you're concerned about the end cost of toggles. Slotting def/end - def/end/rec - def - def+globalrec you end up with +57.53% (ED reduced) to def, +47.7% to end. +21.6% to rec but that's irrelevant. For a scrapper, this takes, say, focused fighting from base 13.88% defense and .24/sec end cost to 21.86 defense and .17/sec end cost. If you three slot it: def/end - def - def+globalrec = 21.39 defense and .2/sec end cost def/end - def/end/rec - def+globalrec = 20.01 defense and .17/sec end cost True that the loss of def is pretty negligible on the 1st 3-slot option but it's always been worth it to me for the extra endred and the +acc that comes with it.
  2. Currently Mids is showing Followup with 190% ACC and most attacks at 176%. No base tohit buff to stack on that until followup lands and stacks and then it just gets silly. So I was hoping for a hard number at 50 but unless someone beats me to it, I'll go bust out the equations and charts and see what I see to stay at the tohit cap against +4 bosses.
  3. Raises a good question: How much +ACC should one shoot for if they're usually fighting +4s? (He asks, sheepishly, having looked at how much his current build is pushing....)
  4. As a fellow junky of LotGs, I'm guessing that yes, they were going for the ACC bonuses but that much is overkill. Add me to the group that states elude is a useless pick unless you fight a LOT of rularuu regularly or just need a throwaway - get out of a mess - panic button where you can slot a single LotG +recharge. Personally, I get far more use out of single slotted hover and afterburner than I ever would from elude.
  5. To be fair, (I really can't say that anymore without thinking about Letterkenny,) my standard slotting is 5 purples (- the dam only) and an extra proc, so maybe going from 2 procs to 4 or 5 may not be that big of a deal. However, based on what I've read, it may more be due to the low base recharge on claws' attacks that's lessening the impact of procs. Perhaps if I had a fully proced eviscerate in the build I'd see more of a difference.
  6. Took my claws/bio scrapper to beta and replaced the current slotting of his attacks with 1 acc/dam HO and as many damage procs as I could find. It only lowered my average pylon time by 10 seconds so it looks like I need not pursue procmonstering any of my claws users.
  7. Ain't nuthin wrong with curiosity.
  8. I don't think you should bother unless you're actually attempting to emulate a teaming experience which is just as ridiculous as attempting to take into account SetIO bonuses or Insp usage.
  9. Still think MM pets should not be lower level. Every MM I've tried to play and failed with sends me right back to this belief. Pets should be even level to the MM in question for all content.
  10. This goes back to the argument about insps usage. It has no relevance to trying to get an understanding of powerset performance within an archetype.
  11. The other one adding +regen/+end ain't too shabby either.
  12. The scrapper AT IO +crit buffs are a huge damage buff.
  13. And now I know how to respec my grav/nrg dom. Thanks, man!
  14. Friend and I have been revisiting L4D2 mostly due to him finally getting an internet connection that allowed for it but also prepping should Back4Blood turn out to be good. During the dark times of no CoH, I logged over 3000 hours in Fallout 4. Grim Dawn also saw an excessive amount of gameplay. I also reloaded Vamp: The Masq before I even heard a new one was (hopefully) going to be released. Even with the community patch, still so buggy but they nailed the feel of the PnP RPG so well it didn't matter. Come to think on it.... just like Cyberpunk 2077. Another I love loading up from time to time, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War. I should do that again.
  15. Apropos of nothin, asked the SG I run with to do a max diff (but otherwise normal) ITF with all of our incarnate powers *unslotted.* Really didn't have anymore faceplants than usual and got it done in a casual 33 mins. Now, granted, it was a pretty well balanced team and we're all old-timers, but still... I found it interesting.
  16. It is but it's completely unnecessary now. The game uses what it can. If you want to try it anyway you just add it as a launch parameter HC Settings Homecoming in left nav, Extra Launch Parameters
  17. Edit: if I remember right, (I did!) it was -renderthread 1 to enable the use of dual or hyperthreaded cores. This was important to me VERY early on because I gamed on a supermassiveawesome server class dual P3 board. Which hangs on my wall to this day...
  18. Same here. Did some maintenance this morning and decided that since BZB Tank is on my 2nd acct, I'd use him to store all the excess converters, catalysts, etc and inf I had laying around with my main acct's alts. He's now sitting on a billion inf, tons of salvage, I've got another 500M inf in email and I only made it through 1.5 of 5 pages of alts. Not to mention the other alts on the 2nd acct. Guess it's time to buy some more purples.
  19. Those lovelies have caught me flat-footed many a time. And I think that the complete filling of the screen with particles affects was intentional to add to the confusion and mayhem.
  20. Is this the accurate equation for DPS conversion from time? 38346.4375/time + 127.825 =
  21. I wouldn't mind IH being turned back into a toggle as it was originally.
  22. No one is attempting to give you a reason not to use cheat codes. We're simply explaining to you that there's no difference between a regen spamming insps and any other powerset spamming them so they have no relevance to the discussion at hand. You can continue stating otherwise until you're blue in the face but you'll still be wrong. We have explained it to you many times. You just refuse to accept the facts. Stock up your email with insps and temps, refill all three amps every 8 hours, keep yourself fully cranked to the walls with base buffs. Knock yourself out. NO ONE CARES. It has NOTHING to do with balancing a melee armor against the other melee armors. I have no doubt that you're going to continue to argue that it does but you'll remain wrong. Yes, yes, we get it. You're so much smarter and better than the rest of us because you can store insps in email. Greens can replace the need for regen and more HP. What insp grants DDR? Oh wait, it doesn't matter because just as greens can replace regen and more HP purples can replace the need for DDR. It's almost like inspirations can be used by every armor just as we've been saying and you continue to ignore. Yes, we know, not utilizing every possible cheat code/P2W/base buff available means we're all old and bad at the game. Why even bother with melee at that point at all? Any blaster playing like you is going to make any regenner you have look like it's attacking people with a feather. Your ability to store insps and lean on amps and base buffs or anything doesn't impress anyone because anyone can do it. No one cares and it has no place in powerset balance discussion.
  23. Because so can any other armor set. Therefore inspirations can, in fact, be ignored completely, and should be, when having a discussion about powerset balance. It's as ridiculous a standpoint as saying my regen brute needs no help because I can have sonic and cold defenders perpetually buffing me thanks to multiple accounts. And mez protection on squishies is a non-issue because we can all buy Defense Amps from the P2W vendor. Inspiration use has no place in a discussion of powerset balance. None. Zero. Zilch. Use them as you see fit while you play but none of us are buying this line of thought.
  24. Define high end. You also neglected to mention SR's scaling damres which stacks with any other damres from pools or IOs and calling the best DDR in the game (read capped) good is a bit odd. It's not just cimerorans out there with defense debuffs. There's also the whole concept of debuffs having to hit in the first place to matter, something SR tends to also avoid completely. As for regen providing +regen and +HP, so do Set IO bonuses, both of which I happily abuse heavily on all my SR builds... well, ok, I happily abuse them on ALL of my builds. This all said, if SR is the the melee easy mode, what the heck is shield when it's numerically superior to SR in every way except DDR?
  25. Ok. Name one. SR can eat oranges and greens. Regen can eat purples and greens. Edit: Oops. Regen needs oranges not greens. Bio can eat oranges and purples. Ice can eat oranges and greens. Inv can eat purples and greens. Stone can eat greens... but is still screwed as soon as a curb comes along. etc etc etc. What armor set can't correct any hole it has with insps? (Other than stone. Poor stone, so awesome yet so bad.)
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