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Posts posted by TemporalVileTerror

  1. Maybe if there were just some Events in the existing PvP Zones that would draw a crowd.

    ie:  Escort the Jade Spider trough Siren's Call!

    Once every three hours, the Jade Spider spawns in Siren's Call next to the Arachnos Base.  It starts with a super powerful shield.  It walks a preset distance toward the Hero hospital whenever the Villain players assist in defeating the Longbow in one of the street skirmish zones.  Conversely, its shields lose strength each time the Heroes help defeat Arachnos in those same skirmishes.  Once made vulnerable, Hero players can attack and destroy the Jade Spider.

    Kind of a "Payload" game mode.

    It doesn't radically change the intended design in Siren's Call, since the street skirmishes are still the focal points of the action, but it also gives players something BIG AND EXCITING to latch on to for extra invested interest.


    Perhaps something with the giant Neo-Shivans in Bloody Bay?

    Or some kind of "find the Super-Genius Scientist" event in Warburg which unlocks a new Uber-Nuke.

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  2. I can spot you the Inf for a full set of Level 41 SOs, if you'd like, @Rathulfr.  Thus no concerns of wasting your own resources to obtain them!


    Let's see . . . how many Slots total by that level?

    So, new Powers on each even Level up to 32, then 35 and 38, plus the Inherents and Fitness, and the Prestige Sprints, and the possibility of being a Triform Kheldian, then the two extra Slots on the odd numbered Levels up to 29, then three Slots for 31, 33, 34, 36, and 37 . . . 


    83?  Is that right?


    So, 83 of them, at between 48,000 and 54,000 each . . . 


    Less than 5 million Inf?


    No problem!  Bump it up to 10, just in case of mistakes.

  3. I don't believe there was ever a Rikti Monkey Fight Club in Port Oakes; the one in Sharkhead has been open since City of Villains Beta, to the best of my recollection.  The building in north Port Oakes just happens to have the same spray paint logo on it, is all.


    But it would be interesting if there were a portal between Paragon Dance Party and the Sharkhead Rikti Monkey Fight Club.  Something for Rogues and Vigilantes to pop between Paragon City and the Isles in a jiify.

    • Like 1
  4. Not entirely sure it's necessary, but just going to pop it down in writing for peer review and consideration . . . 


    I think it would be nice to add a new option to the "Disable Earning Experience" setting:  "Stop XP Before Level-Up" or "Stop XP Before Level #"

    (where "#" is a specific upcoming level chosen by the player with a text input or scaling bar.)

    The player would earn up to 1 point less than the amount of Experience necessary for levelling up, with all excess Experience converted to Inf per usual.


    Not sure how much of a coding nightmare it may pose, particularly the GUI elements, but it could be helpful to have something like this to give a player a little more nuanced control over their gameplay.

    • Like 2
  5. I'd like to see a focus on challenging the fundamental assumption that "Getting to 50" is "The Goal" of the game.  The entire metric for which gameplay progress is measured is borked and runs contrary to both the narrative structure and the core promise of the established power fantasy.  And not the "being a super hero" power fantasy.  No.  I'm talking about the player-agency one.  The "make YOUR OWN super hero" power fantasy.

    The Devs and the whole community are in an ideal position to re-examine what the core gameplay loop here is, and divorce it from the previous design decisions which were made with a profit structure in mind.


    Naturally, I don't advocate completely taking something away that already exists, no matter how problematic it is (although there may be positive and constructive ways to mitigate some of the -most- problematic cases, nudge-nudge, recent example of a topic worth exploring in more depth https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/27596-enemy-groups-and-equality-your-opinions-and-thoughts/ nudge-nudge).  But there is a LOT of wiggle room to explore what even -IS- City of Heroes now.

    The people who love what's already here will continue to love it.  The Devs who love what's already here will continue to try and replicate more of it.  But let's ALSO start branching out and exploring the City's POTENTIAL too.  We can do so much more with the liminal spaces that exist in the game design's structure here.  Let's start capitalizing on the existing infrastructure for some NEW things, not -just- more of the same.


