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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. Way back on live, in the Going Rogue Beta, my SG teammate and I are running to a mission and we pass a whole group of of about 15 clockwork in nice neat rows, sort of parade-rest formation (like the N5 Series from I-Robot). And my partner executed one of the most epic typos... ...in the world. [Team] Rebecca Heisman: Big Spawn of Cocks can be creepy no? [Team] Sassinak: O_o [Team] Sassinak: Yeeees.... [Team] Rebecca Heisman: CLOCKS! [Team] Rebecca Heisman: *REDFACED TYPO OF DOOM* [Team] Sassinak: ((*Whooping in laughter*)) Yeah you gotta watch out for any size flock of roosters, they can be terribly vicious! 🤣
  2. Myrdinn: ...eh, I'm trying to come up with something for "Nemesis Spot" and "Nemesis Plot", but coming up empty. Myrdinn: ...Nemesis Dot? Oroborous: Well of course he cooks his Nemesis Brots in his Nemesis Pots Myrdinn: Nemesis Knot. Something Alexander dealt with atlantea: Walk to the Dot is a Nemesis Plot! (And it even rhymes! ) Myrdinn: Nice! Shinobu: Did we do Nemesis Frat yet? Solar Emissions Well if Nemesis made beer would he have a Nemesis Vat? Starrphyre: Nemesis Hops? atlantea: Well if he was doing "The Robot" on top of the Nemesis Hops, then he'd be dropping the beat on the pot of hops as a bot. Myrdinn: .... right on that dot. atlantea: Ka-CHING!
  3. Hey - don't look at me like that! I just REPORT these things! 😅 Yo, Paragon, let's kick it! Ice Ice Tanker Ice Ice Tanker Alright Stop. Pay attention to this tank Ice is back with a brand new enhancement cold snap grabs ahold of you tightly then I spike like a rosebush daily and nightly Will it ever stop? Yo, hell no. Turn off the lights, and I'll glow To the extreme, I rock a mic like the Council Light up a stage and wax a boss like a candle Taunt Bum rush the tanker that booms I'm freezin' your brain like an ice cream doom Deadly, when I bring a fire/kin with me Anything less than The Legendary is a felony Love it or leave it You better drop exp You better hit the tanker The kid don't play If there's a mob there Yo, I'll solve it. Check out the level while my blaster revolves it. Ice Ice Tanker (x3)
  4. You want anime? You want Anime TANKERS and BRUTES? You like GIANT ROBOTS? Well then! I got you covered! Sound Effect: **KA-SHIIIIIIINGK** An homage to Gundam Barbatos - In-game named Ronin Barbatos. Brute: Titan Weapons/INV. INSANELY powerful burst damage and durability. And I did have him have a taunt as well. He's very effective as the classic Brute - High Damage output, not as high as a scrapper, but can easily serve as an "Off Tank" as well. This next one is a similar look - but in the way he plays, Dynamo Typhoon is almost more of a Gypsy Danger homage than a Gundam. But since Pacific Rim is such a loving homage to anime giant robots (and kaiju), then I think either interpretation works. ELBOW ROCKET!!! Hand-to-Hand classic Tanker all the way! Super Strength/Willpower, with some temp powers and Epic Pools that give him some limited range attacks.
  5. Inertia: Saw a mem with the Goblin King on it that read something like Jareth.. the only person that can way more make up the a 5th avenue hooker and is still drop dead sexy. Inertia: meme* Inertia: wear* Inertia: typos are my one true bane atlantea: I spay for those at least once a week. atlantea: *spray Mystel: hahahah best typo ever. Inertia: missed a week I see atlantea: *SMASHES KEYBOARD*
  6. (This made me laugh far more than it should have. I swear - it was the TIMING - the last two posts went up almost simultaneously! Obviously me and Lago were referencing two VERY different movies! ) Quote Hyper: who wants to live forever? Lago: ...when love slowly dies... Dynamo Joe: VULTAN: "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!"
