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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Let me ask you a question, what prompted you to bring up this thread topic? Why was it so important to you to "slap"tw on the wrist? just to gain the prestige to discover the "fix" for it? Is that what this is about? For the life of me i have not seen the game melting due to how TW plays, i dont get it. Its not the OP set you guys are making it out to be, unless you deliberately try to exploit it like a Spines FIre or Rad fire in the fire farms. But at the end of the day, who cares? Everyone is having fun, and nothing is broken. Its busy body work. theres a ton of other problems like EM that need attention way before you start talking nerfs like this which would create more EM like problems. Im done with you guys calling me dishonest though. I just play the game, and love it. I would do it for a living if i could.
  2. yes but those same formulas also allow controllers to Solo GMs.
  3. Sacraficing how the game plays for the sake of making the numbers meet some arbitrary Formula that is disconnected from the actual player is stupid. I just posted my attack chains, did you not catch that?
  4. No and i agree with that, i said that somewhere in fact. Im not completely un objective here, but if it were nerfed to hammer the outliers what would it do to people like me?
  5. You... dont even have a TW to lvl 50, so you have no in game viewpoint thats valid. So toodaloo my friend. I am not doing any of that on purpose, because honestly i dont know what it means. lol you are obviously way more educated than me, so I guess you MUST be correct.
  6. Yeah I really dont know what else there is to say, they arent approaching this from an objective game players perspective at all, just what the numbers look like on paper. My experience mirrors yours with it, its not even my main, so i ultimately dont care, but i hate nerfs from spreadsheet warriors, because of what happened to EM.
  7. EM BU+ET+TF +ET I posted that somewhere in here i thought TW BM RA AoD WS RA AoD WS I didnt ignore you, it was hard to see the request through all the Doctoral thesis you guys are throwing out there which really dont say a whole lot honestly.
  8. It keeps going back to pylon times and i guarantee you that pylon times has come up more than any other data point on this topic. why do you keep ignoring the drawbacks to TW like they dont exist? Sorry but its straight up BS to say TW performs well at low levels. Im never going to buy that line.
  9. You pop momentum and the mob gets scattered to the 4 corners of the map and you take out 1 minion. Or you hit the wrong key. Lots of things happen that are a lot more unforgiving on TW than the rest of the game. It's a lot more like playing a controller than a melee.
  10. You really want to make the game as not fun as possible right? Who cares if the formulas are broken, it's fun, and challenging. Nothing is out of balance in reality in game. Just on a spreadsheet.
  11. But again none of that represents actual gameplay, the pylon tests come closer than that does honestly. You are only painting the set as OP by raw numbers with no in game setbacks, or variables you frequently encounter. Those variables affect TW more than any other set. It becomes a pumpkin really fast when your chain or timing gets screwed up. Not saying the pylon tests are optimal either.
  12. That's not gameplay though, no variables. Gameplay isn't in a vacuum. By that definition Spines fire is more OP than TW because more ppl play it.
  13. No doubt, the paragraphs saying the same thing that doesnt prove anything keep getting longer and longer.
  14. The only thing you can quantify are the pylon tests otherwise you say it's OP in gameplay and I say it's not. The damage numbers are not even representative to the drawbacks you face in normal gameplay. No way to prove that either way. The only data point we have is pylon tests and who rolled what.
  15. Dishonest? Now thats what is rude. I've been nothing but honest. For some reason you have a vendetta against it. Honestly I don't think any of you have played the set all the way up.
  16. Yeah and others that play TW are saying otherwise. Is it possible to make it OP under the right outlier circumstances yeah. Not accurate to nerf it basef on that.
  17. It affects TW more than the rest because its dependent on the mechanic.
  18. They don't want to accept that because stationary pylon tests is the main thing they have to show its OP.
  19. Damage is still damage. Oh what you don't know about my ST test is I cycled Rend Armor and arc of destruction as many times as I could. Damage us damage and those are the 2 most damaging attacks. They lost to a broken set.
  20. There is a lot that does more damage than whirling blade, but it looks cool and knocks everything around. Feels more OP than it is.
  21. No, cant change the rules now, fire is what the farm caters to, damage is damage. If TW is OP and easily played with no drawbacks like you say it shoud supplant Spines with no issues and be light years bettet because TW is so OP.
  22. But damage is damage if TW is as OP and aoe and works with anything op across the board as everyone says why not TW fire? From what y'all are saying TW has more damage, is faster and momentum swing isnt a drawback. So why not it then? Damage is damage.
  23. Thars why mines on the shelf 3 back I guess. Its not OP unless you exploit the damage aspect of it somehow, but my build doesn't. Thats what I'm seeing here.
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