Can anyone tighten up this chain?
TF\ET-short\BS\EP\ET-long\repeat Needs 261% total recharge in ET and 209% total in TF.
Looks like TF\ET-short\BS\EP\Bar is doable with 289% total rec in TF
I will say this as a plus for the overall feel: Mandy Marauder feels even more appropriately named when I'm just cutting through spawns using TF/ET/BS/WH/repeat as my chain.
Still hate that I'm forced into TF/ET to get the short, old ET punch.
At least with stalkers (and blaster snipes) I can simply not use it as an opening attack and never have to consider it with its longer recharge time.
Not the case here.
With AS and Snipes, I don't have to do diddly to get the faster cast time. With this EM I am *forced* to use it directly after TF (thus screwing my attack chain) or stick with the long (ridiculously stupidly long) animation.
Yes, I'm on beta now. Copied over my EM/SR brute: 3:30 average pylon time so far compared to 4:30 on live.
Currently running around Atlas on a lowbie EM/Rad scrapper.
It's momentum. It's a choice between two different animation times for the same attack. Exactly what momentum does for TW.
Agreed. And -regen wasn't a choice for BS either. Still absolutely hate the momentum mechanic and always will.
Why do we have to go this route? Why can't we just find a happy medium on animation time and stick to it for ET? Give EF something else to do for ET for those that want to play micromanagement during battle.
I'm not in that crowd. I want a nice static happy AV crunching attack chain that lacks gimmicks.
Except now the choice is between guaranteed stun or short ET animation.
More thoughts: I've always wanted an EM scrapper. I am grateful as can be to finally be able to get it.
Should be interesting to see what a fully kitted out EM/Bio will be capable of.
Initial thoughts. I really dislike having two different animations times for ET. It completely screws with the flow of attack chains. It makes planning for chains annoying. It *forces* us into making TF/ET a 1-2 combo even if we change targets between the two in order to benefit from EF.
It also knocked about a minute off my pylon time with my EM/SR brute. So, there's that.
Gotcha. All three of the Bills go with musculature.
Edit: Just verified, so does my SR/Mace tank. Granted, unlike the OP, she only runs 6 toggles. SR + Tough/Weave and CJ.
Ok fine. Chaoswolf (poor kid has gone through so many rebuilds) has been turned into a Sav/SR stalker. I just renamed his bio/claws tank build in case this has to get deleted as well.
Edit: The rename made me laugh. Bioclawstank1
I like damage. I like soloin max diff ITFs. My fire/bio sent can do it. (Although fleeing AVs makes it a PitA.) This dude really is only 2nd to my three Bill Z Bubbas on the list of what I'd rather play most.