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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Making it worse for people who don't or won't maximize it in essence. That's my point not everyone is going to build it the same way.
  2. Lol holy crap can I give you a hug? lol seriously, im not trying to be obtuse here, I'm seriously just wanting to not allow a mistake to something that could lead to others. Thanks for explaining that attack chain metric to me, it's starting to make more sense.
  3. You guys can't say anything concisely or non insulting can you? You haven't even leveled yours to 50 so you really dont have much weight in how you are trying to insult me here. 1. What I'm saying is I built the set for multi hit. 2. I'm ok with it losing ST due to that. 3. How many people will try the same thing? 4. How many people have never heard of mids? 5. We are comparing it to EM which is slow and broken, if TW was as OP as you guys arr claiming the average user shouldnt miss a beat in any build they put together. All they will see is cone, hits multiple targets, oooo ok give me that. Having no idea what they are doing possible missing out on a good st attack for their chain. You are correct I willingly did it from day 1 because I want to hit as many targets as possible with every swing. That's what I did, but even so even if I changed my build I don't think it would run away from EM like something so OP should. The game isn't just for power users, and min maxers, that should be taken into account also.
  4. Serious question how when in momentum is follow through the best ST attack when both RA and AoD do a good bit more damage in around the same amount of activation time? I honestly don't understand how my EM was higher because it's at least twice as long but I guess it's outweighed because it nearly does twice the damage on ET and at least 30% more on TF albeit slower. I'm not being argumentative here, honestly I just want to see how the numbers work or work differently if follow through were in my attack chain. Should EM even be close at that point, or is EM as bad as everyone thinks it is? I think it is and was surprised it came out on top my TW even though it always felt lacking on ST. I built it for every multi hit I could get though, that was my idea behind this build, I was up front about that from the beginning, I wasn't trying to sell it as a ST monster, bit still if it were OP it shouldn't even be close no matter what power you choose.
  5. Missing the point you are.
  6. No, it's my build, it's that way for a reason, I'm not changing it. Either way the best 2 attacks on my TW is RA and AoD and that's what I used most. It still should have come out on top of a broke EM set that's slow. Taking TW down won't make anything any better. Just TW worse. I don't even play mine as it is, I'm not really a fan of it honestly. IMO it already has too many drawbacks, and way too unforgiving if the situation is anything but optimal for any reason. Melee needs better set boosts across the board, not nerfs to anything. Otherwise you will go back to live days when everyone was abandoning everything for every FotM Controller. That's my .02 though.
  7. EM is broken, that IS my point. I tried TW several times till I found the highest dps sequence in my attack chain for single target with my build to compare it with with no downtime. if it was as OP as everyone here says it is, I shouldnt have to respec to make it compete with a broken set like EM for single target. For one I like my build the way it is. Any nerf will make any TW setup like mine focused on multi target more useless with ST. If it's that finnicky to have only one design path to beat a set thats broken like EM, thats where my point comes home. How many other casual players out there will make it that much harder to play, because maybe they dont come on here to know any better what the correct slotting, power selection and attack chain is. Should there be a disclaimer at the power selection screen "dont choose this before consulting the forums, how to slot, select your attack chain or play"?
  8. YEah i get it, but i just dont use them, thats all i said
  9. According to you it was and i was doing it wrong, did i misread?
  10. I dont even consider SOs anymore lol
  11. No, its longer than that on bosses. trust me. There was no down time though, im not sure where you are getting that from. But still, if its that finnicky where you HAVE to build it a certain way for it to beat a broken set. How is that OP?
  12. I used the most powerful attacks i had on either one that would fit the chain. Yeah it shouldnt be close because EM isnt a top performer. Yall are talking optimized for damage and Im not - and not everyone is going to build it that way, on either really, I build for durability first. If you are talking about optimizing it a certain way and thats the only way to make it OP isnt that proving my point? because how many are going to do it like i did, and how many are going to flat out get it wrong on top of that? Nerf it and its going to be even worse. I built mine that way on purpose. because i wanted a ton of aoe, cones, and multi hit damage., but it still has the two big hitters in AoD and RA which cycle fast. So in theory it should outpace my EM but it doesnt. Only with aoe, which it is supposed to.
  13. I really dont want to change it though. I like demolishing minions. But it honestly shouldnt even be close to EM if TW is OP
  14. Nothing, thats why we arent ever going to get anywhere. And honestly i can see you have good intentions, I hope you can see that I do also. SO im going to move on now, and agree to disagree. I just really want to play right now, My kid is buggiing me to get on so thats what im going to do. Agree to disagree partner.
  15. Why so insulting? geeze, I see the warning, im in mid attack and if the damn thing doesnt move it doesnt move. Thats not my fault.
  16. LOL thats true, I can think of at least 4 sets that I personally think operates better than TW, Psi, Rad, SS, and Fire. Im hoping they FIx EM, i have that one i posted ready to go when they do, if they do.
  17. Ever heard of Lag also? lol it happens a lot in ITrials because there is a lot of people spamming stuff. Sometimes you are dead and dont even realize it.
  18. See, again, thats not how the other Melee sets feel i think you are getting a little carried away with how it smacks minions around. I play my Psi and my Rad almost exclusively because they both feel and outperform TW especially when it comes to taking out a hard target, but still has good enough AOE to compete with TW. Im not making that up, i know you probably think i am, but its the truth.
  19. Yeah i get carried away sometimes. But if you get caught in the Preatoran unresistable stuff on anything its trouble. TW just wasnt useful for me as a Main.
  20. TW is a set that will get you killed on ITrials because of the long first animation.
  21. No i dont, because if you were concerned with it you would be bringing up all the stupid controller tricks that are allowed. Last i checked TW hasnt broken anything, are people jumping ship? lol
  22. The numbers are outliers to people looking to overpower Offensively anything they can get their hands on. Nothing, because if my In game experience is telling my Eyes, and my brain that TW is visibly is not as good as my other sets, you cant convince me that it needs a nerf. Because then, what will stop the next nerf to something I really do like?
  23. Barechiel - Brute (Titan Weapons).mxdNova Infinitum - Brute (Energy Melee).mxd There are my two builds, im not looking for a critique, Im not looking to change them. They fit my needs, and my Theme.
  24. Exactly, but i play others instead of TW because they feel more powerful than it does. Is been shelved for 2 months now. I bring it out to kick around every now and again, but thats it.
  25. Its not my main lol Its just more than a little bit ignorant to nerf something that isnt broken, works well, is fun to a lot of people, and hasnt broken the game as a whole.
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