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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. Flutter flutter, onward young moth. Y'know antennae like that might be difficult for the engine just because the model would have an insanely high polygon count. The best approximation you could get would be a flat 2d texture that has transparency simulating the gaps between the hairs, but that illusion stops working once particle FX appear behind the object.
  2. Pop some inspirations, overpower them and win anyways even as a solo player? That's about all the advice I can give you.
  3. I am specifically describing what will happen if the devs add an actual "carrot on a stick", a big delicious one worth a significant amount of inf, to leading content. I mentioned the reasons why that won't work, and the exact events that would happen right here on the forums if they rolled something out in Open Beta. It would get rolled back and/or turned into a pointless badge to preemptively prevent the situation I'm describing from becoming commonplace.
  4. You guys can 1-star reviewbomb me as a Team Leader to make yourselves feel better if you want.
  5. ...the scenario was that at least one person would start their own team and then you'd be competing for the same pool of joining players actually: as in, fighting over a limited resource. I don't need to "imagine" what 2 team leaders trying to form the same thing at the same time looks like in LFG, because I've seen it.
  6. This post, on this very forum, already covered the topic succinctly, from September 5th so not even fully 1 month ago. My main point about adding a tangible reward/incentive like this is that you can never hit the sweet spot where it's big enough to matter to people but small enough that it doesn't cause infighting, team-sniping, and forum drama. Remember that the teensy tiny reward for the "use lots of different ATs" Diveristy Bonus was 1 extra Prismatic Aether, and that got obliterated in favor of a one-time badge: Variety Act. That's exactly what fate would befall rewards for leading teams. My exact words were thus: "However, the immediate result of that would be people fighting over who gets to lead the TF/SF now that there's a good enough reward, and a sociological inevitability of this would be a team splitting in half because 2 people both demanded the "leader reward". These 2 teams would then be competing for the same player pool and poaching players from each other. I can literally see 5 moves ahead and see exactly where this leads."
  7. I fully expect Broadsword to get touched up at some point, just like Battle Axe was. Would I prefer if buffs to the weak powersets were a higher priority than pumping out weird underpowered new sets that often end up very unpopular after the honeymoon phase wears off (as least Marine Affinity is good)? Yes, of course. But since we can't control what sets get picked for buffs, we just have to wait and hope that Broadsword will one day become not-trash in the same vein as Battle Axe, Trick Arrow, FF, etc. Oh hey, this post about Broadsword vs Katana looks relevant...
  8. This all looks pretty rad honestly. I've never been much of a multiboxer, since I tend to get my ass kicked even in 1-on-1 boxing matches. I don't know how you guys can multibox!
  9. Group Fly could be re-coded to call 1 of 2 different powers, in the same way that Titan Weapons calls either the slow power or the fast power (these are not the same, although they both share enhancements from your build) depending on whether or not you have momentum. But that's a lot of work.
  10. But not also as a Gold!!! Title above their heads.
  11. Jasper, please stop spam replying to every comment on this thread. Nobody wants to debate you. Please just chill out; perhaps make your own thread to discuss what you think Empathy's identity is or the woes you have with the community, and have that separate discussion there. I will elevate the issue if you make me.
  12. It's not just a decent solution... it would put equivalent "power" in the hands of both the Group Slow Fly Party and the Player Agency Party; it would make the conflict symmetrical. If that were to happen, the unanimous response to someone using Group Slow Fly would be to tell them "go to Null the Gull and change that to only affect yourself and your pets". Spoiler alert: it's probably impossible though without making a new power within the Flight pool, that from the ground up is coded differently to only affect those entities. The way Null the Gull works is that he grants you a power after talking to him, but this power is passive and invisible; it blocks Group Fly but only because it's on your character. The reciprocal Null the Gull option would have to like grant the user an aura that dynamically grants this power to everyone in range as if they had talked to Null themselves, with the ability to discriminate against the user's pets. I'm not sure that can be done.
