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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. It's not replaced, they've made plenty of canon references to legends old republic things. they just filled in some of that huge gap between old republic and prequel eras with another era. sadly, they continue to ignore the g-funk era
  2. High Republic
  3. I've not seen any reviews cuz idgaf and i'm going to watch anyway, but I was kind of shocked at how terrible it was. I wondered if they'd outsourced it to 1990s syfy channel and used surplus props from original BSG and Black Hole. Fights were fine at least.
  4. Finished it. Has its charm if a bit on the scenery chewing side occasionally. Bit of a struggle though, as the eps just seem too long to me. Definitely not in the sandman's league but better than arrowverse or doom patrol.
  5. You remember stars war scenes bettter than i remember anything ever
  6. Small mid-credit in the finale, btw
  7. I liked e2 the best, but it seemed very book dependent unless i'm forgetting some show info dumpage about the
  8. I don't recall an instance before this of power replication from a shape shifter (but to be faaaaiiihh i don't recall much of anything ever). It does make sense that they should be able to mimic down to dna though given that their power already extends to such things as voice and mannerisms and style of movement. In which case they should mimic Proteus or Jaime Braddock and just manipulate the sentinels out of reality. They'll be fine til they have to go one on one with a similarly boosted Mystique.
  9. My buddy tells the story of seeing Siouxsie in London in the 80s and every person in the place was in all black except for one teen right in the middle of the crowd wearing a bright purple raincoat. My head canon now believes that to have been @ThaOGDreamWeaver and i won't be convinced otherwise
  10. They copied which isn't energy projection but still seems a cut above basic physical aspects as you describe.
  11. I'm not sure how I feel about the huge power upgrade for Morph - i.e. taking on the powers of whomever they're mimicking. I don't remember if they had that when they came back on the original series but I know they didn't have it all along - otherwise they'd not been just running around getting killed in the early sentinel fight of the original. It's a nice gimmick for putting in cameos but if you think about it it makes them simultaneously overpowered and a bit dumb, cuz why wouldn't you just always mimic Phoenix Jean?
  12. Yeah it's quite good. And I'm always against dubbing, but for this even more than usual. Originally wanted to watch this hoping to knock the book out of the infinite queue since it's so long. Have since learned it's only one of 6 books, 5 of which are huge. Le sigh.
  13. it makes sense, and he was in charge of one of the teams, so i could see it.
  14. They seem to be fusing a bunch of different stories from different eras into one, from as far back as mutant massacre but with elements as recent as HoX/PoX. The show was always good at fusing comic semi-coherence into a simplified thread so i'm here for it
  15. They weren't. He wasn't even attached to them until waaaay later
  16. I remember Ghost was part of Cage's T-bolts but don't remember anyone else being one. I've not read the full runs though
  17. Those points granted, it was still much better than the comic version
  18. One hopes it's the good Guy Ritchie rather than the other Guy Ritchie but 'from the director of Sherlock Holmes' bodes ill on that front. Speaking of Guy, interested to see what happens with the series version of the Gentlemen later this week. the expand-a-movie-into-a-series thing seems to be a whole genre now. Just finished the first season of Sexy Beast, which i liked quite a bit more than the movie which I remembered as fairly boring aside from Ben Kingsley yelling.
  19. I assume you've seen Slow Horses, which has almost caught my favorite spy show Spooks (which I know you've seen from another thread), and the Americans. soooo Deutschland '83? A Spy Among Friends? The Informant? The Ipcress File (the recent show)? some of those are slow burns even at my watch speeds though. I've got nothing on the movie front as I barely watch them anymore.
  20. I was hoping for a, but it was more b. If you're not compelled to watch it I wouldn't try. Having said that I didn't find it as causing-me-pain-turn-it-off-and-burn-it bad as Venom 2
  21. I forced myself through them begrudgingly. Kevin Smith has the Mierdas touch for me. Glad some people like them though.
  22. My favorite bits were her acquaintances, most of whom were reservation dogs cast members, but sadly it kinda seemed like they were doing res dogs fanfic.
  23. You've only yourself to blame
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