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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. You can get around this by placing chunks of files in different folders and pointing each instance of the parser to different folders.
  2. Hmmm... parser is hung up on a file, not progressing and no error. "boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-15130-20120904-150600, line 29072 of 313737" Pulled the other files out and reran the same file. Got the following error:
  3. PK, are the parsed files being reported properly? The last couple of runs I've done have said "Now processing file # 0 of 1." or "#0 of 3'". It seems to continue as expected and creates the .warcskip file(s). If it's removing the files anyway, probably don't need the .warcskip files. But I throw it/them back into the archive folder, use it kind of like a placeholder for what I've already parsed.
  4. Caught in the act. :D I figured I grab some smaller ones since the second one I parsed was something like 250k.
  5. PK, I got the following error parsing a group of 5 files.
  6. It's a good thing you built the 'remove already-parsed file' feature into to this app PK, after a while just listing and manually removing those will get lengthy.
  7. There are also the Sin Spike, which are a head full of short spikes. The Brow Spike you can use with a Hood, that partially mitigates the look. It would be nice if there a smaller version of the Crown Horns.
  8. Whelp, it appears to be doing something. ^.^ 'boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-25339-20120905-082202' done Currently parsing 'boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-12304-20120905-142216' file.
  9. My experience was similar. And when it reached 99% it reported that it was stalled. Although it also reported that 219G was dl'd which was the size of the file. I think is was just a reporting issue and that it actually completed, as the archive folder reported the same size. Fair warning, be sure that your unzip location has enough space. I started unzipping before I realized that my destination was not my data drive with adequate storage. XD
  10. I would definitely like to help, could someone suggest a good torrent app? EDIT: Picked up qBittorrent, appears it will still take a considerable amount of time to db the archive.
  11. Outstanding! +1 inf for this PK. Regarding Step 1, does it matter which type of file we download? I see several listed.
  12. I'm just glad that we have these servers to play on. Makes no difference to me which one has the highest pop since I play with my friends regardless of which server they're on.
  13. +1 inf I have updated my original post with your suggestion since it solved the OP's issue.
  14. Memphis Bill
  15. Here's the archived forum thread with the same issue discussed.
  16. Okay, found these steps in the archived forums: 1) Arrange your characters on each server in the exact order you want them. Make sure to move each character at least once. 2) Go into your CoH folder, find the subfolder with your account name on it. 3) Find playerslot.txt. (This may be tricky, what with the folder having one file for every player you've ever exchanged /tells with.) 4) Right-click, "proprieties", check "Read Only", "Apply". FYI: Make sure the folder itself isn't set to read-only? That'd override any individual file settings. Thanks to @THEDarkTyger for imparting this suggestion, as it resolved the OP's issue. In the same thread Impish Kat also suggested the following: "I just went into the playerslot.txt file, deleted the content, saved the (empty) text file, and let the game rewrite it when I logged in and arranged my characters as desired. Seems to do the trick without changing the file to read only."
  17. I will have to hunt through the archived forums, if I recall correctly there's a way to modify your character roster text file to keep them in order. Or perhaps PK or or Zombie Man may recall and pop in here with the info. :)
  18. There used to be a thread like this back in the old forums, in the Fun & Games section. Along with the weekly Palette Costume Contest those two threads were a lot of fun. I didn't know of Taskmaster but it was fun trying to figure him out with what's available.
  19. Confusing Scirocco during an STF, it was funny as hell to see him pound on Ghost Widow, but it also caused the tank to lose agro and a near team wipe. Oops... <.<
  20. Hemorrhagic Fever - Water/Poison Corruptor
  21. I have a spreadsheet of sounds that Zombie Man provided a link to back in some other thread. I think it's small enough to attach. All_the_sounds.ods
  22. Thanks folks. ^.^ Let me see if attachments work. I have no idea how big Taskmaster is, I made him close to 7' tall so if the file is used, may want to alter height. Taskmaster.costume
  23. This is the closest I could get. The image didn't provide details for his legs, and most of the ones I found online had his legs relatively unarmoured. There's also a sword option that looks like a light sabre and one that's full-on flame, including hilt and pommel.
  24. That's always been the issue, there are many sounds used by PCs that are not obvious when it comes to names, especially if it uses multiple file sounds. Makes it a royal pain. Thanks PK! I'm sure people will find that helpful. :)
  25. \sounds\ogg folder is where you would put your replacement sounds, in their respective folders. Not sure if I'm missing something or if it's differences caused by Tequila. The above address seems to be where the game installs sounds, but the files and folders are different. The folder "Frontend", for instance, does not contain a "Recharge" file. Where should I be creating the new location for silenced sounds, given the above path? Also, thanks for taking the time to do all this. Great community. I have Tequila installed and had to make the sounds\ogg folders myself. The game's built-in sounds are located in the .pigg files within the pigg folder. When you have the same named files within the sounds\ogg\etc folders, the game will look at those instead. So if you wish to replace the 'Recharge' sound or silence it, you need to create an .ogg sound file and name it 'Recharge.ogg' then create a folder named 'frontend' within the ogg folder and place your new Recharge.ogg file in there. So your directory should look like: data\sounds\ogg\frontend\recharge.ogg
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