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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Here's my shield/nrg tank. Flight already in place. I've thought about making scrapper/brute versions of her as I did with my main claws/sr but never got around to it. Brute will push out more damage (but tank to brute is closer than brute to scrapper these days) and be squishier (as scrapper to brute is closer than brute to tank on mitigation.)
  2. Not at all. Like I said, I've got 20 or so I enjoy playing. The rest kinda suck for some reason or another.
  3. Thanks to the extra recharge from Nrg Aura, my DB/Nrg just runs BF, SS, AS, repeat for her ST chain. No combo in use at all so no need of VS so it got skipped entirely. Same for NS. I'd share my build but it currently has Focused Accuracy and playing her yesterday had me wondering why I bothered to take it.
  4. Can be used for aggro control assistance? Check. -21% damage debuff for up to 16 targets? Check. -10.5% tohit debuff also for up to 16 targets? Check. Yea, and since adding gloom to any attack chain makes it much better, soul mastery is one of those pools it's hard to say no to.
  5. What's the point in showing you? You'll state it's just everything that's NOT part of super reflexes that's making it possible.
  6. Went and took down a pylon, had one string of 3 crit strikes in a row and another where BF hit 5 times but no crit strike but all in all, yea, 48% feels about right, every other hit proc goes off or so. The fact that I had three in a row implies there's no weird cooldown thing happening. Not sure of that though. 2nd pylon I had a 4 crit strikes in a row streak.
  7. *IF* I'm doing the math right from Bopper's Proc Calc equation, BF with a full set of Sup Crit Strike should have a 48% chance of firing the proc.
  8. I had to come back to this and ask why it matters? ALL tank armors are completely broken by design. You even have it as your sig line: "If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!" It's a true statement. Nrg and Regen should be ported to tanks as is because it just doesn't matter if they'll be OP on the already OP archetype.
  9. I have the full Sup Scrap Crit Strike set in Blinding Feint on my db/nrg scrapper. No clue what that actually means for the +crit proc chances. Runnin BF, SS, AS, repeat she's killin fast enough that I never thought to look.
  10. More proof you have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about.
  11. The devs made it easy. But it also shows why the devs in the before time, pre-snap, would never have made it so easy to create alts on the test server. Definitely has the potential to kill player retention when you can see the end product so easily.
  12. Don't know if this helps but I logged on my shield/nrg tank that bounces between Ageless Core and Rebirth Radial. Regen without rebirth is 37.15 hp/sec. Click rebirth, goes up to 240 hp/sec then cycles down through 113.22 hp/sec, 87.86 hp/sec, and 62.50 hp/sec where it stays until it drops. Seems to be workin just fine.
  13. It's true. The other thing is just the costume generator so we can get screenshots to post to the forum.
  14. I realized this morning that when you've reached the point, again, that you spend far more time on the forums talking about the game rather than playing it, something might have gone amiss. Yesterday, I fully intended to PL that fire/regen brute to 50 and spend the weekend doing what was necessary to get it fully tricked out but in the end, I just built it on beta utilizing VASTLY less time to do so and got from it what I needed to. I spent no inf, very little time, pulled nothing from storage and now have absolutely no reason not to delete it from live as it currently sits with nothing but a buncha red SOs. Total inf loss of trying it out? Whatever gets spent buying the P2W stuff I start every character with. The flipside to this is the same thing so many have mentioned already in that as the time/energy spent on a character goes down, the ease of just nuking it goes up. My spreadsheet shows I have around 60 characters total and it seems between 50 and 75 across my two accounts is all my brain can handle. I'll hit the login screen from time to time and scroll through it and go, huh, I'm never playin that again. So I log it on, respec, strip everything, dump it in the bins, email off the inf/emps/merits, and poof, it's gone. And why does this happen? Cuz there's probably only 20 characters (three of them being the same damn character but with different ATs) that I always enjoy playing. The rest are works in progress or something so silly (Bunny Fufu comes to mind) that I keep around just for the giggles. Looking at the spreadsheet now, there's easily 10 I could strip and nuke right now and some of those have never seen the inside of AE because of the other side of this topic. Sometimes you invest fully, you get a backstory, you get a great name and an awesome costume, everything clicks and then after X number of hours playing, you realize that the combo or even the archetype you chose sucks taint. This is particularly bad when you've forced yourself all the way to 50 the long way while deluding yourself into thinking that it'll get better. Point is, I'm not sure I'll bother with much PLing anymore. It's just easier to slap a build together in Mids, export it to beta, and test it out there to save you all manner of time and potential frustration.
  15. I'm a big fan of my time/fire defender for when I think the SG is too melee heavy and I'm not in the mood to just add to the problem. Time provides massive mitigation and fire is... well, fire. And yea, this combo solos surprisingly well.
  16. I don't know what may be next. @arcane actually hit my problem on the head. After experiencing the insanity of a shield/nrg tank, and being able to go afk with an aggro cap of +4s with my sr/claws tank and claws/sr brute, everything else starts to get that "what's the point" feel to it. Edit: Don't get my wrong, my completely over the top nrg/bio/soul scrapper faceplants from time to time as well but the damage she dishes out is freakin obscene.
  17. Oh yea. Up 1min down 9min and unaffected by global recharge, right?
  18. Diabolical Aura would be an awesome armor. T1: Avernus - Toggle SL Resist and Defense T2: Dis - Passive +Recovery and +HP T3: Minaruos - Toggle Knock/Immobilize Protection Negative Nrg Resist and Defense T4: Phlegethos - Toggle Hold/Fear Protection Fire Resist and Defense T5: Stygia - Toggle Sleep/Disorient Protection and Cold Resist and Defense T6: Malbolge - Passive +Regen and +Recharge T7: Maladomini - Toggle Damage Aura Fire/Lethal/NegNrg T8: Cania - Click Slow/Confuse Melee AoE T9: Nessus - Click +Damage, +Resist (All) and +Defense (All,) permable with high up front end cost Wait, did you mean Fiery Aura? Honestly, while I was in that ITF, I was reminded of how it went for my fire/nrg tank. Same basic ride, debuffs are death.
  19. You can get 30% resists just from 5 full purple sets. Doesn't look like there's much out there in set bonuses for Psi defense though but anything with Defense (All) like the steadfast and shield wall uniques will give you some. But NrgAura has a heal. You'll be fine.
  20. Also, thanks for the builds yall and your help. Unfortunately, after properly experiencing it fully kitted out, I'll be nuking the character from orbit. Should tanks ever get regen, I'll revisit.
  21. I would but tanks don't have access to Regen.
  22. Ok, I tried. I can see, based on that fire/regen brute's performance, how on a scrapper, cycling between IH, Rune, MoG, Shadow Meld and Hybrid Melee, you could make a pretty damn tough nut to crack. Or get similar performance from another armor without the need of Rune and Shadow Meld and go with Hybrid Assault for more damage. My overall opinion of regen remains unchanged.
  23. Well... yea. Finished 1st mission. 3rd faceplant was from seafood buffet. Even with 85% slow resists and sprint on I couldn't move fast enough to kite around waiting for things to recharge. IH was up at the time. Off to hit a pylon. Not even gonna bother finishing this ITF. 4:45 pylon time. Chain was Gloom, Incin, Cremate, repeat. Not fully clean and worse during hasten's downtime and with hybrid assault for the first 2 mins. Not awful, could be tightened up. Fire/Shield brute might be interesting but still won't come anywhere near Nrg/Shield.
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