Meant to hit on this point earlier as prep for my build.
Seems I should lean heavily on winter IOs for -recharge debuff resistance.
Go max recharge for both the ST attack chain AND the click heals.
Ramp up melee defense as much as possible.
Is it agreed by all that these are the priorities?
And this is where I falter. I hate faceplanting even when I'm on a squishy being stupid and I can laugh it off, somewhere, in the recesses of my brain, I scream "FAILURE!"
No, it's really not that. It's that mastery with regen will still be less than mediocre talent with any other set. That's the point we're trying to get across.
Between work and age, I'm gettin slow on the PL. Gonna take me at least 3 hours to PL this guy to 50. Then another hour in Mids... another hour slottin everything. Jeez, it's gonna be like tomorrow before I'm T4ed.
Brute Armors = Scrapper Armors at base values.
Yes, they have higher caps but IF the regen caps are different and we know the HP caps are different then that still doesn't make a whole lotta sense.
If ALL > Regen on brutes, then ALL will also be > Regen on scrappers.
I'm pretty sure I already know how this will turn out.
Street hunted with Rocky Healins to lvl 6. Hittin Talos now to PL to 50. Will work on build in Mids after that.
The old rule was "cuz the devs hate regen."
Having regen resist regen debuffs does seem to be a no-brainer but I've no clue if there's some underlying reason it can't be done.
It does. I tested the perfect zinger in Evasion on my SR tank. Since it still only checks to hit once every 10 seconds, it felt to me like a wasted use of a slot.
More HP does make regen better. By the numbers Brute Regen > Scrapper Regen.
I suspect, as GB just stated, that a lot go the scrapper route due to Deadpool/Wolverine reasons.
Took my SR tank on one... the art of not being hit definitely helps avoid being dropped to 1 HP. He still managed to take me down to around 2200 from 2800.
It's really too bad that defense doesn't debuff defense debuffs like damres debuffs damres debuffs cuz then DDR wouldn't matter.
Edit: And then Ice armor wouldn't be the complete trash set that it is.
Fury is purely built off attacking and being attacked, regardless of whether attacks land either way so tohit and defense buffs/debuffs are irrelevant.