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Everything posted by Crysis

  1. You’ll note that I specially wasn’t speaking to farming, especially not in the AE. But I do enjoy a good farming session on occasion. It’s my Zen fix, far better than all the inane chatter happening during most large scale League events.
  2. Yeah I know the “performance enhancers” like Experienced tokens or moving over to Idom and the Labyrinth but I tend to view all those as modifiers to a “base value” and thus was looking to benchmark the methods thrown about as “uber XP per minute” and see if in fact the AE has been bested. And in some ways it has been if you are a 50+2/3/4 in regular DA content it sounds like. I was on a ToT league last week and everyone was earning a bunch of XP obviously but I didn’t really find it any faster than AE methods minus use of Experienced tokens. Honestly the Lab seems like it’s likely that sweet spot but as pointed out it takes a bit to organize a group (and not many takers it seems). I have solo’d in there to learn the ropes but of course I get selected and often get smashed. Fun adrenaline rush though. Nice to be “stalked” like that. Just looking for other experiences/opinions. Sounds like 1 vet level per 20 mins outside of AE and minus any “modifiers” is about the limit. That’s what….280k per minute? I’m guessing all Vet levels are same XP (5,608,000 xp)?
  3. Great info and I looked for Bills older posts on this some time ago but couldn’t find it. Ever measured XP rates doing this? I just started and thus far fastest was 1 vet level (5.608mm cp) in about 20 mins. But the map I was on was a cave so lots of moving around required. Office tile set seem like it would be faster. This was on a MM at +4/x8.
  4. Hmmm, so the control panel isn’t set -upon- the stage with all the bots in the ITF but rather is -inside of- that stage/platform?
  5. I’ve seen a great many posts on great AE farm maps with most of the emphasis being placed on influence gain per hour. But I pretty much only active farm right now to Powerlevel/Powerfarm new alts. Of course with those the Double XP tokens speed that up considerably. But the other kind of power farming I do is grinding out Empyreans and Threads once I achieve 50+3 status. The fastest way to earn Incarnate salvage is to speed-run Heather’s DA arc….typically can be done in under 10 mins by most toons if focus is on objectives only. ITF runs are also great for grinding out XP and threads post 50. I have some 50’s who have T4’d out all Incarnat powers before vet level 8 just running Heathers arc repeatedly. But I’ve always wondered….whats the absolute max XP per hour achievable in the game for a solo player in the post 50 levels? But solo 50+ whatever (once all slots unlocked) without using Experienced boosters….whats the best XP per hour achievable outside of AE? Outside of soloing, what about League events, TF’s or Trials for best XP per hour? Kill all TinPex seems pretty good to me but still interested in solo methods.
  6. I have seven /Marine Affinity MM’s and have found many damage-able objectives can’t be Whitecapped. The objectives in a LAM for example but also many of the various portal devices you must destroy in regular missions. But oddly, Infernals altar portal can be Whitecapped IIRC, while the control panel at the Council base in the ITF cannot. Im sure there’s some consistency in object coding but it seems weird to me it works on some but not all.
  7. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe this month.
  8. Elite = L33t
  9. ^^^^ basically this. Melee characters -specifically- benefit from Fold Space, maybe more than any other class, as they can cover themselves with critters and generally sustain the swarming effect better than their unarmored peers. In fact I almost always try to fit in FS on my melee characters for just this reason. I think what I see with this thread is a case of “But I should be the one doing….”-ism, and people are feeling like their perceived “role” is being usurped by a pesky “other AT” with Fold Space. Which it can be if used appropriately or at the very least used to assist the process. As someone said upthread there’s Tanker the AT and then there’s tanking using auras, status patches (eg; Bonfire) or control effects alongside Fold Space to do Tanker like aggroing for the team. And that’s the heart of this whole “etiquette.” Some players feel like their special whatever has been infringed upon and it makes them feel less whole as a result. Nothing to do with the power or its function. It’s player mentality of neat little boxes of roles and a mindset of scarcity of playstyles that is the real issue. Now Group Fly…..that’s different as it it can completely disable certain powers from even activating on some players. That’s infringement. Yess NtG can fix that but in the middle of a TF it’s usually too late to make that visit.
  10. Couple years old now, but I still pull out my Illusion/Savage/Ice Dominator quite frequently. Very “Nightcrawler-esque” with Combat Teleport added into the mix, particularly to get max damage out of the build. Haven’t really needed to update her since she hit 50, final build posted in the thread.
  11. Username checks out
  12. I took it on my Necro/Marine and then later respecced out of it. I didn’t find it was working on anything that was already summoned (eg Barrier Reef) but would enhance my heal. But once you seldom need much healing with that set it wasn’t useful to me.
  13. For -active- farming, your best bet is to focus on Smashing/Lethal farming. If you multibox, lots and lots of combo’s, even non-farming builds, are viable using these farms as it’s quite easy to cap S/L Defense, Resistance or even both. I have a DP/Time Blaster that is S/L/R Defense capped and also uses Hybrid Support to max out Resistance. Farm with that toon all the time and it’s not risky at all. Same goes for MasterMinds (takes a bit more work, but very viable), Dominators (really need the pets to pull this off), Corruptors/Defenders and I’ve even got one Controller (again, need the pets) that can farm effectively (Fire/Kin controllers were the first farmers I ever had).
