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Everything posted by Knightward

  1. This is absolutely gorgeous! I am completely blown away.
  2. Ok, it's not a matter of the zone being too low level (again, like how Jack of Irons doesn't spawn in Atlas Park or Kings Row in the Halloween event), it's just crappy luck. Good thing I'm not trying to badge on multiple characters anymore!
  3. Anyone know how or why the event is being buggy? I did it 4 times this evening, in Steel, Skyway, Kings Row, and Talos. Each of those had the event message about him personally showing up, but he never did in the first 3. Apparently he actually showed up in PI at the same time, as his defeat message was in events, but I didn't make it there. Is there an unspoken zone level to it now, like getting Jack of Irons to spawn in the Halloween event?
  4. I'm not going to claim to have much to add to the arguments here. What I will say is I like the auto-upgrade for enhancements that have already been slotted. I also _really_ like the suggestion in here that non-IOs get a floor at -2 rather than going red. Completely removing TOs and DOs.... I'm not comfortable with. But then I'm one of those rare few crazy people that doesn't DFB through the early levels, so I don't have the tantalization of getting a handful of lowbie SOs. I'm one of those insane people because I like the slowboating as it gives plenty of opportunity to get a feel for your character's build: what works, what doesn't, what's essential and what can be skipped, where the strengths and weaknesses are, etc. So once they get to the endgame I already know exactly how to kit them out. And let's be honest, going from difficulty playing a character to tearing through everything is satisfying as hell! But there's no One True Way to play the game or have fun, so I don't blame anyone for not going with my idiosyncrasies here. What I'm rambling my way to, is that having SOs from the start seems like it would make it more difficult to parse how exactly any given build ultimately works.
  5. That's how I got it.
  6. On the plus side it can be autocompleted, if the timing to get a DD itrial is against you.
  7. Yeah, the Ramiel mission is pretty much only useful for Cataclysmic. For Immortal I'm working on it with CoT guides, since I don't have a 2nd account. The specific level and numbers depends on your HP and regen, so I couldn't say how you can optimize it. What I can say is farming it with a 1892 hp scrapper with 9.08% regen while resting what's working for me is having 2 +1 guides (they would be +2 if it weren't for the level shift) hitting for about 900 hp each. If you're going to have multiple guides make sure to stagger their attacks. If they attack at the same time your regen may have trouble keeping up. Regardless, Immortal takes a loooooong time to get. Farming this makes me envy every melee AT/sentinel that's regen.
  8. Keeping the reactor alive in Terra Volta perhaps?
  9. Well crap, looks like I need to find the time to badge some more!
  10. Not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but with the Halloween badges Trusting and Arriviste (the last option in the tip mission, the one that just gives you inf) don't replace each other when you switch alignments. They're now earned separately and permanently much as the patron badges are on Homecoming compared to how it worked on live. I assume this is working as intended, but I don't remember seeing anything said about it one way or the other. So technically it's a new badge in the sense that your collection is 1 higher than used to be possible.
  11. I'm assuming that this would allow the staff to be paid and thus able to focus on the game. So I'm fine with a subscription or, if need be, microtransactions, to support you guys at that point. Big things I'd want to see are the continuation of the storyline and other things the devs had been working on but never finished, like the rest of the origin-based power pools.
  12. Count me in on supporting this idea.
  13. I still want a Jaegermeister badge for killing enough Nemesis Jaegers.
  14. I used to have a hero badge character and villain badge character back in the day, and committed to it once side switching became possible (that said, I still went for all the badges from both sides on both of them and yes it was insane). I probably won't have my villain collect everything from both sides this time though, because I don't have that kind of time anymore. Really it's a matter of what works for you: Does it break character too much to have all the badges from the other side? Is finding the time to get multiple characters to 50 difficult?
