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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. See post about all scrapper ITfs. If squishies aren't bringing to a team an equitable tradeoff for their squishyness, then balance does not exist and should be corrected.
  2. LOL. I'm saying that balance is completely lacking and part of the reason is the lack of mez protection. Thanks for walking right into that.
  3. Ok. But without proof that they can add to a team environment in a way that balances their inherent squishyness, the argument holds no water. Every character should be in balance with every other character. Too bad the all scrapper ITFs are winning on completion time.
  4. Prove it. This game has a ridiculously long history with being based PRECISELY around xp/time.
  5. And yet I DON'T get mezzed on X% of the characters I play. Why should I have to rely on mez protection from teammates on Y% of characters when I don't on the original X%?
  6. That's great. Now about that game for the FIRST 50 levels....
  7. See last comment. Breakfrees run out. Unless you're the type of person to store a hundred of them in email.
  8. They are when you're a long term player (read since issue 1) and base performance on XP/MIN.
  9. Not when we solo with them. Edit: I have squishies that solo ok, others, not so much. All due to mez protection and the lack thereof. Fix it with defense amps and they solo perfectly well. This is a balance problem. No AT, no powerset combo, should have to suffer with the lack of mez protection when a tank can solo a Werner rules ITF. It's ridiculous.
  10. Oh, c'mon, we know it's more than three archetypes that have to unnecessarily deal with the idiocy of zero mez protection. I do play one of every AT after all. Not like I'm comin into this blind.
  11. Again, multiplayer means one CAN team not that you should or have to or any other variant.
  12. So you show 3 ATs that mention teaming out of how many?
  13. Mostly due to them being horrifically designed from the get go. Human only Khels don't need more slots than any other AT. It can then be argued that if you choose the other forms, you are actively choosing to de-power the human form, because no AT needs more slots than any other AT.
  14. No, it isn't. It's a game where you CAN team but it has ALWAYS kept soloists in mind with some exceptions. That covered, add another cheap amplifier to the P2W vendor that ONLY provides mez protection and nothing else, please. Aside from that, add mez protection to a single toggle and for the powerset combos that have zero toggles, add it to the inherent. Thanks for your time.
  15. For MAX ST DPS, eviscerate should be in the single target chain due to its extra chance for crit. I still skip it cuz it's a ridiculously stupid animation. BAH: I had been drinking. The above statement does NOT apply to Brute/Tank Claws.
  16. I'm unsure why folks insist putting the +crit chance in an aoe. I need it for my ST chain against hard targets, not my aoe chain.
  17. You love burn above all and you know it! 🙂
  18. Clarification needed on this. A build for claws to maximize it at 50 may not exemplar well to low levels due to shockwave not being available until level 38 (33 exemplared.) Claws itself, however, exemplars wonderfully, and it is, quite frankly, one of the best all arounder sets in the game. I recently took my sr/claws tank to exemplar down to my new warshade's level of 28 doing her missions and got her to 32 because I was able to cruise around at +3/x8 even at lvl 28 thanks to a heavy recharge build with just followup, focus, slash and spin.
  19. It's not being old that bothers me. It's the aging part that sucks. The slow degradation, the inexorable pull of gravity... it's not decomposition yet but it sure seems similar. There's a reason I drink.
  20. What Erratic1 said as well as MOAR HP and MOAR DAMUGE!
  21. See this now. They changed the Concealment pool to be considered a travel pool. So 8 of 12 pools now allow you to pick any of the first three powers as your first pick from the pool. Why not make that the rule for all of the pools?
  22. Gotta admit I'm bummed about this. My fire/bio sent perma-hovers and the loss of extra flight speed here kinda sucks.
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