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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. That always struck me as odd. Snipers in a residential zone, none in the RWZ?
  2. I collected Vinyl Pops, not a ton of them because I had very specific requirements. My sister and I bought a house and had these put in: I played: Neverwinter Nights The Secret World Skyrim (finished) Still Play: SWToR (though not regularly) Minecraft
  3. It's a front, they even pipe the sounds of a functioning bowling alley through hidden speakers.
  4. If you open the costume file and adjust the height to -35 you can shrink your character by about 1 head-height. I've nor checked it, but in another thread anything beyond -35 will generate an error. In-game minimum for the female frame is -27, Example: I edited Jaggedy Ann's costume file to a height of -35, the costume on the left is the minimum height allowed via sliders.
  5. Roy Clark - Malaguena
  6. Moody Blues - The Word is Om
  7. Jethro Tull - Aqualung
  8. Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525
  9. Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald
  10. The Animals - House of the rising Sun
  11. Along with updating the rescuee AI, certain map rooms should be removed or banned from escort mission. Like the Layer cake room or multi-ramped Arachnos room.
  12. From the August donation thread. Yeah, goal achieved in 12 minutes.
  13. Healer - Emp/minimal secondary attacks. This game does not need or require healbotz to play.
  14. Either 2 or 3, that way should there be a mob nearby they are less likely to agro.
  15. I found a less than optimal work-around for inserting spreadsheet data into tables. Since my posts already have the data in BBCode tables, I was able to drag-select all the cells in my current tables and past them into the new tables. Warning: Work in a new post and not in an original. On my the first attempt, when I saved, the new table disappeared. Fortunately I still had it sitting down in an open reply. <whew> If you have a lot of data, I highly recommend using PK's BBCoder tool for creating tables, it was a life saver.
  16. I use Firefox and have the same issue with trying to paste spreadsheet data into the table. It either wants to insert is as an image, drops it all into a single cell, or does nothing at all if I choose the paste as text option.
  17. Another thing you can do is click on the [+] next to the 'Quote' button on any post and then port that quote to any other thread. Just click on the "Quote # post" popover to insert the quoted post.
  18. Strange that imgur would do it that way.
  19. Using imgur BBCode url option.
  20. Pasted directly https://imgur.com/8FQ6nlx I am using Firefox 68.0.1 (32-bit)
  21. Standard install does not include the 'data' folder. You will have to manually create that folder and any sub-folder first.
  22. I am constantly visiting Paragon Wiki because it's a one-stop-shop for most everything I am looking for. My own personal preference for game info/details such as contacts, missions, zones, powersets, etc. is to be able to go to one place to find it. I'd rather the CoH:H wiki had it all, rather than just the Homecoming exclusives. One-stop-shopping. For things like build specific guides or binds or whatnot, then I'll be looking here on the forums.
  23. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine
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