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Everything posted by VV

  1. Oh yeah, I don't know about the popup screen notification. Live is too far ago to remember. I just wanted to confirm to the OP that Grav did indeed get the damage bonus. Huh, I may have to reconsider that option.
  2. Do you get containment messages on your other controllers? Below is a test I just ran with my Grav. I believe that the second Propel damage of 459.19 Smashing damage is from Containment, though it does not specify that. The Impact damage is there separately.
  3. True, this is just common game boredom that often sets in for some people after a game has been out for a couple years. People find whatever to complain about, but really they are just ready to move on to the next sparkly. SAST syndrome.
  4. Of course it can exist. You can build it. The code is readily available. They literally say that. It's weird to me that the original devs created the incarnate powers, but then did not put in much to challenge that level of play. There are the few iTrials that are a bit harder than most of the stuff, but there's not much of that, and even that isn't that hard. This is a funny statement. So many gamers complain when devs nerf something to manage power creep. I mean, there will be wailing with every rebalance. (Not saying you do this, specifically, just that most do.) Yet, this is what happens when devs do not manage power creep. If they never nerf anything, this is where we end up. I do know that there is an SG somewhere on Homecoming that plays strictly by like I6 rules. Don't remember the exact issue, but they have a whole list of dos and don'ts. Could be an option for those who want the old school taste of it. Another option is to run Ouro missions with heavy player debuffs and enemy buffs.
  5. Thing is, MANY people play sloppily these days. I've not noticed a particular preponderance of one AT or another. Bad controllers may seem more prevalent because 1) their powers are flashy and 2) they have a greater impact on combat than most ATs. I think it is mostly just the power creep that has reeeeaaaaally creeped up. Unlike "back in the day" when things could be pretty tough, these days you can have a team full of sloppy players and still do fine.
  6. I generally slot Lightning Storm with 5 Apocalypse and an extra damage proc. I find it does really solid damage and serious mitigation. Tornado gets 4 Expedient Reinforcement, a KB>KD IO, and some other damage proc. Again, does some really solid damage and massive mitigation. Using Tornado as your Tank is super fun. While LS and Nado are two of my favorite powers in the game, I would not take Storm on an alt designed to be in the super speed runs. Cold or Sonic are your best bets for that.
  7. I thought Tornado and Lightning Storm did not properly proc the FF procs because they are pseudo pets. Is that not true?
  8. Hmmm... I've been thinking about this for a long time. I keep trying to make a water blast character, but haven't found one I like. I already loooooooove Storm and am kind of salivating about having the Defender version of it. I am also vainglorious and like to do splashy stuff, as well as control the entire battlefield. I think I will have to give this a go. As a veteran Storm user, one note to the OP If you do not want to get into melee then Hurricane is definitely your friend. Stand/Fly at the back of the group with Hurricane on and ain't nobody running up on you. It is great for cover for other ranged squishies.
  9. So, I am really getting to love the Teleport Pool. But, I have this one big issue, every time I teleport, the Follow command cancels. As far as I know, this is the only movement power that does that. It is incredibly inconvenient. Is there any reason it does this? Is it a bug? Is it working as intended? Now, you might say, "Well, just tap the F key again," (because you are a know-it-all who assumes I have tried that). However, if you tried this, you would realize that just the time it takes you to make this extra keystroke can let an opponent get away. If your target is already running, the time it takes to get your finger to the F key, they can be out of melee range and around a corner. Of course, the way pathing and following "works" means that you can no longer just F them to run to catch up and hit them. If the devs really are trying to get more people to use Teleport, this is going to be a serious impediment to that.
  10. For future reference, it seems one can get the LRT power with just the Clubber badge from Pocket. As far as I can tell, that's the easiest way to get it for a newbie Praet. Might be easiest for a newbie Paragonian, too. That is Badge_OGTH2.png .
  11. Great run last night! Quick question, do we have a discord?
  12. Oh I guess I never noticed that. All my previous toons must have already had those badges. Okay, thanks!
  13. You need ALL the badges in a zone to unlock LRT? Is that a new update to the update? I though you just needed one travel badge to unlock it.
  14. So, I just started a new Praetorian alt (Resistance Crusader, whoa). I have unlocked the travel badges for Nova Praetoria and Imperial City. But, doing so has not unlocked the Long Range Teleport. I thought that unlocking any zone badge would unlock the LRT power. Is that not correct? Image below to demonstrate.
  15. VV

