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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. Cobalt is busy making every single cool thing in the game and being the absolute best Dev. He doesn't have time to fritter away with us here.
  2. False hope is one of the least excellent things I can think of. As a concept, it is almost intrinsically guaranteed to do more harm than good, in basically any and all contexts. I agree with you, but I embrace the rigidity of logic and fact: free of wishy-washy non-answers. The nice thing about real objective answers is that they also preempt the creation of more threads which lead nowhere and end up locked... but now we're discussing a solution to prevent the same thread from re-appearing 2 months later... and again and again in a cycle of time-wasting despair.
  3. You think transparency looks bad; I do not. We will have to agree to disagree... EXCELLENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. What about a pinned post of "Never Gonna Happen" suggestions? You know, like a bulleted (and editable) quick reference list of things that were suggested but are confirmed shot down and never happening? Such a post would be easy enough to edit with links to the other threads (cite your sources). As the most helpful person here, it was easy for me to think up this excellent idea. I even have 2 nominations for the first things that should go onto the "Never Gonna Happen" list. 1 - Bugfixing the broken Brute +Fury ATO (it's clear that Brutes getting less Fury from hitting enemies higher level than them, and more Fury from hitting enemies lower level than them, is intelligent game design and WAI). 2 - The in-game memorial suggestions (just link to the closed threads and make it be totally clear).
  5. What about a conference? I suggest they have a little meet-up and drink tea and eat cookies, but also become unified on policy in a manner of much excellence.
  6. My best friend GM would never follow your account... but this comment will disappear when your comment disappears. I agree with you about agreeing, but I don't agree about that other thing. It's not being excellent.
  7. The best I was able to find for you was a Heart of Fire. Hopefully it helps:
  8. You don't need "heart" or "fire", you just need to agree. Become one with the excellence. Join us...
  9. I agree with the GMs about everything.
  10. We will unshackle your soul from its mortal account coils. Say unto the admins The Words Of Power... and by that I mean just put in a Support ticket here on the forum and request deletion.
  11. Check your PC for Clockwork tampering.
  12. Everything in moderation. (Get it?)
  13. 5 more years! 5 more years!
  14. No you haven't made friends, nu uh.
  15. ...I get that you still are hopeful for anything about this place to improve OP, but it's a lost cause. The GMs have literally shielded the most vile shit-stirring contrarian trolls ad infinitum here for as long as this forum has been active. It is 100% okay for someone to respond with "nu uh, [the opposite of what you said], feels fine to me" to any point you make, even if that point was "the Earth orbits around the sun." In fact, being a contrarian shithead is an easy way to get threads locked! You don't need to come from a place of kindness or communicate in good-faith, just "nu uh" until you bait enough people into disproving your "nu uhs" and presto changeo: Threadicus Lockicus!
  16. Why ask questions you already know the answer to? Just skip right to locking the thread, it's clear what will happen.
  17. This was a teachable moment, and teaching occurred: everyone did great.
  18. Snarky, they aren't worth it. I do not need to elaborate.
  19. ...and you wouldn't have to spend 1.5 billion if PAs were easier to get, because then the price would go down for buying them AND SIMULTANEOUSLY you would have more yourself and not need to buy as many.
  20. Yes, but as a direct result of that one possible avenue to get more Prismatic Aether is now gone. So if people want to complain on these forums that PA is too hard to get, then they need to also get involved with Open Beta and shout down the people against making PA easier to get. I did my part. Partially as a result of that debacle, I've just settled into the fact that having the best GM-Soloer is the ideal way for me to be able to harvest PA without needing teammates, at any time of day.
  21. It's a perfect summation of the intelligence of the average CoH player. They will parrot a lie thousands of times, when their eyes can immediately disprove it. If +4 actually did anything, then why do the mobs coming out of the doors cap out at lv53 even when there are lv50s knocking on the doors?
  22. Basically all procs in Volcanic Gasses suck, that's the long and short of it. The fact that ATO pet only goes off once (on initial cast) is bad, but the damage field and the hold pets have exclusive ability to fire only 1 type of proc (Hold or Damage sets), so it never works the way you want. I recommend extracting set bonuses from the power with whatever type of 4-pc or 5-pc bonus you're going for, such as the non-proc parts of Unbreakable Constraint or a Controller/Dom ATO set for Recharge bonuses. If you want to 6-slot the power, the extra slots can just be Damage/Mez Hamis since those will boost all aspects of the power.
  23. I love Beam Rifle, it would be cool if any new Beam sets still had Disintegrate so that they could combo with each other.
  24. Wow, that's a lot of angry assumptions when I was just asking if you tried the other similar self-buff options to compare them to Unrelenting.
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