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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Haven't been keeping up so didn't even try those. I'm just glad to know it's not my installation that's borked. Thanks, yall.
  2. If this was covered elsewhere, my apologies. It seems that I still have an old remnant of the freebies popmenu even though I just deleted it from data\texts and revalidated my beta install. I'm currently missing the artillery and bombardment sets (and maybe others) but other players are stating that they seem them. Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this?
  3. Cranked up an em/shield scrapper. Street hunted to lvl 10. Bumped to 20. Cruising through radio missions in Talos. Being able to keep SOs green with a click of a button and start slotting them at lvl 2 may well kill my powerleveling days. EM is still a great amount of fun for me in the lowbie levels. I really enjoy the sound and visuals of Barrage, EP and BS. Having a minor cone on top of whirling hands is a nice buff for standard mission clearing. At this level, though, I am noticing the increased recharge time on EP as it's stopping me from being able to Bar/EP/BS/EP/repeat.
  4. Yea.... I've loved claws for a long time. Now if only I could make a shield/claws tank.
  5. I accept slightly lower DPS in order to avoid heavy number crunching these days. When I saw the equations behind the PPM system my response was simply, "nope, too damn lazy for that."
  6. Almost positive that once you catalyze AT IOs, that's it. Done deal. No way to revert them. Even if you bring the set up in Manage Enh screen, they're completely greyed out even if you have boosters and catalysts in inventory. Bout the only thing you could do is covert them to other types of catalyzed AT IOs.
  7. With followup, focus, slash, repeat, I get 3 mins with my claws/sr (no damage aura) and (I think) 1:45 or so with my claws/bio. I really should start a log of those pylon times. Since claws attacks are low on recharge as it is, I've never thought that going proc-monster would work out too well. I generally stick with AT IO full sets in Followup, 5 Hecatomb + Achilles Heel in Slash and 5 Apocalypse + GladJav proc in Focus.
  8. TF and ET do not crit for double damage if that's what you're asking. TF criting grants 2 lvls of energy focus so you can use it to both shorten ET's animation to the pre-nerf version AND buff BS. ET's "crit" heals you instead of taking health away.
  9. Mish completion bonuses do not change. Folks seem to be confusing actual XP/min rates with clear alls vs zerging. Example to the contrary: I get a LOT more XP/min doing clear all repeatable missions in DA than I would by hitting objectives and moving to the next mission. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I'm +3 and getting +4 bonuses for fighting +1s.
  10. EM/Bio and EM/SR will be my two.
  11. I know what the color blue tastes like.
  12. For the ITF, I'll take what I can get but I'd much rather spend an hour slaughtering everything at max diff than spend 10 mins zerging through it at +0.
  13. But in all seriousness... damn, man. That's freaking awesome.
  14. Hop over to beta. Create new EM scrapper. Get SOs at lvl 2. Keep them green with the 1 click Upgrade button. It's pretty dang cool.
  15. I dunno... he's still using enhancements.
  16. Is there any way to allow multi login to both beta and live while using the same account?
  17. I found the same running TF/ET/BS/EP/ET/repeat. Course the pause before the next TF sucked a lot.
  18. But can you Werner rules and ITF that way? Edit: I should have read the whole post. Nevermind.
  19. And that's why being forced into tf/ep/et/bs/ep is the new normal. Notice the word forced.
  20. You're really trying to state that the DPA of ET doesn't change when the animation time is reduced to 1.188 seconds?
  21. The normal is a gimped version regardless of whether BU is active.
  22. Correct. You can EITHER buff ET OR PC OR BS. Or you can choose to stay gimped on the powers you didn't choose to follow TF. What a great choice.
  23. That's not how production cycles work.
  24. How sweet of you. That you can't separate buff from crap to get said buff says a whole lot about you.
  25. I do. And as others have stated, they do too.
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