    VV's Characters

    H3ll Grrl Once thought she was a half-demon on a mission to recruit for the Devil's army. Since learned her whole life was a lie. Wields "hellfire" which not only burns, but sickens victims. She is quite strong and a vicious fighter. Inspiration bit.ly/2RXrPxW NEW INFORMATION After many months of thinking she was a half-devil, and cast out of Hell, she finally managed to get into Hell. She me her "father," Satan, who had no idea who she is. He did notice she had infernal scent. He also noticed she was not fully Primal. Satan tried to obliterate her for whatever reason, but she managed to escape. In the mayhem and interdimensional transportation, her memories got even more jumbled than they already were, resulting in her forgetting much of her more recent history since escaping Cole. Since returning from Hell, she has managed to learn a little more about her true origin. Without any real history or home, H3ll Grrl fell into a deep depression. For a long time, she did not know what to do and simply "existed," staying in the abandoned Devil's Own base full-time. After a time, the crippling pain of her existence faded, replaced with simple ennui. She is coming out more often, sometimes using extreme violence to manage her pain, sometimes trying to engage. Still filled with feelings of pointlessness, she wanders through life aimlessly, looking for some meaning. Inspired by this artwork by Jeff Chapman. H3ll Grrl RP Super Villain [[CONTENT WARNING - Vulgar, Vicious, and Cruel, you know, like a demon. Lots of bad language, violence, and smut. Do not RP if offended.]] RP notes: * Smells vaguely of tin and musk. * Voice is husky and luxurious, with a Praetorian Resistance gutter speak accent. * Due to the extreme amount of pheromones she exudes, just her presence can "excite" people nearby (does not work on everyone). * Vaguely detects of magic. * Reads as slightly radioactive. * For telepaths who try to read her mind, it is a terribly nasty place, traumatizing to many. * She is always obviously "excited." [[Note: this is only roleplay, please do not take anything she says seriously or does.]] H3ll Grrl claims to be half-demon, even half-sister to the famous "Boy" (TM), though none of this has been corroborated. She wields "hellfire" which not only burns, but sickens victims (radiation armor). She is quite strong and a vicious fighter, often inflicting crippling wounds to her victims (street justice).
  16. Dang, I had a concept for a Hell Boy half-sister port that would work great as SS/Fire Scrapper. I guess I have decided to go Street Justice/ instead.
  17. Okay, but how about either starting your own thread for that or posting in any of the thousands of other threads griping about bad players? Then we can keep this one on topic and actually have one positive thread, eh? Can you help out here?
  18. And to whoever deleted my rant, thank you!!! I don't know whyyyyy I am allowed near a keyboard after a few drinks. My handlers know better than that!
  19. Just wanted to give a huge thanks to you and all the GMs and Devs for being epically cool and keeping this awesome game going for us. I think you guys are more appreciated than you could ever truly know.
  20. Following. I have a retired Mind/Psi/Psi waiting for a good build. I've tried a number of things and am just not seeing the uberness that others claim.
  21. If this happens, drop team and find a better one. You are clearly on a team who does not know what they are doing because this and this are actually the case. While, what your team leader said has not be true for ages. I mean, you could try to educate them, but that rarely goes well and is hardly worth the trouble when you could find a new team in no time. On the other hand, this can be a real problem. However, this most likely means your team tank sucks, they are too slow. They should be out in front and have the next group gathered by the time anyone else gets there. If, somehow the Planter is getting out in front of a fast tank, then either tell them to wait for the tank, or boot them. On the third hand, this is not just the situation with Planters, it is true of all Dominators/Controllers, and is, in fact, fact. To all Dominators/Controllers, all other ATs are just cleanup. It's just facts.
  22. Yo heavies! So, I know we all gripe a lot, and I am certainly high in the gripe-to-kudos ratio, but every now and then, even I have to put in a good word where I see it. A little background, y'all know I'm an old old tanker. My first 50 and main on Live was a tanker and even when we had to go to that "other" superhero game, my main was tanky. So, last night, I was testing out my new Blaster, Fire/Atomic. Designed with the motto, "RotP is part of the rotation." Low defenses, high damage. I jumped on a PI team fighting Council radios on +4x8. Led by a tank named Acadian Avenger, who I did not know. Blaster facing Council... could have been. OMG we rocked it. AA is a superb tank. I missed the powerset, though did notice she's a flying tank. She gave as near-perfect a class on proper tanking as I have ever seen. Got out ahead, gathered groups quickly, never whined about any KB, never dawdled, knew exactly when to move out or pull in another group, dealt with any overpulls by certain blasters, kept things moving quickly, but never left anyone behind. I rarely get to see a tanker that tanks so well, especially these days. No matter what anyone says, proper tanking makes a huge difference to kill-speed and enjoyment. So, I just wanted to say great job to Acadian Avenger! If you're on here, take a bow! Anybody else have good tanking stories, either that you have seen or done? Let's tell good stories for a minute.
  23. LOL okay, I'll buy that. I know enough Austrials to get it.
  24. So, question, does running Hover+Fly+EM together provide any benefits over Fly+EM or Hover+EM? Either in combat or our of combat? What happens if you run Hover+EM together?
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