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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Also, Options - Prompt to teleport - On. I also agree with putting the tool that kept ignoring instructions on ignore.
  2. Miriam Makeba -Oxgam
  3. There may be a couple of threads down in Guides section. Not sure if there are guilds for building AE farms in the Mission Architect section. But you can probably find some farms listed there, maybe run through a couple to get an idea of what they are about.
  4. A lagfest upon entering Atlas Park, is not the best experience for a new player.
  5. I drove my mom crazy listening to this... repeatedly... <.<
  6. All well and good to avoid Atlas Park but people exiting the tutorial don't have that option. For newbies, their first missions come from contacts there in (or under) Atlas Plaza.
  7. How about a suggestion in the Feedback & Suggestions section for something like: Auto-detoggle player toggles/despawn pets for players inactive longer than 1 minute (that are not in a mission). If they could make it area specific like within a certain range of trainers/base portals/train stations, even better.
  8. I got a song stuck in my head one day and had to make this, costume is almost all steampunk but for me it's the combo of the costume, name, bio and powersets that I like so much about this character. Tubthumper - Sonic/Thermal Corruptor
  9. Spectres was such a great album yet only a handful of the songs ever got any airtime.
  10. This is why I miss Galaxy City. You can silence or change those. I altered the Demon Lt roar, it now giggles like a 6 month old infant and is much quieter. Robot stomps now sound like rubber duckies. Spines aura sound like bubbles. Others like base portal or Portal Corp portals are just silent now. Granted none of this does anything for the lag, just saves my hearing.
  11. Character select screen - Upper right corner, click on Pencil to rename character.
  12. No PMJ yet!?!
  13. OTR - Bad Romance cover
  14. Electric Mastery power pool does not have the Lightning Field at least acording to the wiki. Without Justin being up I an unable to hop on and insta-level a character. Can you please indicate your class and verify Powerset or Pool.
  15. Go to the last tab in Options and scroll to the bottom, there's a Save/Load Windows option. It's still not perfect, but if you alter your windows colours/positions/opacity/etc and save it here, then you can load the same on any other character.
  16. I believe that to the AI it's more like...
  17. I'm still trying to locate this sounds, it's a little more problematic without having Justin to test on. I though it might be \Ogg\V_Powers\shockfield.ogg but wasn't it.
  18. I've had a Corsair M65 RGB Elite for less than 9 months and its left button has already begun to fail.
  19. +1 inf I only played CoH for just shy of 6 years and there is still content I've not played.
  20. I enjoy playing Defenders/Controllers/Corruptors. Solo'ing can be slow, sometimes painfully so, but team with another like-minded player... oh boy... A team full of Defenders especially with 2 or more Kins and it's epicness goes through the roof.
  21. Not sure if anyone else is seeing this issue but I've noticed today that when I try to post a comment in which there are at least 2 nested quotes (quoting someone who has quoted another poster) ahead of my own comment that it never posts to the thread but instead get redirected to a blank page with a url like: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/board,2/action,post2.html I had no issue posting a comment, and was able to 'preview' the post with 2 nested quotes, but when I add a comment and attempt to preview. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php?action=post2;start=0;board=2
  22. I general--at least for me--the reason I don't comment in a thread is because the OP's thread title was too generic and required one to enter the thread to know what the discussion or their question was about. "You know what...?" "OMG, I just found..." "I have a question" A little more detail in the Subject would likely cut down on thread divers that have nothing to add or comment on when they enter the thread and find out that they have nothing to add or comment on. /: As for as tells in-game or in social media; I for one check FB maybe once every 3-4 days, in-game the only thing I ignore are blind invites but most of my chatting is done in Discord vc with the people I play with who also happen to be the same people I played with in Legacy CoH that I've kept in tough with since the game was shuttered.
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