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Everything posted by VV

  1. Heck, when I was little, I remember dying multiple times trying to just get from the Atlas Hospital to any mission in the outer reaches of the zone.
  2. Hang on, you're complaining about something and you do not even know the basics about it? Ugh, give me a freaking break. Do you even know you can use the Long Range Teleporter to get there in 2 clicks? And without the delay of the old Pocket D transporter? Probably could even set up a Macro for it. Don't bother answering, I'm done.
  3. I did not know that. Good tip. That is what I will do with all my newbie alts.
  4. Heck, I'll go you one better. > go to base > take portal to PD > profit Just stay Vigilante. You can still get and do all the Blue missions, and you can join Red missions. The only thing you cannot do is get your own Red missions, but you did not mention doing that.
  5. VV

    Epic for Ice Ice Baby!?

    Oh LMAO. Appropriate.
  6. VV

    Epic for Ice Ice Baby!?

    Uh.... that's what I'm doing.
  7. VV

    Epic for Ice Ice Baby!?

    Awesome, thanks for the tips! Very much helps.
  8. Yes, this should definitely work. You might have one take a pot shot every now and then, but barely enough to bother you. Were you standing in the mob? Seems like Conductive Aura should have been holding you up.
  9. I feel like some of y'all don't understand how Electric Control Sleep works. Static Field is different than other sleeps and so much more awesome. It is a field that targets an area, not a specific anchor enemy. Unlike other sleeps, it is not a one-and-done. You set it in its area, and it continues to pulse sleep. So, if someone wakes up because they are attacked, they go back to sleep at the next pulse. No, I don't know how fast the pulses are, but they are fast. So fast that many enemies cannot get an attack off between waking and going back to sleep. It is crazy good. If Poison Gas Arrow works the same way, that would be incredible. Especially if you got lucky and the pulses from each were off-synch, so the SF and PGA pulsed at different times. That would be an almost continuous sleep area. I have SF on an Elec/Nrg dominator and it is crazy. Drop the Static Field, run up with Conductive Aura running, spam Jolting Chain and Chain Fences. Things are sleeping and flopping and in a few seconds, anything that is not dead is out of endurance. I'm telling you guys, it is ridiculous. I would feel bad about it, but then, you know, I don't. Anyway, return to discussion. I think it is a great idea, if it works.
  10. Oh shoot, this is a good point. I have a Fire/Atomic and I have not compared this. I will do so.
  11. Wait, I thought we weren't using Tac Arrow after the big nerf?
  12. Howdy all. I am working on my first ever Sentinel. I have settled on Ice Blast / Ice Armor for the primary / secondary. But, I was looking at the various Epics and it seems like really thin pickings. They don't seem to add much to the primaries, and don't close a lot of holes. I am hoping it is just my inexperience talking. Anybody got tips? Also, is anything skippable in Ice Armor? It all looks good, but I need a little wiggle room.
  13. I was going to ask how any group could be standing after just the first three or four of those, but then you said - - and confirmed what I thought. I mean, my all-ranged fire/atomic can pretty much burn through a whole group with just Inferno, Fireball, and Fire Breath. I thought about making a Fire/Fire for the rotation you mentioned, but then it seems like it is superfluous, or redundant. My Fire/Fire/Fire tanker with four ranged attacks, including a hold, looks at you quizzically. LOL this is exactly what I was ineptly trying to ask, thank you for catching that. To be clear, I have nothing against blapping, per se (I have 2 blappinators, e.g. melee-focused dominators). I was just curious if there was a powergaming reason for blapping or if it was purely a playstyle thing. And, I totally get you regarding making sometimes sub-optimal power choices for playstyle or theme. Mainly, I was just curious if I was reading the numbers wrong. Now that I know I am not, I can make an informed decision. Thanks all for indulging my cluelessness!
  14. Okay, cool, so I'm not crazy for thinking melee damage is lower than ranged damage, on average, with a few exceptions. (I mean, clearly I'm crazy, but I'm not misinterpreting those numbers.)
  15. Can someone explain Blapping to me? Looking at the damage numbers from different primaries and secondaries, it seems like the primaries generally do way more damage than the secondaries. I never really played Blasters on Live, so I never really noticed. Until recently, when I thought I would try my hand at blasters. So, I've worked up a few ranged blasters, the latest being Fire/Atomic. I was looking at the Blapper variant and now I really cannot see why I would do that. I always assumed that blappers gave up range for damage, that the melee attacks did more than the ranged, but that does not seem to be true. So, what is the benefit of a blapper?
