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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Is this a sound it makes when it hits, or makes regardless? If you have an SG where you have base edit rights, there's a way you can verify the sound. 1. In chat type /sg_music <filename>2. In place of <filename> you can check one of these two files I found for Cutting beam. BR_CuttingBeam_Hit_01 or BR_CuttingBeam_Attack_01When you enter your base you should hear the SFX play once. You may need to turn up the SFX volume in Options. FYI: This method will change it for everyone entering the base. But it's much easier than repeatedly changing sound files in the game folders and logging in to verify. I think you want to 'Hit' sound, it's a little extra sound on the end that's kind of low and growly compared to the shot itself. If you of them is it, you can create an alternate sound or just silence file, rename it to the appropriate file and drop it into ogg\Powers folder.
  2. \sounds\ogg folder is where you would put your replacement sounds, in their respective folders.
  3. Okay, finally got it. Even verified on Test. Description: Dull Pain activation Folder name: Powers File name: regen8c.ogg
  4. I believe it's the same sound as the healing power the Freakshow use. I asked a couple of friends that play or have played tanks and was told it was the same as Reconstruction. I built a Invuln tank on Justin just to hear it and the two seem to sound the same to me. Give this a try: \V_Powers\reconstruction.ogg
  5. Try these: Powers\invince2.ogg V_Powers\Nullify_Pain_01.ogg Neither one worked :( Then it's likely using the sfx for some other power's ability, or one that is used for multiple similar abilities.
  6. I will generally respond to tells. I ignore blind invites from people not on my Friend list.
  7. Try these: Powers\invince2.ogg V_Powers\Nullify_Pain_01.ogg
  8. Welcome back Prey!
  9. ** POOF ** Welcome back!
  10. Even if you are not introduced to a new contact, you can open your contacts and click on 'Search' for a new contact. That should get you new contacts within your level range. Just remember to turn off your XP.
  11. First off, this community typically just yells out for groups with the min level requirements. The whole concept you bring of 'asking for competent players' is simply not one that is seen here a lot. Like any grouping of humans, if you don't like the group make up, etc., dropping and reforming is an option. Kicking a player out of a group is not something that is common to me, but I understand that's how some people view the world and I know sometimes players are activly trying to troll a group in some way. What I am trying to convey is that taking any of these actions, in this community, over a player 'not DPSing enough' as a kickable/shunnable/non-grouping issue is generally against the grain. Not the idea of kicking a teammate that is not working well with the team, but the idea of removing a player over DPS, in this game, where DPS means jack-shit, simply runs counter to the spirit of this game for most of it's players. I rail against Hall Monitors and Busy Bodies of all types. The community around this game, as much as they disagree on specifics, is based on people freely grouping, playing the game relaxing. The DPS meters and the uses you outline from the get-go, run couter to the general nature of this community. This community sees kicking players over perceived lack of DPS as a jerk move and will treat anyone promoting that idea as a jerk for that reason. I have known many gamers personally that have the attitude on this you do, right now, that played CoH for a while and realized what I am talking about...this game does not work like FF or WoW or Invictus or Fortnite. Also, these same gamers, now 10+ years later, play more like I do and the CoH crowd does and no longer views 'playing an MMO' as something that they should working toward becoming more competent at to impress other players so they can get groups. You are entitled to your opinion/outlook on DPS meters and the playstyle around them. We are entitled equally to have differeing opinions that run directly counter to yours. Data and experience show me that the gaming style you advocate with DPS meters is not welcome in CoH. +1 inf
  12. Damage meters in CoH are about as necessary as the Holy Trinity.
  13. There's Pines that I've heard about, but I've not used it myself. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3093.0.html It's not online, but it's something.
  14. I always like the Logitech G series mice. But lately the base seems to have gotten narrower and narrower, especially where my thumb rests. feels like I'm constantly trying to pinch my thumb and pinky together. Really annoying that so many have gone this route, really cramps my hand. Currently using a Corsair M65 RGB, still not exactly what I'm looking for but it fits comfortably which is my #1 priority over buttons.
  15. You can do a "/getglobalname <character name>" to find out. That being said, I couldn't get my signature name on Torchbearer due to someone snagging the name before I could get on, so I can definitely understand your feelings. Sorry to hear about that Snow Globe. I know that a friend from the old days had the same issue and messaged the current owner of a name and managed to get it back. So worth a try, never know unless you ask. :)
  16. Remember folks, when providing confirmed sound file names and locations please use the following format: Description: Shadow Cloak loop Folder name: enemies File name: Blue_loop.ogg This allows for ease of incorporating into the tables. Thanks!
  17. Just to clarify, do you hear this phone in any Icon location? I hopped into Steel Canyon Icon and this seemed to hold true, for this location at least.
  18. On one of my RP characters, she confused Scirocco during an STF. It was hilarious to see him pound on Ghost Widow a couple of times but it also caused the tank to lose agro. They were like "Where the pancake is he going!!?!" and I was like "Ooops... <.< ". Nearly caused a team wipe when his mind cleared.
  19. It seems like svartypops has provided at least one option of doing so in the post right above yours. I have been using an online .pigg viewer to look for sound files, but viewing is very different from extracting and repackaging. PK provided a increased volume glowie in another thread, there are also some other fun option listed there as well.
  20. There are a few things that I really dislike in CoH... SFX for Spines aura, Demon rawrs, and robots stomp-stomp-stomping. The one thing I seem to hear about people universally complaining about are caves. Everyone seems to hate the caves. Except for me. When I first started playing CoH and entered my first cave I was immediately thrown back into the world of Morrowind. I had to constantly remind myself that, no... the enemies ahead would not be alerted to my presence when I splashed through a puddle. Anyone else out there with loves in the game that are out of step with the rest of your fellow players?
  21. According to the Archived thread, that should be correct location. Now you would need to rename your _silence.ogg file to name of whatever sound you're wishing to silence.
  22. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Category:Definition
  23. I doesn't look like these forums have that feature, all you can really do click on 'Notify' at the top. I suppose people could do that. I changes the MM Bots stomping to rubber ducky squeaks and Demon rawrs to infant giggles, would be happy to share them. :)
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