  13. Unfortunately, the overall playerbase will keep doing the same things they are doing regardless of changes to rewards. People will do content that is easy to play and easy to join, and avoid content that takes more thought or effort. People will also default to what is familiar to them regardless of reward output. - Example 1: MSRs give 33% of the reward merits they used to pre-nerf and are painfully slow and repetitive besides. The time-to-reward ratio is objectively higher on a bunch of random TFs when speedran, and only the most extreme outliers of reward efficiency (TinPex) achieve similar or higher popularity. - Example 2: Aeon SF gives a random reward table with one of the most lucrative items in the entire game, as well as having fundamentally very profitable consistent reward when ran on Advanced Mode. Yet ASF is extremely underplayed, with very few speed ASFs ever being ran, and most people not engaging with the content at all (filling a ASF as the one leading is so fucking slow). The content is "new", "different", and "requires more effort" than the lowest-common-denominator stuff that is more popular.
  14. Oooooh, requesting custom titles: that could be fun. I can think of someone who could really use "Keeper of Secrets" as a title. As for myself, can't go wrong with something volcano-themed... I already use my badge titles and supergroup name for that.
  15. When the farmers of Germany go on strike again, and there's a food shortage, you guys are going to be really mad that you didn't treat farmers better and avoided visiting their farms.
  16. His posts were never actually about the balance of the set. It's not really okay, but he can do whatever he wants.
  17. You mean Piranha Solution, which is also the title of that video. Piranha Juice would be made by getting a bunch of actual Piranha (fish) together and then... you know what, nevermind.
  18. He can't keep getting away with this. There's no way he'd double them again...
  19. Bruh... if you don't want to get attacked in the open PvP zones, then just play on a server where nobody PvPs: shrimple as.
  20. Player name or Global: Shin Magmus AT: Brute Powers: Rad/Fire Pylon Time: 186 Seconds 0x8 Time: 223 Seconds 4x8 Time: 362 Seconds Character Name: Mrs. Meltdown Comment: Mrs. Meltdown is a triple-nerfed Rad/Fire Brute who I play out of sheer defiance... and who I recently broke 1,000 badges on. This Brute is a struggle at the best of times and requires Cardiac Alpha and Barrier Destiny to have any chance of pushing relevant Resistances into safe territory vs +3 enemies. The accuracy is also not great, because I sacrifice many set bonuses to load up with damage procs instead. Here's Pillar 3: Mrs Meltdown - Brute Rad-Fire.mbd
  21. Healing Hands: Reach out and Heal someone.
  22. Tony Danza Held me closely, then I got spiked down and he said GG.
  23. Guys, DP animations were already sped up and damages were adjusted. Hail of Bullets is literally 100% faster post-buff; It used to take 4 entire seconds. Suppressive Fire is also substantially stronger than it used to be, like several hundred% more base DPA. You are all asking for more buffs to the set post-buff. I'm not disagreeing that the set could be stronger, I'm just letting you know that it won't be. This is the level of performance the HC Devs decided the set should have after evaluating it. But... alternate animations for dumb powers like Piercing Rounds would be a nice touch.
  24. When I see people point out individual powers, such as Ressurect being the worst ally Rez now (I agree), I think about all of Empathy as a set and try to find any strong points for it. The succinct way to explain the problem is that Empathy is dead-last in multiple categories. Empathy should be the best at something to compensate but it's the worst at multiple things for no benefit. Empathy: Debuffs: 0/10 worst in the game Buffs: 6/10 comfortably behind actually good sets (like Nature and Marine) Heals: 9/10 still not the best, losing to Pain overtly and Nature over time (because of bloom) Rezzing: 7/10 it has a functional rez but the worst one in the game, and can't AoE rez Attacks: 0/10 it offers no ways to deal damage or slot procs Player Experience when an Empath joins your team: NaN/10 Desirability on Advanced Mode team comps: 0/10 Most of the other powersets in the game are really good at something in exchange for other stuff. For example: Trick Arrow is great at debuffing but also dealing direct damage, but obviously it has 0/10 for Healing and Rezzing. That's all fine and dandy because these other powersets have functional reasons to play them. Empathy right now just doesn't have any functional reason to be chosen, only theme.
  25. It's a bold move, adding an orange circle. I know a couple Devs who will love the merits of that idea. It also seems like it would achieve the desired effect of making Fortitude get cast more often. It won't really address the issue of using Empathy on MMs though, since human teammates will always be higher priority than pets for a single target buff. (citation needed, provide evidence that players are stronger than pets)
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