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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Honestly? It's rare that I don't see other people when flying between missions.
  2. That's precisely what I DON'T want to see. Make them harder with more team buffs and enemy debuffs. Make them harder with better AI. Making them "harder" by increasing their meatbaggedness is a nonstarter for me.
  3. I still hate that I have to lean on clarion core for all my squishies to be tolerable.
  4. This is the way.
  5. Claws/SR scrapper Claws/SR Brute SR/Claws Tank Shield/EM Tank Fire/Bio Sentinel Fire/Time Blaster Fire/Dark Corruptor Dark/Time Controller I wouldn't want to face that group.
  6. /checks underwear. Yes. In all seriousness, I don't get why anyone ignores DA. There is no faster path to T4ing your incarnate powers and for those that want to avoid AE, fighting +4/x8 with 3 lvl shifts means you're getting +4 rewards for fighting +1s.
  7. Weird. I spend more time in DA than any other zone.
  8. Say what? I hovered in the hollows! Point in the right direction, go eat lunch, pour a beer and have a smoke, come back to the computer and hit the forums for a while... eventually I'd get to the mission.
  9. A whole lot of them don't.
  10. Also one of the joys of playing energy melee. CORPSE BLASTING! Which is especially painful to watch when you're solo.
  11. I still can't get past Aeon at lvl 54 in MLTF. Bastard kills me every farkin time.
  12. You're not wrong. Just know that some of us are NOT in that camp. Edit: Smart people are around here. There should be a way for us to both leave the lowbie game alone AND increase diff/rewards for those that can/do push it.
  13. Fair enough. Lots of people quit for lots of reasons. Always have, always will. I certainly don't want to see a time where soloing with SOs at +0/x1 becomes impossible any more than I enjoy seeing some builds waltz through the toughest of the tough content without even having to pop an inspiration.
  14. It's not a dead end at all unless you want to pretend that there aren't a ton of 50+ builds running around playing the same content as everyone else. There's no point in ONLY considering IOs in a discussion about game balance. They are part of the game balance woes included with IOs and their set bonuses, intra-AT balance and extra-AT balance. But yes please, let's see the data mining on just how many characters are out there that are running SO only builds and fully T4ed. I suspect the answer is 0 at this particular moment, knowing fully well someone will do it just for the hell of it.
  15. Poor Bill would be screwed if I followed that philosophy. There's a LOT out there that outperforms Claws and SR. However, for an all rounder, jack of all trades, master of none, it's still an awesome combo.
  16. I'm still playing the first character I ever created in CoH. A joke character I planned to use to learn the game and then delete. What is it now... 17 years later and he's still my favorite?
  17. I'm pretty sure (maybe, kinda, I'm old, memory sucks) that only BZB Scrap, BZB Brute and Louis Cypher were fully T4ed back before the snap. It wasn't even remotely worth it to bother doing so with any other character. Now? It takes MAYBE two weeks for me to get a character to 50, fully PvPed/Purpled/IOed, T4ed AND have all 4 passive accolades. This is why I find it so difficult to accept that majority of players are still running around with SO only builds. Sure... maybe on the way to 50, but after that? Nah, citation seriously needed.
  18. It's always a joyous occasion when it's the straight shot through.
  19. Pretty sure this is why, last I heard, all scrapper ITFs were in the lead on time. (Edit: For max diff runs. Seems a lot of speed teams run at +0 so that may help all squishy teams.) Split up in the first two missions, do some splitting in the 3rd, team up for the monster group, computer and AVs. Saves a bunch of time. I see no reason why brutes and tanks wouldn't follow the same tactic.
  20. Statement: I firefarm to get new alts to 50. I have never AFK farmed. I think I like my slaughterings to be hands on. Question: Why would I run content without reward?
  21. And give all SR the Master Brawler treatment.
  22. And should stay sailed. Being forced to team for some reasonable level of incarnate progression was ridiculous before the snap and was a primary reason for one of my long breaks from CoH. I'm not saying some middle ground couldn't be found but the old ways were the greater of two evils by far.
  23. Each passive grants 0 to 20% DR for a total of 60 DR if you have all 3 and a ms from death. If scaling resists kicks in at 60% health and you were at 33.894% health, you then should be getting 26.106 total DR which is awfully close to your 8.67*3 = 26 shown in your screenshot. Or am I missing something? Edit: Or are we both agreeing that it actually does kick in at 60% health and not 50%.
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