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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Menu > Chat Handle I believe. Edit: Quickly jumped into game to check.
  2. I miss ninja buffing... I should start doing that again. :) Always enjoyed Ninja Buffing, Often I would join lowbie teams with my L50 Kin or Emp and just keep buffing the hell out of them.
  3. Angel Red Protector was my home server, but I met Dramen at HeroCon and re-rolled my main on Justice so I could play with him online along with a bunch of others he introduced me to.
  4. It'd be helpful if the size requirements were provided on the page.
  5. My fondest memory is of the Protector Server Raids, where a bunch of the Protectorites would create a bunch of themed characters on the server being "raided' and cause general confusion. One of them we built a bunch of mimes. After a few "raids" several of the other servers raided Protector with Hami themed characters so everyone were bubblers. Even the devs got involved on that one and started dropping multiple monsters on the hill by the Talos rail. An absolutely complete blast.
  6. I had over 100 characters across all the servers... odds are there are a few that I don't recall. <.< My main character and the first one I got to 50, Angel Red, I had on all servers but two, one of the US and one of the EU servers. As far as names I can't recall that bug me, a had a tween MA scrapper that I RPd with and I just cannot recall her super name or her personal name. :/
  7. I played EQ for a few months with friends before picking up CoH and spent the next 6 years playing all the way to the end. After that; Secret World Neverwinter Nights Star Wars: The Old Republic and not really classified as an 'M'MO but Minecraft. I highly recommend using the ICON tool to create your characters especially if like me, you tend to spend an excessive amount of time in the costume creator. ^.^
  8. Angel Red here.
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