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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. I remember “BNY Day” Took that annoying day off from the game.
  2. I think the difference is that in the past when casting - they casted what was written. Need a straight white female? Find one. Need a gay Asian? Find one. Now it “seems” to be the other way around. ”I need to figure out how to fit the following into my script” with little or no regard how it affects the script or final product. For me, it doesn’t matter if it fits the story. When it doesn’t fit or make sense, I have an issue with it. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think every movie is like this. From everything I’ve read about Madame Web - that doesn’t appear to be the reason for its failure. It just sounds like a badly written script, which makes no sense and features no action (which can overcome a nonsensical script) But, there are studios (Disney) that seem to be creating this way - and then screaming racism or homophobia when the movie fails.
  3. Changing an establish story to drive home the point that “men are not needed because women are better” is preaching - Ala the Cinderella and Snow White live action remakes. The all-female Ghostbuster. The newly announced Pirate of The Caribbean movie. Making an original story with a strong female character is not preaching. Movies like Alien, Hunger Games, The Princess (a movie I absolutely love btw). Great movies with great female leads. Changing the race of established characters to show us they can be great too - Cleopatra, Little Mermaid, Snow White is not giving them work also. It’s preaching. Want to give work to actors of a certain race? Great! There are plenty of stories that haven’t been told of great things done by people of color/different ethnicities. On a side note - funny you mentioned “giving actors more opportunities” when 7 are not being given opportunities in the Snow White remake because seeing them on screen may “offend” people. You can’t make this stuff up! Shoehorning has nothing to do with opportunities. It has to do with checking off boxes. Need a person of color. Need a non-binary character. Need a trans character. Need a gay/lesbian character. Need a non-white character (pref female). All of that is fine, if that’s the story you want to tell. It’s not fine when you try to figure out a way to cram them all into everything - including pre-established stories/characters. At the end of the day, you can believe the continued drop in ticket sales comes down to covid, streaming, homophobia, whatever you like. Just as I can can think it comes down to writers being more concerned with checking boxes, than telling a good story.
  4. last part first - you’ve taken the time to go back and forth with everyone in this thread. Refuting everything. That’s arguing. As for overboard… Snow White not incorporating dwarfs in their live action remake because it may offend someone. Changing the race of the Little Mermaid instead of, you know telling a new story with new characters. Making sure every last demographic is represented in the final seasons of Sex Education - when they weren’t present at the start. Kevin Smith He-Man show was about……a woman. The recent L&O controversy. Do we need to talk about the current gaming situation too? Look, as I said before. I don’t care if a show is about straight, white, black, Asian, LGBTQ+ characters. If it looks interesting, I’ll watch it. Stop trying to shoehorn them in. Stop using the time I watch a movie as a way to preach to me - If I want to be preached to, I’ll go to church.
  5. and you’ve made no assumptions? okay, since we’ve clearly gotten off track - tell us EXACTLY why you think this movie is bombing. Please. Because I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to say, other than to argue everything being said.
  6. I don’t think they’re idiots, I think they’re afraid. They’ve gone way overboard to appease certain groups, and are now afraid to dial it back. Despite the excuses thrown out by Hollywood, the general audience doesn’t care about the race or sexual orientation of characters - remember Brokeback Mountain and Philadelphia? Two highly successful movies. Last of Us? Highly praised. Let’s not forget about all the successful movies with female leads. Its not about if they are in a movie or show. It’s about why. What we don’t want is to be preached to or at. What we don’t want is to see characters changed or crammed in to appease certain demographics. We want good movies/shows with good characters and stories. Quit using entertainment as a way to “teach us”
  7. Making excuses instead of admitting the actual cause. Same thing actors/studios/directors are doing. What’s the result? They don’t change, and continue to put out crap. As for the wider audience. Think of it this way - you have a built in audience for your product. Almost everything you put out makes a profit. You decide, let’s try to widen our audience by doing this, this and that. The result is your built in audience hates it, and you lose a ton of money. Wouldnt a smart person say “experiment failed, let’s go back to what made us successful” ?
  8. It will make money. Whether or not it will actually be good, is another story.
  9. Heard a reviewer today say that Sony should be investigated for money laundering after releasing this mess of a movie - thought that was pretty damn funny
  10. They are actually NOT packing in more demographics. You only have to look at the numbers to see that. Audiences are down. Money is down. Number of schedule releases this year is down.
  11. When I saw the title, I honestly thought this was going to be from someone who got generic’d for copyright infringement. 😄
  12. Yikes 23% on RT some reviews I’ve seen are calling it worse than Morbius. I feel bad for Sydney Sweeney. Read an interview where she sounded very excited getting to play a superhero and was hoping she could play one again. Unlike the star, who seemed to be complaining at every turn.
  13. Normal maintenance usually lasts around an hour. I think they have some issues to fix due to the missing infl/emails/items problem, so todays will take longer.
  14. Always keep 1.5bill on my farmer. Once she hits 1.75, I send an email with 250mill to my main acct. 5bill sitting in emails on my main acct. Another 3bill spread amongst my alts So, around 9.5-10billion in influence.
  15. Perfect is not what I was looking for. Likeable was. She came off as extreme arrogant in Endgame. As I said previously - arrogant to the point that she could very easily have been on an arc to become a villain. IMO, the arrogance would have been fine if we got a scene with Thanos kicking her ass. Making her realize she is not the most powerful being in the universe.
  16. I won’t run it unless it’s +something Too damn easy otherwise.
  17. Sadly, that looks to be the case with most western entertainment these days.
  18. Well, sounds like there is now a review embargo until AFTER it’s been released in a few countries. What a mess this movie is turning out to be.
  19. You’ll have to let us know what you think
  20. Certainly seems overpowered, unless I misunderstand
  21. Anyone going to see this? It’s Sony, and I haven’t liked any of there Marvel movies in a long time. So I’ll wait until I can watch it at home. I know the star (Dakota Johnson) kinda took a shot at it this week by saying “it’s as if AI generated a perfect movie for your boyfriend”. BTW, the industry “experts” are predicting a worldwide total take of 55-100mill.
  22. I’d like for the ability to post on the forums to be locked behind the amount of SG prestige you have 😎
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