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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. I think there are a few more nice thing that can be included in Guide posts, especially if your guide is long, is to break it up. -Try not to put it all in one ginormous post. If it can be broken down into sub-posts I think it's better to do so. Create replies to yourself as place-holders. -When creating multi-post guides, you can link to said posts easily by creating a Table of Contents at the beginning of your first post and then hyperlink the table to the specific post. -For example: GM Fiddleback's 'Some Guide Guidance'. (Which send you back to the first post.) To do this: Rt-click on the 'time of post' at the top of any post and select 'Copy Link Location' While in edit post mode, highlight the selected text in your table, then click the ๐Ÿ”— tool and paste the copied link and save. Repeat for other sub-posts as needed. This has the benefit of allowing returning readers to jump to the desired section without the tediousness of scrolling.
  2. Same here. Far less lag in GC without 100 milling about with all their toggles running. How about a starting zone that is just the interior of an AE building with 2 exits, one to Talos and one to Sharkhead. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. That was actually a section within 'For Fun!' in the old forums. I think it might be too narrow for the name of a new section.
  4. Thank you to our Forum Gods for giving us the ability to disable signatures on a by user basis!
  5. I agree, something like the old For Fun! section that had included Multi-media, Forum Games and other topics.
  6. I guess I should have said colour scheme. I found the old forums colours to be easier on the eyes than the dark blue of the current colour scheme. Sorry for the confusion. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. I just saw the post down in Website Suggestions and Feedback. Thanks GM Fiddleback!
  8. The old forums colour scheme added to the toggle would be nice. Although I realize you are working on more important things at the moment. ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Perhaps they could add the old forums colour theme to the Theme toggle at the bottom at some point. For those of us who can't really look at this dark blue format for any length of time.
  10. Personally, if I were to flip a character, I'd rather do the missions. The only time I've actually used the Gull to flip was when I transferred a character to another server temporarily in an attempt to help a player asking for help in Discord.
  11. I either solo, because I like reading through the missions and experiencing content at my own speed or I team up with my friends from Legacy CoH. Unless they are running through the higher TFs/SFs because I don't have a character up to even 35 yet. <.< Damn Alt-itis.
  12. I see that the removed much of the dead space too.
  13. My biggest issue with vertical spacing on some posts in the old forums) were some sigs were huge. They could post a one-line comment but thanks to the size of their sig their post was 4-5x longer than it needed to be. I ended up turning off sigs in my view because of it but that seems like a brute force way of dealing with it. I'm not seeing signatures as an option in the sew forums, but if they implement them later on (should these forums return) a cap on sig height would be nice.
  14. Just saw the notice that forums are being reverted.
  15. That's great news PK. I was willing to support Patreon to the max for a few months if it looked like we'd reach our goals. Sadly that wasn't the case and since I'm currently looking for work I had to cancel.
  16. Also, if you haven't noticed it yet, you can add a 'cover photo' to your profile.
  17. I was able to upload a 600x600 version of my avatar without an error.
  18. Well, it may have, you just have to look outside of the Blaster section. :รพ
  19. Iknowright!? I refreshed the page and the forums transformed on me.
  20. Definitions of Acronyms & Abbreviations
  21. I don't PUG that much, but the ignore would come at the end, not during. For me anyway.
  22. A form I had to hand out on occasion at previous jobs.
  23. The only thing I expect is for the devs volunteering their time to this project, to do whatever it is that they can manage. I'm happy to be once again playing this game, if they don't change or add a single pancaking thing and are content to keep it running, I will take it.
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