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Everything posted by BrandX

  1. Contracts to play the character.
  2. To my knowledge, they can't do the X-Men yet, without using the same actors already playing the parts on FOX. I personally want them recast and don't care for the idea of mixing FOX X-Men into the MCU, but I wasn't 100% on with mixing SONY Spider-Man and Sony-verse into the MCU either 😛
  3. What should've held attention however, was Echo herself though. In the show I didn't feel she had any presence at all.
  4. Coin...50/50 chance you'll get what you want in the patch. 😜
  5. The problem with any character when people use the words Mary Sue or Woke...is yes, plenty of characters that may have been that or stories that have been that, it's when it's combined with what some may call bad writing or obvious agenda it's an issue. All that said, like I've said before. The movie as a movie in the chronicles of Indiana Jones felt fine. A movie as the last ride of Indiana Jones, it felt bad. Not that I think he should've died. I just didn't think the directions they went were good. Killing Mutt for one. And after all Indiana has done for the US, you'd think they'd give him some slack 😛
  6. Not sure if it's typo or not, but in Info screen with list of badges tab, the badge is reading as "Once and Future Hero.gender"
  7. Boring. Echo wasn't interesting in Hawkeye, so I was hoping this would make her interesting. She's boring. Actress has no charisma. Character has no sympathy. I had no reason to root for her at all. It had some typical "Talk crap about what went down moments" as lots of shows tho, but I do that to shows I love, so don't take that as a complaint. It's more of a "It wasn't great and it had that problem" The mystical aspects they added in were meh and the ancestor scenes weren't interesting either. I was pretty meh with the acting in them. Show needed lots of work. 2/5 Stars
  8. Just log in and check Croatoa then leave 🙂
  9. There's lots of ways people can spin their concepts for all the sets, more so with recoloring for a lot of them, but more options with done slightly different would be good 🙂
  10. I put in how I'd do Psychic Armor in the Eco Power Thread in Suggestions
  11. Like I said, to much Taika Waititi
  12. Did Aquaman get any late night talk show action? The Marvels didn't as the strike was going on, and I feel that hurt The Marvels a lot. Two of the leads were in the D+ series, not bad, but also, it leaves some others going "Who are they?" and going "Meh" or "Wait for streaming" And then back to the Brie hate for many.
  13. Well...I'd say it was for Eternals. However, they were ALSO trying to do some else with it's direction, which didn't seem to work for a lot of people. Maybe...maybe not...for Thor L&T, but I thought it's biggest issue was to much Taika.
  14. Exactly! And when he had the eye patch in the series, he had a daughter! When #4 came out, I thought "Yay! Marion and him had another kid and it was a girl!" Now either one could've taken his place!
  15. I'd prefer a total reboot as well, with those actors coming back as new roles as well or cameos (but as new roles).
  16. Personally I would've recast Indiana. More adventures of young Indiana. However, I never would've changed the history of Indiana from how he becomes in The Young Indiana Jones Adventures series.
  17. Momoa playing Momoa as Aquaman more so! That said, movie was fun. However, for the last of the Snyder verse, it is sending out the DCEU with a silent whimper.
  18. Watched The Marvels. In fact, watched it twice in theaters. So, I have to say, I liked it. Iman stole the show and she's made me like Ms Marvel (don't care for her in the comics, but her show and this movie have been good). I heard the calls of it being "woke" but for this, it's not there imo. However, that said, when you have an actress that has called out it's main audience as being garbage (even though it was still the main audience of this movie and still blaming them) and those involved in the movie making process attacking fans...I can see why people would just say it is. I have one friend, I know she's avoided MCU movies since Eternals (there's a woke one). That all said, still, if you can, see The Marvels. Fun movie. 🙂 I enjoyed Ant-Man 3 too. However, I think part of it's issue was they kept the same director who really hadn't delivered in the box office area for Ant-Man 1 and 2, so why go such a huge budget and same director for 3?
  19. New Mutants was released right before quarantine went into full swing, but had sort of started. Saw it in theaters. That said, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.
  20. I loved The Pretender! Would they be able to make to make it as good? Would it be re boot, or continuation? Quantum Leap's is a continuation and it's been good imo. Haven't watched the last few episodes due to cable provider losing contract with NBC. *sigh*
  21. I was hoping for classic Rogue or something like Evolution's Rogue, which felt like a great update for her.
  22. The problem with X-Men as I know it, is they can't use the X-Men without using the last actors in the roles until...this year sometime (2024) maybe. Something with contracts. Which, honestly, with them currently, I'm worried about what they would do with the X-Men. I want an an all new cast, but I want them to be like the characters in the comics. Never felt we got a good Rogue. I personally was never fond of Patrick Stewart as Professor X, but I'm sure I'm the only one in that area. But regardless, I want new YOUNG cast, so they can last awhile without making the characters become to old to quickly.
  23. A good team. First you're going to want some AOE. You stick with a team of ST melee, you're going to be at it a long time. Stealther with TP is good too, doesn't help on the kill alls, but for 4 missions, you can run to boss and teleort. Strong Melee who can solo the maps, this isn't really needed for any map, except the rescue 6 hostages map. If he can survive the barrage of clockwork and just jump to each rescue, this will make things go faster. Don't go in with unslotted heroes. No ACC or DMG? Going to take awhile. Lastly. Don't forget the AOE.
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