  16. This is the way. He gets nutty if the team doesn't have an anchor meleer. Regarding the slowness, it sounds like not enough people had all their Sudden Accelerations properly slotted.
  17. Bummer. Still would be fun flinging Romans all over the place. I might even have to take my KB>KD proc out of WH and have full fun with it
  18. Oof, I'm surprised you didn't take Jolting Chain. It is one of my favorite Elec powers. You can proc it up with all sorts of funny stuff. And spamming it with Chain Fences is a good poor man's aoe hold. Yeah, probably don't do that. On a fast moving team, you just put Fold Space in mothballs and keep up. There may be a rare opportunity here and there to use it, but don't expect to throw it much. Definitely warn your teammates both ahead of time and when you throw it. Most fast moving players look ahead and are ready to jump as soon as the current mob is cleared, so you could easily end up Folding the next group back to your current spot while most of the team is halfway to the next spot. It can get confusing. I do speak from experience. I have been on teams where players were all excited to try out their shiny new power and kept pulling mobs backwards to where we used to be. The other thing is that you cannot easily stack mobs with FS. If you are standing in the middle of a group and you pop off FS to stack the next mob on your location, well, it targets closest first, so that is probably not going to work. Fold Space can be useful for a Tanker to get stragglers into melee range quickly, but I do not recommend "helping" the tank by doing so because he is already planning his management and that can mess up his strategy. I also recommend not using it to stack mobs on slow teams. If they are slow, that probably means they are low on DPS and survivability. If you were to somehow stack another group on the current one, it could easily overwhelm them. Fold Space is cool, but it is no Wormhole.
  19. Wait, so stuff like Steamy Mist does not suppress when fighting? That can't be right. As has been said, Superior Invisibility is sufficient to hide you from anything that cannot see through stealth completely. As a newbie Illusion user, I still get a kick of running around absolutely aggro free anywhere I want. One thing to note, BEWARE OF AOES. SI can make one pretty cocky, and suddenly, you're blundering into a mountain of explosions. That can hurt.
  20. Carp, I keep missing these! You were looking for suggestions, I recommend and all /Stormie. Any primary, but all stormie is insaaaaaaane. Also, an all Grav/ would be fun. Floating baddies as far as the eye can see. Not to mention the Wormhole Wars! Wait, does teleport mag stack???
  21. How is everything not dead at this point? I mean, maybe a boss or two, depending on misses, but if this does not burn down all the minions and LTs, I cannot imagine what you are fighting. Are you running +4x8? Even then, it seems like that sequence should clear most of the chafe. Are you popping both Aim and Build Up before you rush in? How much does your fully pumped Inferno do?
  22. Ah, I see the issue. If you think Defenders are rather weak, it is because you are playing them wrong, not because they are, in fact, weak. Defenders are a quite powerful AT. While buffing the buffs might bring them up to par with your playstyle, for many others, most others likely, it would make them far overpowered compared to the other ATs.
  23. That is literally exactly what the OP asked for. They did allow a small caveat for possibly reducing the effect on the caster, but it was more like an afterthought than a real suggestion. Anyone who asks a question like this clearly has not been on a team of 8 supports. Try that and suddenly you will see how OP buffs are. Even a team with just 4-5 supports gets pretty insane pretty quickly. Now, imagine if all those supports had yet another layer of buffs on them. As I mentioned before, Buffs are already overpowered. Making them more overpowered is not helpful. The problem is not with the way buffs work, the problem is with the way you are trying to implement the AT. Different ATs have different strengths and weaknesses. Defenders are designed to mainly support teams, and they are really good at it. They sacrifice other areas, like personal durability, in exchange for the ability to buff the team. You would not play a Tank and complain that its attacks do not have enough range, would you?
  24. I mean, I would not skip Heart of Darkness. It's a nice hard control that has a decent recharge. Skipping your ally Rez and a great ally buff also seems a bit risky. To pick those up, seems like you could dump the Fighting Pool. I mean, what are you going to be doing, NOT controlling the battlefield? Of course, you'll have everyone locked down and mitigated, so they shouldn't be attacking you, anyway. In any case, looks like a powerful combo. Should be a lot of fun.
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