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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. This time, for real, I speak for many more players than myself. People going into the Vanguard Base in RWZ then getting tricked by the lying Waypoint on Tin Mage Mission 3, and following it to go deeper into the base, then getting hopelessly lost and asking for help to get back out: happens all the time. For the record: I don't personally think that the base layout is too complicated... but I'm not Johny Randumb and Noob Billy. Johny and Billy are wasting several minutes of our time, 25% or more of the time, on TinPex runs. This problem would be even more pronounced if going into and out of the Vanguard Base was required more often. People are confused, people are lost, and the Waypoints now work in a completely different way from how players have been conditioned to understand the distances of waypoints and multiple floors, everywhere else in the game. This happens too frequently and the irritation and slow down are not fun for anyone involved. Just did another Tinpex and on Mission 2 we specifically dropped a Team Teleporter to try and prevent this. Johny and Billy blindly missed the TT somehow, got lost, and we waited for several minutes till someone exited the mission to ATT them to the mission entrance (helicopter) and then we finally finished. This highlights an endemic problem with the RWZ map changes as a whole and player perception. I honestly don't know if there's a solution that will please everyone, but I believe that more texture work needs to be done in the Vanguard Base to try and make obvious one-way arrows pointing towards the Exit Portal or something, because the current situation is really irritating. Is it just a "skill issue" on the part of the lost players? Yes. Does it impact everyone else on the team? Also Yes.
  2. Okay, time to provide correct and honest feedback: Brutes are completely outclassed in the current version of the game and only exist as leftovers from CoV as a standalone game, post-Tanker-Buffs on HC. If the few sets available on Brutes but not Tankers, were proliferated to Tankers: there would be 0 reason to play Brutes. It's not my fault that the game is currently in this state. However, there are at least some low-hanging-fruit easy partial fixes to the problem. Fix 1: Buff Brute self (melee) Defense, Healing, and Resist scalars up from Scrapper values to a midpoint between Scrapper and Tanker values. There is no logical reason that Brutes are inherently as squishy as they are, and arbitrary new bizarre scalar values are an already-opened Pandora's Box if you look at the stupid bullshit going on with Sentinel numbers. Sentinels set the precedent; Brutes should benefit from it. Starting out as tankier than Scrappers and being closer to Tankers will open up a lot more build flexibility in Brutes, and is genuinely long overdue. Fix 2: Re-Tune all damage buff powers on Brutes. This is shamefully overdue and is a natural side-effect of how Fury and dmg scales work, but the proportional benefit from powers like Follow Up, Rage, Power Siphon, and ofc every Build Up, but even stuff like Against All Odds, should be tuned upward to account for the base level of dmg buff from Rage. Brutes will still have a weakness where they benefit less from outside dmg buffs (including Inspirations) going on in the team, but there is no logical or fair reason for a Brute clicking Build Up to get so much less proportional value out of the power than the 3 other Melee ATs. Both of these fixes are just numbers tweaks. Also both of these fixes are MINOR! Neither of these numbers tweaks I am suggesting will make any difference on an Advanced Mode Comp when your defenses are capped by Barrier Spam and your offenses are capped by a Kinetics user. Brutes will still be in a bad spot balance-wise, and in many situations will have all of the same problems. But these buffs are simple numbers tweaks that could be implemented tomorrow: and they would at least make Brute as an AT feel less completely outclassed and useless in 90% of situations (but not fix it at all in the other 10%).
  3. That's how I read it too. Unfortunately, the thing that Smoke Canister does is uniformly less beneficial to the player than the thing that Cages does... which is an issue with the fundamental logic behind why they made the change be this way. It's just a small band-aid so confused Council don't rocket launcher each other out of the group instantly. ...A band-aid that wouldn't even be necessary if-
  4. Did you check if the enemy was also recently damaged and therefore Confused? Remember, many effects in Arse Control are needlessly tied to an "If:Then" condition that may halt them from working at all. For example, Liquid Nitrogen If Knocked : Then Deal Damage, so the power loses 100% of its dmg against enemies that are resistant or immune to KB. Smoke Canister's -KB is tied to enemies being Confused. I'm not saying that it works; I'm just pointing out that it's supposed to be tied to another condition and that condition might not be met. Feel free to test more and let us know, because it would be nice if this got fixed, but post-launch they've added even more "If:Then" conditions to Arse Control so I've completely dropped it.