  14. With /Marine Affinity and either Bots or Mercs I’m just not finding that to be true any longer. Yes on a speed run sometimes lose one or two but in almost everything else /MA is an amazing set to keep the pets alive.
  15. I’ve personally never seen it self stack but I can say Brine makes a /Marine MM with almost any primary a highly effective AV/GM soloer. It’s also incredibly effective on priority targets like Sappers, Surgeons and Repair bots. One application of Brine -by itself- is enough to one-shot most of these even at +2/+3. They are out of the fight before I even land my Whitecap spawn flattener.
  16. NOW I want an all Petless Mastermind ITF! Maybe even a 2-Star ITF! So much derping to be had!
  17. One player = one opinion. Yours is no less than mine. Speak your mind!
  18. True, although I often don't want to miss so I go overkill on Accuracy and ToHit anyways. But you just educated me....didn't realize Ultimate would do anything if I'm already topped out at 50+3 in iContent, or 50 for zone events like ToT so I've ignored them.
  19. If you have enough global accuracy and +ToHit you don't need Ultimates. I'm doing it regularly with a single slotted 50+5 Fold Space and Tactics with a bunch of +Acc and +ToHit bonuses.
  20. I multibox often but follow the CoC to the letter. More often I'm solo on a 50+3 MM trying to grind away my last T4 emps. I think the issue is some people think that League play is the only "approved" way to ToT. Personally....I DESPISE the month of October. So much lag in PI. Too many players only doing mindless ToT Apartment Murder grinding. Nobody wants to join teams. I honestly don't log in much for the month I hate it so much. But, there's always those that insist people only play THEIR WAY. I think I despise that even more. Where's the Snarky Lounge? I need to go be anti-social for the remainder of the month obviously.
  21. So Uh....why not just park your league next to their second account MM killbox? Anyone who tags the critters gets XP. If they are getting all the XP everyone else is tagging doors to grab, just....join them? I don't see why so many players in this game INSIST on playing things a certain way? Seriously, if their second box account is doing all the work, take advantage of it. They will likely either go away when the reward no longer is there or not and you profit either way. Besides.....single player door knockers just pull even-leveled critters. Only the Team/League players are getting EB's and +4's.
  22. If you've got the height, I find if you leap upwards as high as you can and trigger FS at the apex of the leap, they fall down in a nice tight "ball" and as a bonus, many are falling as if they've suffered a Knockdown effect. My experience anyways. Do it this way in the outdoor ITF a bunch for clumping and burning in the killboxes. But I've seen it being done at the Murder Apartments in PI during TOT events also so I know I'm not the only one who has figured this out.
  23. Gonna have to agree that if you are going to make a Petless (or one Pet) Mastermind, /Marine or /Storm is likely the one to beat right now. My Whippit Mastermind was a Demon/Storm, and I did keep and slot the Prince but only pulled him out on AV battles like a Lore pet. But with the other /Storm powers, particularly Tornado and LS, you pretty much could just proc all your primary Whip attacks, same with your pool attacks, and at least contribute as much as a drunk Controller running on red SO’s without any accuracy in their holds. But if I were to build one today, Whitecap procc’d out + all the other Marine Affinity goodies would be a close second choice. Not sure I’d go with Beasts MM attacks.
  24. Paging @plainguy…..someone thinks your Petless Mastermind concept is nuts. (Note: It -IS- nuts but you’ve obviously got your cult members thinking otherwise) To OP: I give you the one, the only, original Petless mastermind er…..MASTERMIND on the concept. As a personal aside, I have made an all Whips + Fighting>Punch/Kick/Crosspunch + Epic attack pool Mastermind. It’s fun to play but I realize that I’m doing almost nothing to help the team but I look damn fancy while doing it!
  25. In a game that’s -entirely- focused on defeating enemies to progress, and the nature of leagues of TOT’ers mostly focused around a few convenient spawn points (eg; Apartments in PI), I don’t really find the use of Fold Space that big of a deal. In fact, I’ll routinely camp right in front of the awning at the apartments and just spam Fold Space over and over as it recharges. I’ll often run across others who are doing the same and we coordinate it so we aren’t just moving packs of stuff 3-4 feet. It’s makes for a pretty convenient killing field. Now in a mission environment? If we have a tank, I’ll plant myself by said tanker and Fold Space so the mobs come right to them. If no tanker, but have players using sleet patches, bonfire, Marine pools, etc as the “killing spot” I’ll do likewise onto the patches. More often than not, it just makes for a faster clearing team than taking on one spawn after the other in sequence. The only way I can think of where you‘d be “griefing” like with is if in using Fold Space you are actively depriving someone else of XP for a kill. Given the nature of Leagues during TOT or Zombie/Rikti zone events, that’s highly unlikely to happen. Unless you are a solo 50’ish player just running around and using it specifically for that purpose. Which would require you to be highly selective about which critters you target (which is hard to do with FS itself) and your timing and the location you port them to has to be someplace the impacted League players cannot reach. Do-able? Yeah maybe. Repeatable enough to deprive entire leagues of XP? Not likely.
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