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About drgantz

  • Birthday 03/27/1965

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  1. Is Placate AOE now?
  2. It appears that recharge affects the start or restart of a toggle. Does it affect the toggle during it? For example, if a toon has a damage shield or Maneuvers, does it make it damage or defend more often? Does it improve damage or defense in this way?
  3. If I put a Recharge Enhancement in a Toggle Power, will it have any affect?
  4. For a long time, I've wanted to make a plant based support. I've wondered if I should make Plant/NA Controller, or NA/Dark Defender. From the comments in this post, it appears that Def is better for a strong team while Contr is better for a weak team. I'll make a Def. Thanks for the comments.
  5. drgantz

    Sci Fi Doctor

    Thanks everyone. All of your advice was appreciated. BR appears the be the best and the most Science Fictiony, so I plan to use BR.
  6. drgantz

    Sci Fi Doctor

    I'm planning to make a Sci Fi themed doctor. I plan to use Emp and either BR or DP. I'm not sure which is better for a Def. I don't think that BR has many good secondary effects, so I wonder if it would be good for a Def. I plan to mostly group for TFs and other group missions. I only PVE. I don't PVP. Which do you think is best?
  7. The duck in a bowl is ok, but I want a duck bill. It would be great for my toon to be a duck.
  8. It appears to be good and is for for people who want an Ice theme, but I'm upset that it doesn't have Hibernate.
  9. That's awesome. I didn't know that we had Ice Mastery for Corr until I saw this post. I wish it had Hibernate, but oh well.
  10. There is a costume pieces request topic and it has a huge number of entries. This should be in that topic. I've made submissions into that topic, and I think that my suggestions are the most important. Someone else thinks that his suggestions are the most important. Also, I don't know if the devs have a graphic designer who can create new appearance items, or if they must come from things already in the game.
  11. We can only get the badge once. I'll admit that I've had many times in which someone ruined the badge, either on accident or on purpose. Once, I took 6 tries to get the badge. Most of the time I get it in one try. When I create a DFB run, I say that it is a badge run, and ask if there is anybody who doesn't know the badge routine. If someone doesn't know, I explain it. I see no reason to change the badge routine. Our devs should spend their time on more important things.
  12. Toon is a drummer. I've been told that drummers must have a lot of endurance, so I think of WP. I've been told that Energy Aura is one of the best, but I don't like its appearance. I mostly plan to do group stuff, especially TFs. I am willing to consider other secondaries. I tried Shield, making the shield look like a cymbal, but I didn't like it.
  13. What confuses me is that one enh has End/Rech and it doesn't mention Def except for the category. I don't understand how it can improve Def better than a general Def IO.
  14. Posts like this are always helpful
  15. I was looking at Luck of the Gambler and noticed that some of the enhancements don't provide defense. They provide recharge or other traits. Since these are for defense skills (for a Stalker, but could be for other ATs) I wonder if it would be better to use one LotG and generic Def IOs for a Def skill.
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