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Posts posted by TemporalVileTerror

  1. "in a game about classic superhero roleplaying tropes."

    Since when!?


    It might have some representation of those trope, but I deign to hold that the whole game is -about- them.  By all means, if those tropes are the ones you enjoy, explore them with consenting partners.  Though I think one does a disservice to reduce the depths and breadth of this setting to such a scope as that.

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  2. Due to the new service "Star" being introduced to Disney+, people in certain regions around the world have been locked out of  "Ages 12+" content on their accounts.  No official word from Disney yet as to the issue, leaving people in afflicted areas to speculate about whether they're going to need to pay premium fees to regain access to content they already previously had.  Users in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada have reported the issue.

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  3. I'm not sure the majority have 30+ Alts, but it would be nice to hear if that were the case.

    A random selection button could be fun, but does imply a certain bag of complications.  Selecting a random character at the start of your play session can be achieved with a personal-use randomizer application or just some dice and a homemade chart.


    Although . . . I -do- like the idea of a Task Force or Task Force option where you play as a different Archetypes in each mission.  We have the tech for Personal Story Arc content . . . maybe that could be co-opted so players are assigned a pre-made role randomly from a selection of pre-made builds?

  4. I can't speak to everyone else, but some themes of mine can be determined from https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10583-vileterrors-roleplay-characters-as-of-2020-04-27/

    - Undead/Demonic heroes

    - Homeless and socially downtrodden heroes
    - Ancient witch cabal

    - Veterinary clinic for mundane and meta-powered animals

    - Experimental intelligence cell for FBSA

    - Paragon City law firm

    - Monastery which trains anti-eldritch nuns/priests

    - Extradimensional mercenaries

    - Prestigious Villainy Academy

    - Malta'esque militant group of mundane human supremacists

    - Port Oakes neighbourhood watch

    - Extradimensional demonic doomsday cult

    - Trope'ishly predictable (mad) scientists

    (to name a few)

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  5. On the topic of representation in game, I think it's way past about time we actually had the female Soldiers and male Widows showing up in the ranks of the NPC Arachnos.  THAT one is fully supported by the Lore and gameplay.


    For the Warriors  . . . yeah, they're dudebros.  I can see plenty of them being dull-witted enough to disagree with gender diversification.  Another reason for a schism, honestly.  

    And thanks for bringing up the official Lore, @Draeth Darkstar.  It emphasizes why I proposed the schism in the first place.  Even if the Old Warriors and New Warriors don't have a full blown civil war, it's clear that there's a difference between what they preach and what they do.

    • Like 2
  6. I'm a very strong proponent of Natural.  There are some very compelling narratives to explore there in a setting otherwise dominated by magical-space "gods."


    I like @Take One's comment.  There's a LOT of wiggle-room in the form of leaning on the Cimeroran Traitors' toolkit.


    I'd personally like to see a schism erupt in the Warriors, between those who are willing to lean on magical relics (current Warriors) and those who find that repugnant (perhaps influenced by the likes of Malta and the truth about the Rikti).  The existing content is ripe for such a civil war in the faction.  The Preached Ideology versus the Practised Activities.

    Couple that with the proposed Anti-Incarnate content, and you could have a splinter faction of Warriors who seek to leverage social forces as much as personal physique to make themselves the pinnacles of humanity.  Undermine the power of Incarnates by uniting people much the same way the Rikti united humanity in that alternate reality to slay their "gods."

  7. As I recall, the Valentine's Day missions from Scratch and Ganymede were the Legacy/Retail Devs' first foray in to cross-Alignment team content.  It was more about the brand new tech in the form of having a mission which recognized Alignment from the inside.


    And @Clave Dark 5, I'm pretty sure @Jacktar is referencing that these missions can be solo'd by talking to Null to switch your Alignment mid-mission.  To the best of my knowledge, the Valentine's Day missions don't affect a character's Alignment at all; just check it.

    • Like 1
  8. Henchpet customization and female henches are very common requests:



    To the best of my knowledge, no OFFICIAL word has -ever- been made, from the original Legacy/Retail Devs or (especially) the Homecoming Devs on the potential issue of "inappropriate content" in relation to this topic.

    Given that anyone can roll an infinite number of free accounts and make characters of any appearance perform all sorts of activities which are restricted from the current Terms of Use, I would hope that the Homecoming Devs' reasons for not tackling this project relate more to the technical scope and depth of it, rather than a fear of abuse of the feature.

    Granted, with past discussions on this topic, I've certainly seen that there's no shortage of players who are willing and interested in making other players uncomfortable . . . so . . . *shrugs*  It's certainly not outside the realm of possibility that such an issue is the reason for the hold up.


    I hope the Custom Henchpet feature comes to fruition, and some time soon.  I also hope that the tools to more fully block offensive player-created content are implemented at the same time (or sooner).

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  9. Harkening back to how Sidekicking used to work, what if the higher-level members of a team had a PBAoE Auto Aura which enhanced the lower-level team members' To-Hit/Accuracy and Damage.

    It's thematic, encourages players to stick together, retains the -1 level effect, but provides a means for Sidekicks/Lackeys to contribute a little more.

    Maybe just add it to Incarnates, so any non-Incarnates on the team get the buff.

    And/or maybe have the buff work more intensely if the Mentor is defeated, causing a sort of Vengeance buff.


    Just some ideas to spitball around.  Thinking in different directions and all that.

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