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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Interesting. I love DA. And yet, both my brute and my scrapper claws/sr users sit at only around 46-52% defense to MRA (melee always being the highest, of course) and that's KNOWING that everyone in DA is sporting that +13% tohit buff but I still tear through them with nary a thought. Probably because I have barrier on both. To the topic, SR is just awesome. It's more awesome on brutes because of the higher base HP benefiting both your survival on its own and more so your scaling damres. This is doubly true on tanks. As others have said, if you want to see how your scaling resists benefit you, just monitor S/E/F resistance and learn to love the deep orange/red health bar.
  2. I am being reminded of one nuisance. No good way to tell I'm already mezzed without dropping out of Dwarf. Would be nice if there was some holdover duration on the Dwarf's mez protection to other forms. That's how every other click mez protection works in the game.
  3. My HO WS and PB have sat languishing since pretty early on after HC went live. All purpled up but just... lacking. Yesterday morning, I ran with a buddy that was testing out his new tri-form PB build and while watching the form shifting something from waaay back before the snap was triggered in my brain. So I spun up a new warshade and PLed her to 32. Did a quick cheapo IO build in mids, geared heavily toward the forms but keeping in mind the human form tools I'd need. Then I remembered the binds. Ok, T for Nova gototray 6, Y for Dwarf gototray 7, bind u to toggleoff the others and go back to tray 1. Ok. Slap some IOs in there, done. Then I ran few radio missions and hopped into a Posi 1. I had missed this. Ya see, I got my original PB and WS to 50, the hard way way back when being solo still meant a huge damres debuff. Back when being solo meant getting one shotted by boss quantums and cysts still showed up. It was frelling nightmare. I bitched and moaned so much about how bad Khels were yet I persisted. Coming back to the game to be part of the shutdown after Khels were buffed was drastic but I didn't get to spend much time with them before everything went to dust. So I'm going to delete my HO WS and strip him of his goodies. (Yea, I could just change his costume, sex and name but whatever.) Then I'm going to respec the PB into triform. They're just more fun with the form hopping. Side note: apparently back in the day, all those years ago, I used V, B and H for Squid, Crab, Human. My fingers are STILL trying to go down to those instead of up to TYU. Muscle memory is some amazing shit. Edit: Playing her more now. I really should just rebind back to VBH. 🙂
  4. I've started doing both now that all my old mains are back to where they should be. Sometimes I street sweep to 4, then run a witch farm to 12 then go run paper missions. Sometimes I PL to 50. Sometimes I'll run regular content just for the hell of it and do a PL bump in the middle of it. That's the beauty of this game. Do what you want. Just don't hurt anyone else in the process.
  5. Fire Blast followed by Flares works as well.
  6. I am not pleased by this news. This year sucks.
  7. I had yellows. Ate one so that I could see the impending death. I think I've figured out what my problem is. Ever since experiencing SR on a tank, every other armor set just kinda sucks. Cept maybe Invul.
  8. I'm staring at this fully purpled out mace/shield brute that isn't even softcapped to melee, hasten's about 6 seconds from perm, and the 1st spawn of Arachnos I face blinds me and then faceplants me before I get through about half of them. If I double stack AD, I get to about 70% DDR. Extra HP is nice, I guess.
  9. Yup, get weaker to do more damage. If only that was actually the case across all ATs and powersets.
  10. What really hurts about this statement is that 3 mins is my average claws/sr scrapper time.
  11. Got one at 50 that needs a full rebuild. I do like the extra damage, I do NOT like having to doublestack the mez protection for decent DDR. I'll revisit ol Battle Barrier shortly and see what's what. Edit: But I can take what I learned from the wm/bio scrap, so there's that. Honestly wondering if a brute is the better route for that combo. More +end available.
  12. I'm findin the same things. Bio is awesome for +dam, but even in defensive mode, it's just not very tough. Looks like Inv/WM may be my next experiment. @FalseyI never could get the hang of dark. Always wanted to because of how many concepts I have rolling around in my head, but it and I have never meshed.
  13. There is also Destiny-Ageless-Radial after you've hit 50 and got some vet lvls under your belt. It provides a ton of DDR when you click it but I bet it scales down over time like everything else with incarnate buffs. I would consider it a must have for a set like Ice Armor that relies on defense but has sucktacular DDR.
  14. If you're still talking SR, once slotted up in the three passives and the three toggles, you'll be capped on Defense Debuff Resistance and you'll never have to be worried about defense debuffs again. If you're talking FA, a little bit extra will help a little bit but you will see cascading defense failures, and see them hard, from some factions. To more bits on SR (not sure if already covered.) The normal softcap is 45%. For incarnate content, since the enemies there have a 13% tohit buff, 58% is the softcap. Anything over 58% on an SR user is a waste. Go for more HP and more DamRes. The two coupled make your scaling resists rock.
  15. PinnBadges was recreated as a channel. Most of us are on excel but there's a few in that channel on the other shards as well.
  16. Yea, I can keep it stacked on an AV but it's a big end suck. Got a slot I could steal back to add in a pure 50+5 endred though. May do that. Edit: Now there's an odd choice... I dumped inferno, went back to midnight grasp and picked up parasitic leech again. Better. As long as I do not miss with MG and hit it as soon as it recycles, I can keep a +4 Requiem rooted. But it doesn't work on Rom at all. Gorram it so much.
  17. Oh, I hope I didn't mislead... the only thing I care about is being able to lock down is AVs. It looks like fire cages with the first five trap of the hunters will recharge in 5.24 secs with a duration of 32 secs. But at Mag 3 per pop even that is only going to work when purple triangles are not up, correct?
  18. How do you have that slotted? I tried with Midnight Grasp but it was a total bust.
  19. I'm not a fan of Rune due to the two wasted power picks to get to it and its inability to be perma, but I have been experimenting with Melee Core recently. It certainly helps on the survivability front. More regen is always welcome for SR and the extra resists make it a far more useful panic button than elude will ever be.
  20. Altered quote for my take on the power.
  21. I don't hate my fire/time blaster when she's on a team.
  22. I wish I had even the remote sense of a possible clue to even begin such an endeavor.
  23. Where as my blasters while solo are complete crap while my sentinels don't spend time eating dirt. As you say, YMMV.
  24. 2:54 with Assault Core Hybrid toggled on for my Fire/EM tank. Musc/Degen/Assault all T4. Had a much worse 1st run but then stuck another KB protect in Fly for 12 protection. Amazing how much DPS goes up when you're not getting blasted on to your ass.
  25. Barely is greater than zero!
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