  7. On some random Rikti Mothership Raid right as we enter the bowl... Quote [Request] Solar Emissions: OK Tanks brutes let's load them up [League] Uber Elf: so we didn't rim long enough before entering, is that it? [League] Aqua Lord: 🤣 [League] Cyberman 8: Hey, leave your private life out of it and just do the darn raid. 😆 [League] Aqua Lord: oh I cant even right now
  8. Speaking of "making sense out of context", I will leave the identity of the speaker un-revealed on this one, so as to protect the guilty... 😅 Quote "I found a prison shiv... and the Kama Sutra! This is gonna be a good day!"
  9. It's more fun without any context whatsoever. 🤣 Will O: Well, you were just standing there, and the shrink wrap was handy... one thing lead to another...
  10. Can we post things that are player quotes and not NPC quotes? I've got a few: Going Rogue launch night back on live, while standing in a remarkably crowded tutorial zone:- Z. Fox: Holy Tutorial Zone 2! Acyl: Our tutorial who art on server, instanced be thy name. Acyl: Thy XP come, thy kills be done, on server as it was in beta. Acyl: Give us this launch, our daily play, forgive us our faceplants as we forgive those who PvP against us. Acyl: Bring us not to deletion, but deliver us from altitis. Acyl: For thine is the expansion, the players and the community, now and forever. Amen. Z. Fox: I don't know whether to appreciate the skill... or decry the desecration... (tilts hands back and forth* Acyl: *smirks*
  11. Non-stop action!! From the guy who brought you the DOOM Soundtrack!!!!
  12. There is a story I’ve heard. I’m sure most of you have heard this one as well. But it sums up Mr. Conroy so well. Kevin Conroy was in New York as the 9-11 attacks on the Twin Towers happened. And in the aftermath he was helping run a soup kitchen giving food to the Firemen, recovery teams and Policemen who were working either on the site of the rubble or helping keep the piece and help others through the tragedy. No one knew who he was. He didn’t mention his role as Batman. Didn’t think it was that important right then. But as fellow volunteers got to know each other at that soup kitchen over the course of the hours and days they worked there - naturally and eventually the topics of discussion veered to the personal - As in - “so what do you do for a living normally?” And Kevin mentioned that he was an actor. Had done a few parts on Broadway. That sort of thing. And New Yorkers are all “oh yeah, that’s cool.” Because that’s a normal thing to expect there in Manhattan. But one of the workers said something like, “Yeah. Kinda thought you were an actor. You’ve got one of those voices. I was thinking I’d heard that voice before. Have you done any other work? Commercials? Radio?” Kevin: “Well I’ve done some voice acting work for animation.” “Yeah? Anything We’d know?” “Well I voiced Batman for about 9 years now.” “WAIT! You’re THAT GUY? HEY GUYS!” The worker calls out to the front, “Guess who we got back here serving food to ya! BATMAN!!” “Oh yeah? Prove it!” And Kevin Conroy calls out, projecting his voice to the entire shopfront, his most iconic line in that perfect Batman voice - ”I am vengeance! I am the NIGHT! I AM BATMAN!!!” And for just a few minutes in the middle of one of the greatest tragedies we’ll ever know. He took the pain and worry away from some very tired, beaten down people and made them forget about it all and gave them joy. THAT is who Kevin Conroy was. That’s why we love him. And why we always will.
