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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. But do you also buy them in order so that when you get them from the AH they're in the proper order in your tray before slotting them?
  2. I'm totally lost. Energy Aura? Squishies can't get that.
  3. That'd be by cranking up another Sentinel, right? Or a bubbler? (Edit: no, scratch the bubbler, that's only resistance, right?) If there's another way to have 100% persistent mez protection that I've missed, please please please share.
  4. Add me to the OCD clan. IOs have to be in order or nothing is right.
  5. I can second this. FA/SM was one of my first tanks with HC and while he's in dire need of a proper build and more play time, the extra AoE from FA and the extra mitigation from all the knock in SM play very well together.
  6. Only thing that really jumps out at me is the lack of the passive scrapper +crit chance IO. I see why you don't have it, but I can't see running a scrapper these days without both.
  7. My only real issue with the pool is that it then eats up two pools if you also want to be able to hover.
  8. Based on the responses so far: Should be removed from the game regardless Waste of inf in general Partial coverage from Rune of Protection + insps is good enough (Costs a pool selection and 2 prereq choices) Doesn't matter at 50 thanks to Destiny Clarion (Blocks you from other Destiny powers) Just play a set with mez protection and not worry about it (Blocks you from a whole slew of wonderfully fun combos) I don't know where I am on the topic to be honest. Thus the thread. I was honestly curious as to what others are thinking and my OP was actually a truthful statement. I have a lot more fun playing my blasters, corruptors and controllers when I never have to even bother thinking about being mezzed. Back before the snap, I played almost entirely melee because of how borked the mez situation is in this game. Now we have an out that didn't exist then but it absolutely does feel "cheaty" to use it. I'm just finding that I may no longer care just like I don't care about PLing to 50 anymore. Anyone else finding the same? That old rules you may have had in place seem less than meaningful these days?
  9. How rude and completely typical of you.
  10. Why not both or perhaps a serious inquiry? Or even all three?
  11. That's only up half the time on a very heavy recharge build. And even then, you have to BUILD for that. Or you can just shortcut practically everything because you can hit the softcap so much more easily, and get more damage and mez protection, with nothin more than 24 clicks for 8 hours of in game buffage.
  12. I'd sad your post, but I don't really get that selection. Love my earth/earth dom ... when on teams. My fire/dark troller soloes better than she does, though, and I SOOO wish that wasn't the case.
  13. No it isn't.
  14. Squishies are a whole lotta fun when you buy 8 hours worth of P2W mez protection.
  15. Nah, it really isn't. 🙂
  16. Hell... I'd be happy just having the proper leather straps that males can get for my female characters. But you are , of course, correct. Let the nipples be free!
  17. Got a fully tricked out fire/time blaster and a fire/plant in the 30s. I can already tell that I'll enjoy the fire/plant FAR more.
  18. I'm still bitter that we can't have fishnets, thongs and corsets for male characters. And while the cigaretto was a nice add for the ladies, I continue to demand for proper full cigars for them!
  19. There's a medical teleportation system that brings people back from the dead. Pretty sure they can handle a few broken limbs or cybernetic replacements.
  20. Tohit check only required for enemy players, not critters, as per mids, same as taunt. (In game text states the same.) Correct on single target.
  21. Bill Z Bubba

    Build Up

    Staff/Bio Brute: Form of Body and Offensive Adaptation on top of Fury? Thing of gorram beauty. Almost makes me never want to utilize the powers that eat up Form of Body buff.
  22. Slacker. 🙂
  23. I think I'll have to look into that for my two fire armor (non-farming) builds. REALLY hate the thought of losing my followup, focus, slash chain but those damn Kheldians slow me literally to death.
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