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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. I knew about EM, what is wrong with battle axe?
  2. Thats interesting, ive never played a war mace, I might now.
  3. Since when is warmace amazing? We avoided it back on live? Did they do something to buff it?
  4. War mace has needed a boost for a while. Dual blades too maybe?
  5. No they aren't. Those are based on the most optimized offensive builds TW can muster. Why dont we balance around incarnates with pets while we are at it.
  6. I took it one time then respeced out of it immediately. It was kinda neat to try to beat the clock, but not that neat. Then IOs came and could basically do it with no penalty.
  7. That makes me wonder, what exactly are the underperforming sets?
  8. The game isnt melting though, most of the normal feedback is contentment.
  9. That's how it was 12 years ago also.
  10. Buffing the melee sets wouldnt make it anymore trivial than what other ATs already do with stacking effects. This is trivial compared to that.
  11. So, we are back on pylon data and scrapper popularity as the metrics for proving the actual performances in game are OP? That doesnt have it covered. The drawbacks to the set cant be measured by any of that, im not sure they can be. But they do exist.
  12. Wait what? If lack of FT invalidates my test because it is the best ST? Why wouldnt it be the culprit when the rest of the set couldnt pull it off? If thats the only power I need to validate my test? What would my dps be if you take out whirling smash and just run FT AoD and RA? Can you figure that up?
  13. I think a lot more testing needs to be done, build variables, enhancement variables by a qualified team then tested by the community. Its pretty much the way Homecoming does things, so I have faith they will do a good job here.
  14. I wouldnt want to be the learning experience. If you do hey, have at it.
  15. Im not trolling, but ok.
  16. Yeah cause astrophysics hasnt been wrong or changed ever has it? Its always static, right?
  17. Yeah thats exactly what I said there.
  18. It would be the truth. Indont want someones first time doing brain surgery doing it on me.
  19. Lol. Its not the same and you know it.
  20. So you need brain surgery, you want someone thats never done it to perform the surgery?
  21. Thats not dismissive, lol thats a fact, how can you be an expert on something you have never done, or experienced? You dont see the problem there talking about powers they have never selected?
  22. Its all I had to run, at some point someone on here said no way under any circumstances could EM out damage TW. In fairness I didn't think it would either even under these circumstances. So im not trying to cherry pick, its just what I had. So thats what I did. I'm not saying my build was optimized for it, just what I had.
  23. Yeah I can see the point there actually, because without it it definately loses the OP luster being claimed here.
  24. I'm not peddling anything, its just a statement of fact, and you don't even have a lvl 50 TW to base any real time play based opinion on. you cant possibly have an objective opinion because you havent played it all the way up. No need to be a dbag in every post, I'm sure others here cant stand me also, but at least they aren't as rudely dismissive as you are when you havent even played the set through.
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