  5. Imagine when this gets bugfixed and people see Arse Control at its real intended power level, without a glitch/oversight propping it up. It still needs to be fixed, but just imagine the complaints (my damage got cut in half!). The Bonfire thing is especially weird to me.
  6. You took ST Fear on the set with Terrorize: the literal best AoE fear in the game? I mean I guess Fearsome Stare is close but it's more of a tohit debuff power primarily. The ONLY situation I can see a Mind Controller wanting a ST fear is to stack Mag on Bosses, but even that's pretty low value since the effect doesn't even give you Containment. As for every Minion and Lieutenant in the fight: Terrorize should keep them all perma-Fear'd.
  7. Also Concealment's Capstone power is an AoE Placate, so it might not be feasible for there to ever be an AoE Placate in another pool powerset... for balance reasons.
  8. I think giving -Range and better values to the Provocation pool powers, but keeping them at I dunno like 75% of what Tankers and Brutes get in their primary, feels completely fair and fine. This would certainly make it more likely to get taken. I also think that a buff to the final power might be in order, and maybe Unrelenting can give a Taunt Aura while active?
  9. I specifically try to mention that the Lusca hunt will give 22 Reward Merits when I recruit, and I've seen other people start doing this as well in LFG. Though, when I'm online, I'm generally the first person to start the GM hunts in response to the Zone Event messages. I'm just saying that the interest I see in Lusca is far less than the other faster monsters.
  10. Except to not waste as much of the players' time, except for that reason.
  11. I never said I was bored. I said it's wasting everyone's time, and that other people have said it's boring. I recruit in LFG when I do GM Hunts, and people demonstratably show less interest in Lusca than in other GMs. They know it's going to take longer, and they know the hunt involves at least 8 periods of waiting around for no reason: so they just don't show up. Fast fights like Adamastor (and basically every other GM) fill with 3x as many interested players as Lusca does.
  12. If you haven't heard, all of the Giant Monsters got rebalanced and drop guaranteed Monstrous Aether (among potential other things) now. However, unique to Lusca is that each of her tentacles yields 2 Reward Merits when defeated, for a total kill bounty of 22 Reward Merits and the Monstrous Aether. That's a lot, and the fight is now very profitable. ...But it's also very long. Worse: it's very long for a bad reason that kills fun and enjoyment. Every time you kill a tentacle, Lusca submerges to respawn: in either the same spot or 1 of 2 possible near spots. The team backs up and starts looking around for Lusca to reappear so they can continue the fight. This waiting period occurs 8 times during the fight, and each time it happens: people get bored and tired of waiting. The actual forced delay of completely non-interactive non-gameplay is about 20 seconds each time. This waiting around serves no purpose in the modern version of the game, and the power level characters are currently at. Recommendation: reduce this wait period by at least 50%. I'd go as far as to say that it should only be 5 seconds total of forced waiting, before you're "allowed" to find Lusca and resume the fight. Changing this will only improve the game and reduce tedium. If there's a coding reason that this is difficult to do... well it's still a positive and important change to make so I hope the dev team can figure it out. There's no downside to this suggested change and it doesn't need to impact her global spawn timer either.
  13. Hard Mode (now Advanced Mode) is some of the most fun I have in this game. You can bring anything realistically to 1 star or 2 star, need solid builds and incarnates but not specific ATs yet for 3 star, and then finally you need a good team comp for 4 star. To go fast and smooth on a 4 star, the "meta" offensive and defensive buffs/debuffs just make the team more fast-paced and less tedious. OP could be out here getting tons of Prismatic Aethers and playing their MM on 2 stars all day: they'd just rather sit and complain.
