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Jolly Ogre

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About Jolly Ogre

  • Birthday April 1

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  1. i have mids v2.6.0.7 how do i get the newest version? i tried doing what the OP said but nothing worked. i am not that computer savvy so i may be doing it wrong. is there an easy way to update mids?
  2. Had I known that I would have killed her.
  3. I know it is a Temp power but when I re-ran the arc the powers were not even offered again.
  4. What happened to this? I had this on some of my toons and now its gone and when I did the arc again it was not even offered as a reward anymore. What gives?
  5. So you can not have auto fire powers activate now while in rest?
  6. So how do you start this now....I don't see it as a flashback from the pillar.
  7. no just the PVP ones
  8. Well I do Catalyze the heal, res, and def, procs that I get at lvl 50 and put them in my base for my alts to be able to use them as they lvl up.
  9. well they are and i am now badging on all my mains. My troller already has them now for my blaster, corr, sent, scrap, brute and tank. I think I might be insane!!
  10. I really don't understand the need for sustained AoE. With Ele/Shield you thunderstrike, lighting rod and shield charge and there is nothing left standing to AoE. The boss is there but single target is for him. When you are done with him and on to the next group everything is recharged. What is the problem?
  11. get some Diphenhydramine 25 mg as an IM injection and do a prednisone taper and you will be fine.
  12. Heh...Fire/Rad troller Every faction is the same. Hit them with flashfire and jump in with choking cloud and hot feet. Hit the AoE imob and then single target hold the boss. The imps will kill what is still standing in very short order. If you do this with more than 1 Frad it is overpowered when you get 4 together it gets really silly... a full team...well then its roll and burn mayhem baby!!
  13. Well what to pair with Fire...Rad of course. Its overpowered and who does not want to be overpowered. Besides it is fun to irradiated them and watch them burn. Frads FTW all the time. Trollers, Blasters, Tanks, Brutes, Srappers, Corr. All of them, nuke them till they glow and burn them to ash its the only way to be sure they are clean.
  14. I am Cinder... I am a Tank... I have it all...buh ha ha ha!!
  15. I am really torn between my Fire/Rad and my Rad/Rad. Which one would be best?
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