Let me ask you a question, what prompted you to bring up this thread topic? Why was it so important to you to "slap"tw on the wrist? just to gain the prestige to discover the "fix" for it? Is that what this is about?
For the life of me i have not seen the game melting due to how TW plays, i dont get it. Its not the OP set you guys are making it out to be, unless you deliberately try to exploit it like a Spines FIre or Rad fire in the fire farms.
But at the end of the day, who cares? Everyone is having fun, and nothing is broken.
Its busy body work. theres a ton of other problems like EM that need attention way before you start talking nerfs like this which would create more EM like problems.
Im done with you guys calling me dishonest though. I just play the game, and love it. I would do it for a living if i could.