  14. It's both. There are regular old Melee builds who can just grab some Envenomed Daggers and solo most GMs as well.
  15. I appreciate your work on the GMs. I also play on Everlasting, but I don't GM Hunt on a random character who is subject to the rules of what the enemy does. Instead, I GM Hunt on my Ill/Traps where I play by a set of unfair rules that greatly disincentivize even having something like a Tank, because they'll just overlap with my Phantom Army and be subject to taking dmg (pointlessly). I'm sure that with a more evenly balanced (or random) mix of ATs, it might be necessary to strategize like you mean and aim the Tentacle Cone for example. I definitely think that such strategies are cool in theory and appreciate the work you did on the fights. But anecdotally... I can power through and ignore the mechanics of almost every GM this patch and only have to respect 2 or attacks in any way (such as Paladin's Coil Drain, which I dodge). Even the Arachnos Flyer, which should be VERY difficult for Illu Control because of the swarm of adds, was not hard for me to solo. I haven't even finished my Incarnates all to T4 yet, nor are they truly optimized for DPS, because I still play the character on some other content. Here is a recent video of a GM that people maybe don't fight as often, Deathsurge: I am glad you're listening to the player feedback and nerfing Pumpkin Patch in relation to MM pets, and I'm glad that multiple people are getting what they want. However, I just want to make it known that against the power level of players with optimized builds... GMs are still too easy. What I personally think after hunting every GM inn the game multiple times over the past 2 weeks... I think GMs need to be buffed even more both offensively and defensively. Several of them should also have Hamidon-esque properties where they can damage Phantom Army directly or do something like forcefully phase out a Player, thus truly requiring teamwork from multiple players. It's my opinion that the ability to casually solo almost every GM in about 3 minutes still, means they have not been tuned upwards harshly enough. Is that a consensus among all players and all devs: certainly not! Yet, I feel my video speaks for itself.
  16. Title says it all: Sleep Grenade is not dealing any damage now in most circumstances. Testers in Discord have already figured out the issue and posted it, but here it is again: Sleep Grenade now has a flag where the damage only occurs IF: target is held. This is clearly supposed to be the flag the devs wanted to add to Tear Gas to give it damage. Tear Gas does not seem to have its damage, probably directly related: incorrect pointer or inheritance. Why the devs thought that Arse Control needed a 7th convoluted IF:THEN conditional effect on another power is beyond my ability to reasonably understand, but here we are. Hopefully they can fix this one quickly since some people really relied on that Sleep Grenade damage at early and mid levels to get any clearing done.
  17. Yep, good thing it's not an auto kill on players though, just a kill over 4-10 seconds depending on your max hp, with plenty of time to move. As for pets, the power should simply be coded to deal ABSOLUTELY reduced dmg to all pets just like Blue Fire on Apex set as a precedent.
  18. The entire tone of this post, and all your replies, is incredibly mean and written from some sort of very warped perspective that I'd love for you to elaborate on. Giant Monsters were punching bags, and they were made harder across the entire game as a fix to this issue: yes, it was an issue. However, after the buffs, many characters (such as my Ill/Traps) can still solo most GMs in about 3 minutes, less if I use Lore Pets and/or other pets. That's just talking completely solo, which is an aberration and should be treated thusly. With a team of about 5-6 random players and builds: GMs are very manageable even after the buffs. With 9+ players in a league of any size: GMs go right back to being punching bags. I see a LOT of people forming Leagues to go after... well... basically every GM in the game now. I've GM-hunted relentlessly (across the full range of team sizes) over the past 2 weeks. I can confidently say that a few enemies having one or two moves that could be called as "Hard Mode Mechanic" is NOT a "terrible design choice", as it adds one more minor step of engagement from the players. It's unfortunate that one class might struggle more on one GM, but your blanket statements about the game aren't true objectively and really aren't even true subjectively if you ask the hundreds of players I've encountered in my GM teams. It's very possible for about 16 random players to just swarm a GM like piranha and still kill it in less than 30s, with no trouble, even now.
  19. This seems like an easy fix and the root cause is identified: do a consistency pass and push it in the very next patch.
  20. MENU OPTION PLEASE: This. It feels awful having my mobility restricted and my speed cut because I didn't go to Null the Gull yet on my alt, or I forgot one of my 8 mandatory clicks while I was down there talking to Null.
  21. Most real comment in this thread. Scrapper at or near the dmg cap, procs Crit Strikes off of Follow Up, then hits 5-10 enemies for literally THOUSANDS of total damage and one-shots several of them... I flee.
  22. Actual healing, Regen buffs, +Absorb especially (Nature and Elec Affinity shine a lot here), and debuffs to the enemy stats to make them more manageable to kill quickly as well as halting their regen while your team has to reposition.
  23. I get out of Pumpkin Patch on my Illu Controller reliably when fighting Eochai, even if it knocks me down once. I have to move in to place Poison Trap, I get hurt, then I back out and am still alive. It doesn't kill you before you can run out of it. It's not even that much damage in the grand scheme of things: it just forces you to move (and the intent is that you also move Eochai out of it, but you can beat him even if he doesn't, depending on your character/team).
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