  13. Welp. Guess no more new mods for me. Unless I do it the old-fashioned way and install them in my data folder.
  14. That's what I get. (Not the entire thing - but I assume that's enough to show you what you need based on the above.)
  15. I cannot get this to work. This is the error I get: If I then click continue, the program opens. But I cannot add to HC launcher. If I try - I get this:
  16. A trio of my old Pre-Shutdown characters that I'm working on leveling up. Plus some additional fun tidbits that just didn't fit in the bio page limits. Pete makes a small living these days as a part-time Private Investigator and consultant to the PPD. His shape-shifting abilities and ability to mimic voices (that he plays down as C8) have allowed him to infiltrate several gangs and come away with amazing amounts of intel. Some in the underworld think that there's an entirely DIFFERENT superhero working with the PPD. Since Superspeed is his main travel power - you'd think he wouldn't bother with cars. But in fact he loves them. He favors Ford cars and British sports cars. He drives a British Leyland Mini Cooper to get around town in his secret ID. He's slowly restoring an old 1967 Mustang to mint condition and is thinking seriously about buying a 1961 Studebaker Avanti. He's still doing the occasional catch-up on cultural goings on, since he was literally buried in a collapsed villain's lair for over 30 years. There was that one time when he was embarrassed when he discovered Disco - initially thought he liked it - then discovered everyone else most emphatically DID NOT. (Still likes the movie Xanadu with ELO and Olivia Newton John. But considers it a guilty pleasure and will NEVER watch it when anyone else would see him.) A few comments on Kara's wings: as she is equipped with a 18' wingspread, Kara has found many things that "normal" people take for granted to be difficult or nearly impossible. A short list includes: sleep on her back, ride in almost any car, ride in most planes, fit in the average shower or toilet stall, wear most (un-modified) clothing, or even walk down a store isle and not brush against anything. While in Paragon City, she's been a student at PCU taking courses in Nursing and Theater. Although she can vastly accelerate healing with her powers, she still wants practical medical knowledge just in case. She's also volunteered for various tests and documentation of her body and mutations with medical experts in the various superhero treatment fields. Mediport technology might have a chance of not working, and she wants certain doctors to know how to treat her - again - just in case. As for the theater courses? She doesn't think there's any real chance of being cast or appearing in any theater, movie or TV production as anything but "herself". So she's concentrating on voice acting. She's already done voice work for some game and animation studios and is starting to become known for her range. (If you suspected, based on the bio, that Lily is an "unreliable narrator" - give yourself a pat on the back.) Lily is pretty much a full-time... Well some would say "villain" others would say "mercenary" if they're more charitable. She's walked all over the legal and moral lines so much it's difficult to categorize her. She would just say "I follow my own rules because I can." But the absolute LAST thing anyone would suspect of her is that between various jobs/missions/bounty hunting/henching etc, that she supplements her income via online stock brokering and accounting under the assumed name of Erica Langley. She doesn't appear in that persona very often (it takes some rather extensive make-up work to pull it off) so she's known as something of a recluse. But some very prominent people in both Paragon City and the Isles have had their books balanced and taxes done by her (including Statesman and Manticore, or so its rumored). And it's the one activity of hers where she scrupulously follows the law. Particularly tax law. "I may occasionally rob banks and break knees, but even I don't want the IRS after me. What do you think I am, crazy?"
  17. I think we already HAVE a six-demon bag as salvage somewhere!
  18. BTW - just to make a cautionary note. I ONLY want the OCCASIONAL reference. An isolated exploration badge or two. That's as far as it should go with these kinds of references. (Let's not forget the mistake that Champions Online did of making most of West-Side Millennium City into a set of Big Trouble in Little China references! Including mission arcs and NPCs! Or compounding their error by making an entire custom repeatable set of missions basically do John Carpenter's "The Thing". Complete with arctic environment. Yes. CO actually did that. That's WAY too much!)
  19. You know... We REALLY REALLY need a location/exploration badge in the Underground Trial - or maybe the Hydra Trial. Put it in an out of the way part of the sewer tunnels. Or perhaps even in the Tsoo incarnate story arc of Dark Astoria perhaps? Title: It Will Come Out No More Text of the badge on inspection: "WHAT? WHAT'LL COME OUT NO MORE? HUH?"
  21. I was tempted to make a "Mastermind" for the 7th Doctor myself. But I was thinking - who are his minions? Well - companions - sure. But 5th Doctor would've fit the game trope more (my thinking) with his multiple companions and Seven only really had one at a time (like most Doctors). But your meme reminds me... "Oh right. Of course. He's the ultimate Mastermind. Because ALL OF US are his minions!" 🤣 (EDIT - BTW - I chose Tom Baker's 4th for Peacebringer because he was truly the most ALIEN of the Doctors. )
  22. EDIT: I tried one last thing - PERMANENTLY removing - NOT SAVING - any and all files that had anything named "VidiotMaps". NUKED the site from orbit. THAT did the trick. DAMN that was a frustrating bit of nonsense!
  23. While I'm at it...
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