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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I had quit playing. Came back for the shut down when I was told it was happening. Hopped to the beta server when Pinnacle shut down. Were incarnate powers actually locked out if you were only F2P? Or was it a case where if you had enough vet lvls they stayed available?
  2. I stuck one in invincibility and sat amongst a horde and did indeed see a dblstack once.
  3. Am I allowed to just stick with "gamer" because I like playing games?
  4. Wrong thread. 🙂
  5. I know you stated why at some point in the past but remind me again? Because more people choose Degen and you going Reactive avoids hitting the Degen stack cap?
  6. My current:
  7. Backups are always wise but USB? Everyone doesn't have a multi-TB Precision server for such things? Madness.
  8. Unless I'm interpreting this incorrectly, once I've installed the new version, it grabs what it can from the old installer directory and once tested that all is well (sound fx overwrites, keybinds, etc) I should then be able to purge the tequila install directory completely?
  9. My brother is maxed out on his two accounts. I'm still bummed that I couldn't disable badge count at 666 like I did vet lvls. Still wish badges were account wide instead of character-locked.
  10. That'll certainly improve times.
  11. Proof or it didn't happen. If there is proof, please, share the tactics and builds so we can all learn to be so awesome. Edit: Come to think on it, nevermind. It would be easy to create a screenshot with a 30 minute time after the other 7 quit the team.
  12. This is, sadly, the way to go. I've been abusing it on all my squishies. (Where squishy = character without built in mez protection.)
  13. Simply put, on the day we could create/migrate brutes blueside, they should have had their mitigation caps reduced. It didn't matter when the sides were locked away from each other. But you just described yet another in a long list of imbalances amongst the ATs.
  14. I don't see that getting nerfed. If anything the way the current devs are rolling, I suspect that ALL attacks a scrapper can use will be fixed so that they crit.
  15. TW has a ton more secondary effects than more damage. Fiery melee should be the #1 damage melee set but it's not. That's broken and should be corrected.
  16. I still remember being told how much I sucked at this game back in Issue 1. I had never played an MMO before, had zero clue about the tank/healer/damage trinity, nor how to play within it with this non-tank/healer/blaster claws/sr scrapper I had built. I remember it taking me months to hit 50 the 1st time. Now it takes hours. Skill and knowledge levels change for EVERYONE the longer they play.
  17. Exactly. And an empathy freaking defender. 🙂
  18. Wrong. This is what happens when balance changes are incorrectly applied. Change is not the problem.
  19. A little pain for a much more stable "world" seems a small price to pay.
  20. Oh horseshit. It's not a case of X being able to solo Y. It's a case of X being able to solo Y at the max diff, with no inspirations, with enemies buffed with +50% acc and damage and ZERO deaths. It's a prime example of the ridiculous power creep that this game suffered from for years BEFORE the shutdown.
  21. Not even a little bit.
  22. And tanks clearly didn't need a damage buff.
  23. Sounds to me like a lot more work than just removing the shifts completely.
  24. But it is if you keep the current situation in place. Remove the level shifts. Keep the +13% tohit buff and whatever other buffs they get for being incarnate baddies, choose +4 and they are +4 and that's that.
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