  15. I could have sworn back in the day falling damage explicitly didn't count for damage badges. Maybe it's not the case now? What I remember was finding an enemy in a mission that, when you're resting, can take out a good chunk of your health, but not so much that you wouldn't be back to 100% by the time they hit again. And spend several weeks doing that (maybe less after they reduced the requirements) when you go to bed. To avoid veering too far off topic, I can confirm on my scrapper that rebirth healing in Mercy works great! Depending on the number of Arachnos troops marching in place you can get up to 20k healing credit from the +max hp every time it fires off. Left it running overnight and did plenty of other stuff when I'd wake up the next day, and by the 3rd night I got empath.
  16. I can confirm it exists. Don't know if you need to finish certain Praetorian arcs first, but it's definitely listed at 50, both Resistance and Loyalist versions.
  17. Reactive on my BS/DA scrapper. I was tired of all the lethal resistance, and already had -def in my attacks to begin with. Mind, my thinking tends to be less "whittle down the enemy" where -regen would be absolutely helpful, and more "savagely beat it to death right now!" so improving the actual damage numbers is appealing.
  18. Having far more experience with broadsword than the other 2, and little to no experience with mace, my information will be extremely lopsided. Broadsword's parry is the fun way to laugh at melee attacks even when you're not playing a def heavy powerset as it stacks with repeated usage. It's strongest attack, headsplitter, also has a small melee cone and knockback so you can hit 2, sometimes 3 enemies at once with it if you line it up. Its 2nd to last attack, disembowel, also has a knockup effect that very consistently works, to the point that if I chain it with the pbaoe's I need to pause for a second so they'll actually connect. All its attacks except for parry also have a 7.5% def debuff, so the more you hit the more you'll continue to hit (and if for some reason you want to slot to enhance the debuff rather than murderdeathkilling you can). Broadsword is essentially katana, but bigger: more damage, more debuff, more endurance, and conceptually similar attacks with vastly different animations; so if you know katana you know what you're getting here. As jack_nomind pointed out, axe is great for juggling the enemy, so hooray less chance to fire off attacks! I had plenty of fun with my tanker that used it. While I can't quantify how much enemies constantly having to pick themselves back up improves your survivability, it absolutely helps. Mace disorients, but I don't know the mag or duration for it and how well that works with most enemies. While it's true that smashing and lethal are the most resisted damage in the game, the enemy groups that typically are better at resisting those other damage types tend not to be so great with their smashing/lethal, so you will get to enjoy shredding enemies that slow others down. If memory serves, these powersets just flat out do more base damage to compensate for that frequent resistance.
  19. Are you going to the villain copy of those islands, or heading up to them when on the Peregrine Island map? Cause those badges exist on the villain version. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Monster_Island
  20. I'm pretty sure you still get incarnate XP when XP is turned off since you're not actually gaining levels, you're just unlocking the capacity to craft new powers... although I didn't think to test it out. Likewise, veteran levels don't count as actual levels (although you do get the light show and buffs all around for every veteran level same as actually leveling up), so you don't have to worry about outleveling all outdoor maps. The toughest those Rikti War Zone enemies will get is +3 if you have a rare or very rare alpha ability.
  21. The 4th set bonus is more recovery. As is the 2nd set bonus from Miracle.
  22. Yeah, the tricky thing with finding the "worst" powerset combo is that depending on how you build it, and especially how you slot it and the IO sets you use, you can get around the major issues with those powersets. Again with end-guzzling powersets and my broadsword/dark armor scrapper, thanks to set bonuses and accolades I have 123 endurance on him and a ton of recovery. Blue insps have gone from being mandatory to worthless.
  23. Last night I did a LGTF with a titan/dark armor brute.... .... on my broadsword/dark armor scrapper.
  24. Hilariously, I tend to do much the same. But then, I end up playing powersets that end up having endurance problems, so set bonuses and procs that help with that start looking really, really good. Health usually has the Regenerative Tissue proc, Miracle: Heal and Miracle proc (for the recovery set bonus), Numina proc along with Heal and Heal/whatever (again, for set bonuses). Stamina, unless the build doesn't have much endurance issues to begin with, I usually 4 slot with Performance Shifter. The proc, End Mod, and 2 End Mod/whatevers so I can get the set bonus for recovery.
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