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  1. What an interesting concept, gotta gimp yourself just the right amount......to little and not fun,to much and not fun....you need a balance of sorts.
  2. That sewer map is about the only time I click on my temp power Wedding Band. It gives a really good resistance buff. Just make damn sure you turn it off when you get to the end of tunnel. It only last 2 hours of usage time but with careful management of when to use it , can have it a long time.
  3. Some new high level content?! This may be the most I been excited about an update.
  4. I got a little room in the bigger base room to house my NPCs and I would like to put a ceiling on it but nothing I have tried looks right. The room uses what I call the mansion wood stuff:walls,trim,door,etc.....so the dock platform look terrible on top. Tried a couple of floor platforms but you see through them inside the room. So what are some other things I could try? What do you builders use for ceilings?
  5. I guess that shows how crazy this game is, the last Kahn I did we had 2 sappers and he never let up. Hell, he nuked us with that fist move, having no end that I could see in his bar.
  6. Robics has 4 summons now....hmm,where to bind Maintenance Robot?
  7. I like the arc for change of pace aspect but the mechanics of getting the whole team to Cim is a problem. My problem is the change of zone. I have run through the DA arcs a few times as team lead and I always had trouble getting everyone to Cim. Some are new 50s working on there incarnates in DA and don't have the badge yet to get in. Sometime the team is mixed alignments and I have had to break teams up and to reassemble in Cim. But ofcourse some won't show for whatever reason and your left trying to decide to wait longer or fill the spot. I doubt it's feasible but would love to see Sister Solaris moved to DA, the actual mission instance doesn't matter where you are I don't think. /rant,
  8. The homecoming unofficial wiki is good for stuff like this and is mostly up to date with current build https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Prismatic_Aether_Particle_Salvage
  9. Seismic Blast pulling a meteor down on them is a splashy favorite
  10. I'm sorry but what? Sents have terrible range compared to blasters and no snipe! Isn't this about playing at range?
  11. Any chance the new relationship with NC can help revitalize this project?
  12. Nice list of times. I swear it proves that enjoyment or lack there of affects the perceived speed of time,I hate the TPN so that one always seem to take a damn hour when I do it. I know it doesn't take anywhere near that, but I would never had guessed only 20 minutes.
  13. Same problem slightly different error popup: I know uninstall/reinstall....just thought i would share error message
  14. Absolutely amazing read,thanks so much for taking the time. And oh my,what could have been:
  15. Thanks, would not have considered size was the problem
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