    City of Heroes doesn't need to be just a flashy queue-and-wait combat spreadsheet simulator, after all.  There's much more we can do here ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/30-base-construction/ am I right, @Dacy?   https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/31-mission-architect/ am I right, @Darmian?).

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  6. An additional perk of the change of pace we saw with Going Rogue and onward with the NPC costumes more routinely being built from pieces that could also be use on player-characters was an increase in potential gender parity.  That's a lesson I really hope the Homecoming Team take to heart, and make a focus on all future costume pieces and NPC factions having built-in potential, even if the faction is mono-gender in practice.  Reduce the likelihood of limiting factors down the line by future-proofing new content with parity in mind from the get-go.


    It might be funny, though, to see the Ultimate True Power behind the throne in the Family is an angry nonna with a rolling pin.  Someone which ABSOLUTELY NO ONE messes with, 'cause they know what's good for 'em.

  7. Of special note; adding a cost to this (or a tax) as @Greycat suggested (and quickly and wisely reneged on) would be counter-productive to the specific design intention.

    If you're losing Inf on buying one of these bank tokens, then why not just continue using the existing methods of market, email, and/or alts?

    -Maybe- a one-time "convenience fee" that is account-wide, but even then, the most frugal will refuse to pay and just retain their current Inf-storage methods.


    As far as quality of life improvements go, it's a good one!  It also helps standardize and clean up the UX when it comes to Inf, and they'd make a great way to hand out BIG PRIZES at contests or events.

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  8. Some elements transcend others on an individual's personal identity.

    Tis (super)human nature.



     . . . which is another reason I'd really, really, REALLY like to see the decoupling of pronouns/Badge Titles from character model in-game.

    Any chance of championing that with the programming Devs, @Piecemeal?

  9. A discussion in one of my Global Channels prompted me to think about this, and I realize there's another potential scale to discuss:

    Player-character death.


    The basics, as I see them (open to feedback and tweaking):


    Immortal  -  The character should not die under any circumstances.

    Eternal  -  The character can die, but always manages to find a way to come back.
    Dramatic End  -  The character should only die in a significant way as it relates to their personal narrative.
    Last Ditch Effort  -  The character could die at any time, but their final moments should be interesting and drive the plot forward for other characters.

    Like A Chump  -  The character could die at any moment, even when it's completely uninteresting.

    Open Season  -  The character can be killed by any other player who declares it and makes a convincing enough argument to the character's player.

    The Game Said So  -  The character dies when defeated in combat, or by some other criteria determined by gameplay or a roleplay system's mechanics.



    • Like 1
  10. Well.  I ended up making that Sentinel.  

                                    Hottest Shot


           Hunter Sullivan grew up feeling trapped and seeking change.  Honestly, it's the sort of story you hear too often, but Hunter owns up to it.  He doesn't like talking about his past, but he also won't hide from it.  So, he'll admit that in his search for a personally meaningful means to transition, he fell in with bad people and accepted the help of some unscrupulous sorts.
           These people offered him a rejected super-soldier serum, deemed too volatile for use and demonstrating some serious side effects.  But those side effects were exactly what he was looking for!  The metamorphosis was painful, but Hunter couldn't argue with the results.  He was finally the man he wanted to be, inside and out.
           For a while he ran with the villains who changed his life, but their misdeeds and evil became too much to bear.  Now Hunter is looking to change his life again:  He wants to become a hero.
           Or at least a crime-fighter.


    Level 15 already, but I forgot to switch him to Vigilante.  I should go do that.

    • Like 3
  11. If only there were a Grenade Control or Pistolero Assault Set.  I would bring one of those in to a ".38 Special" Group SO FAST your revolvers would spin.


    As it stands, I'm thinking Pistol / Fiery Sentinel maybe.

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