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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. I'll just step in here and say I don't want Wind Control. Farts must fly free.
  2. How in the hell did you get the alt versions of me to have different costume colors? That's impressive. This is something I didn't know we could do. Nice! This is such a great idea. Kudos. However, I am KR Devil Prime. Let's just get that straight.:-) Enjoyed it! Notes and such:
  3. I could not find the arc! Maybe I did the search wrong or something. Is it Attack on Stahlheim?
  4. Giving it a run with the KR Devil. Do I expect Art House Goodness? Of course, I do, you quirky bastard.:-) Not a spoiler here, but this was funny: Talk about putting someone through a wall... And then THIS: You're good, Dave, but you DID not arrange for them to light in trees! (did you? how?) FYI: You're encouraged to switch costumes before the finale, so I did. I only have one alt costume for the Devil, so: Where da soiree, yo! I'm only gonna mention here in the non-hidden area one thing I shared in the spoiler notes - it's the AE version of Jabberwocky. You know what it's about (you think...you're pretty sure...or do you? [yes, you do]). It's another sense experiment like DC5's Symphony arc, but the sound focus is language this time. Thing about this is that, whether you dig this sorta thing or not, it shows the range of what you can do with AE. We have lore rich stories, technically brilliant expositions, high art, and everything in between. It boggles me, man, the creativity people show. Anyhoo, worth a run, if only because there's just nothing else like it (except for the other DC5 stuff, natch).:-) P.S. 10 million points for dropping in a "'Nuff said.":-)
  5. I went with other, mainly because I still want some sort of Utility Belt, and a single pistol shootist (maybe a secondary that apes the Dom throwing star thingy?). And Whips and Chains as an (after hours?) attack set.:-) I play archery for the flavor and speed of attacks. Never really tried to make this thing sing to the max, but I'll admit, as is, the attack set doesn't seem like much. Tac Arrow has great Utility. Really like all the things you can do with it. (I'll also echo @High_Beam when it comes to story revamps).
  6. Latest release: Squalls and the Comet. Details are posted in another thread. No immediate ideas on the horizon, but I was thinking of going back to Asa Ronan in some manner, due to the cryptic hints that he survived the final encounter. Basic question would be: What has Ronan learned that makes him more dangerous now than he was previously? I also thought about generating some random elements, then creating a story from them. Honestly, I'd rather do that as part of a collective task, where several different designers take the same elements, the create their own stories. Then we run them all to see how they came out. I could get back to Joshua Jones, or maybe use Devil Bat as the reviewing character, then review the entries myself (which means I'd have to exclude myself from creating an arc. Or better yet, a collective narrative: we gather a team of writers to develop an experience over a certain level range. The missions piggy-back off one another, or or tied together in some way. Anyhoo, just spitballing. It's not like I don't have enough writing irons in the fire, what with the wife asking me to write a Christmas play about the Magi (so, page to stage in around 4 months). Yeah...I'm sooo superman when it comes to that (or maybe not).:-/
  7. There's a LOT of old content that just doesn't get played at all anymore, much of it with good reason (what's the one where you have, like 12-13 rescues in one map? [or something like that?] Brrr...). Some of it could be done away with, for sure. Content tied in with the big picture storytelling would be hard to banish for good, however. I will say though, that there's a LOT of room in the "cracks" in the lore. I know this because I write AE stories there a lot, and have run other people's stories that expand on what we already have. Getting good stuff that players have created into the actual game is not an automatic task, though. That said, there's a whole lot of good-to-excellent player content already developed that could fit right in the current world (and no worse than some of the more, um, unimaginative legacy content). However, I'm not sure it'd be enough to complete with the TF train that forms the story of many, many characters these days. I mean, you can start in AP with Habashy-Fields/Costel-Thiery and get a good dose of story there, then hit KR for Stockwell/Eagle Eye. Those are decent quality openers that are ignored by teams. On the whole, though, I think, since the TF train IS the model, we really, really need a revamp of Synapse and Cit. Lordy mamma...such a gd repetitive grind. A dedicated TF for KR might be nice, btw. (Lest I forget - feel like I should throw in a nod to redside here-the quality of Redside Legacy arcs is MUCH better than Blue, but not many are playing them. All of the new HC material is better than most mundane Legacy mishes [as it should be, frankly].)
  8. I find masterminds to require me to be more stressfully engaged managing the pets, which is why I avoid them. I feel like certain blasters I play are “lazier.” I’d rate tanks just behind that. Certain builds you can wade in, draw fire, and just sit there, waiting for your melting AoEs (if you have them). Of course, that may be the point, now that I think about it.
  9. Same here, to a lesser extent. I'm not as good at pinpointing things as you guys (getting better, though!).:-) I DID steal the optional escort "point to objective" trick based on Anky's rec, and have attempted some use of outdoor maps that he's known for (and has mastered). Can't get too much out of my lane, though. Stealing where I can? Hell, yeah.:-)
  10. Notes and such, for the curious (SPOILERS):
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  11. I use a trail of Reese's Pieces.
  12. Legacy Chain is so underutilized, considering their self-appointed mission. Of course, you pretty much destroy them in Lenard's arc, so there's little reason to see them after the mid-20s. I did construct an AE arc dealing with what happened after the group got crushed (Dark Legacy), but, in the end, no amount of story-telling can make up for how non-scary these guys are. They lack oomph, and tend to be forgettable. As a player in the magic game, I'd expect a bit more out of them. But they just don't stand out. As stated above, they might as well be Luddites.
  13. Yeah, I just bugged out when the OGs showed up. Alpha strike was an ass kicker.
  14. Paper Tigers:
  15. Gave it a run this morning:
  16. In conversation afterward, they seemed new. Said they wanted to play the game specifically to be Dr. Strange and weren’t coming back. By the end of the conversation, they did say “IF I come back,” and joked that they’d take the generic as a sign of being too good at making costumes. But really. They got renamed as I was warning them. And it was a pretty good costume.:-)
  17. Glad I have you to tell me what's right and what's wrong. Haven't blocked/ignored/reported anyone at all around here, ever. Till now.
  18. Would have, after I gave 'em fair warning. Wasn't fast enough, obviously. (And gosh, I hope you can hear me up there on that high horse).
  19. Well, I tried to warn him what was going to happen. After it did, we had a discussion about what happened & why. They were gonna just shuck the game, but I tried to convince 'em to stay. Not sure it was a success. (Btw, didn't have to stalk. We naturally overlapped in zone. Maybe next time don't assume you know what someone is thinking/doing 'til you ask.)
  20. Tried to warn 'em. I was way too late.
  21. I missed the snapshot of this dude (standing right next to me at Blue Steel), but: So, bravo on the costume. Well done. Now, can you not call down the wrath of Dormam...er, things & stuff on us?
  22. Not technically a TF, but the Skulls are featured in the KR Superadine ring arc that ends with Eagle Eye. Morana escapes, however, and isn’t ultimately dealt with. The Petrovic Brothers are, but maybe there’s more to it than that?
  23. My initial reaction to my earlier run of Spirals was, Gdit! They're everywhere! (crossing patrols and such):-)
  24. I thought this guy was stationary?
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