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❤️ Goodbye Eildath. Of the few times I remember running into you, you were always fun. Thank you for your part of the community. /em holdtorch 🔥
Target HP and END numbers in the Target Window
Teirusu replied to Teirusu's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Well, having actual percentage numbers could be nice, although, I feel that's slightly redundant, but not a terrible idea. I'd argue that the existing bars already display percentage by their very nature. A half full bar is %50, etc. The main idea was, as little new UI work as possible, as it be using the existing new space where distance is already displayed, instead of mucking about with anything else in the target window.. Hopefully that be a simple add-on. But, if percentage numbers could be added with little fan-fair, I'd be fine with that! 😀 Any other kind of stats though, should be left to the combat monitors and/or the Power Analyzer. Kinda the whole point to getting the Power Analyzer is being able to see those advanced stats like regen and what-not. -
Some discussion somewhere else made me realize something... It would be incredibly useful to have the HP and END as numbers in the Target Window display. You can currently hover your mouse over each bar and the tooltip pops up showing either one.. but this is tedious and immediately goes away when you fire off a power or something. So, given light that we got the distance to target not too long ago.. can we please also get HP/END numbers in the window too? Something like this terrible MS Paint example?
I've recently made some small additions to my Combat Teleport macros after some experimentation. Minor but they definitely help keep me orientated after the jump. The command /face forces you to face towards your target. This can be important if you're swiftly TAB targeting and select an NPC that's almost out of view. Without it, you might sometimes find your camera is at a completely different viewing angle after the TP and be disorienting. On the other hand, the command /playerturn forces your character to turn towards the middle of camera before doing the Combat teleport. Similar to the situation above, if the character wasn't facing center before doing the TP, the camera could be turned to a completely different direction then you expected it, briefly leaving me disoriented after. So, these commands at the end stop these edge cases I've found while using it.
I was one of those Windows 7 die-hards until about a year and half ago. Eventually newer video card drivers stopped supporting Windows 7 along with the newer versions of Python. So, was pretty much forced to drop in Windows 10 at that point. At least with 22H2, Windows 10 has just about all major bugs ironed out of it! 😆 So I know for sure that the 64-bit client can/was definitely running on Windows 7 64-bit. Certainly wouldn't be surprised if it needs a bunch of newer dependences installed on it though.
Nice! I had been thinking of doing something similar but I see you already did it! 😃 Some additions I might suggest: 1.) Vel's Folly also exists on both Excelsior and and Everlasting. That be nice to add so there's an option for a similar transit hub no matter what server they're on. Excelsior = VF-9122 Everlasting = VF-11508 2.) I'd suggest uploading these to the City Mod Installer, if you can. That way, people can just grab it from the mod site easily. https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/ 3.) The beta server sometimes gets wiped, but one of the working bases on it from AboveTheChemist is PPOC-5 (Which I tested just now). 4.) I might also suggest every base have a sub-menu which shows you the base-code. That way, people can easily see what the code is for getting into the base and share it with others. (This is what I did for my Everlasting Base Code/Hub pop-menu) I had made one for Everlasting's massive number of public base codes over the holiday week as well, in-case anyone is curious for an Everlasting specific pop-menu:
Teirusu started following Pet Summons Pop-Menu (v2) and Everlasting Base Code Pop-menu
Hello Everlasting, For the heck of it, I decided to create a Pop-menu for most of the base-codes that can be found at these two below locations. So, credit to them for all the codes. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Everlasting_Base_List https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nw-npzUY2NGc6SFoHa1ByWw202gI8DlT0ZDTQwoR7YM/edit#gid=0 The lists for each server are talked about in this thread: I went through all the codes and didn't include the ones whose base code was no longer valid, so there are a few missing from the pop-menu that are currently included in the two above links. (If you look in the MNU file, those bases I've commented out.) I've sorted and ordered the list similar to the spreadsheet but not exactly 100%. I removed some base codes from the 'Transit Hub' category as I wanted to make sure that they were all generally close to 100% functional, within reason. Zone-8888 I put at the top since it's popular and has everything you could need in one simple room and everything else in that list is generally ordered by functionality and secondarily by looks. Any bases I removed from the Transit Hub category I moved elsewhere. All other categories are in alphabetical order and generally left as-is. Like any macro, it does the 'enterbasefrompasscode' for you when you're near a base portal, taking you to that base. So, less referring to the website and/or keeping separate macros for many of the common bases you might want to visit and hopefully more base visibility in general. How to install: Either get it through the City Mod Installer: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/modView.php?id=195 Or, you can manually install it by copying the attached MNU file to this specific folder in your City of Heroes directory. Create the series of folders if you don't have them. \data\texts\English\menus For example: C:\Homecoming\data\texts\English\menus Usage: from chat: /popmenu ELBases as keybind: /bind "popmenu ELBases" as macro: /macro ELB popmenu ELBases You can use this macro below, if you wish: I.E. /macroimage "Temporary_BasePortal" "Everlasting Bases" popmenu ELBases ELBases.mnu
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With the switch over to the new City Mod Installer: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/38272-city-mod-installer-released/ I decided to update my Pet Summons Pop-menu and actually make a thread for it so there's some pictures to go along with it. If you have the old version installed by the defunct CoH Modder, you'll want to remove it from the \data\texts\English\menus directory, first. It'll be named: PetSummons.mnu Then, install the current version from the City Mod Installer, linked above. It's in the Popmenu catagory. You can also manually install the newer version, if you wish, using the attachment on this post. The mnu file needs to be placed into your "<game directory> \data\texts\English\menus". If folders do not exist then you'll need to create them. What it does is simple; Creates a pop-menu for summoning temp pets that you tend to collect. This version even has a 1-button Incarnate Lore summon with a sub-menu for common commands for them. I've tested it on a number of characters with different Lores and it has been summoning them all. I also added the Portable Workbench too (Because why not?), towards the bottom. This menu takes advantage of the PowerReady flag to grey out powers you do not have or aren't recharged. (Not for the 1-button Lore.) Summons with the Ouroboros icon should be rechargeable by re-running the arc that gave the power. It also uses Powexeclocation to immediately summon the pets at your location, no needing to additionally place the pet. Note that some pets still require you to be on the ground to summon them, not flying. This pop-menu, along with the game's built-in Hologram Matrix Accolade/Pop-menu, should allow you to summon just about pet in the game, currently. Usage: from chat: /popmenu PetSummons as keybind: /bind "popmenu PetSummons" as macro: /macro popmenu PetSummons You can use this macro below, if you wish: I.E. /macro_image "Loyalty_SignatureSummon" "Pets" "popmenu PetSummons" PetSummons.mnu
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...Not sure why you're being super nit-picky about my post, Wavicle. Perhaps you're not understanding the point I was focused on. My post was not about 'Blasters/Corruptors/Defenders are better because X and Y' blah blah blah. Merely that Sentinel Blast sets give up a lot, in comparison to them, when ported over to to Sents. They get lots of negatives tacked on, with no trade off in positives, within the blast sets themselves. I'm just comparing the blast sets here. Yes, of course they get armor, duh. But Corrs/Defenders get buff/debuff sets, and Blasters get Manipulation sets. But that's not what I'm comparing here. Just the blast sets. I'm actually okay with reduction of range on their attacks, I've mentioned this before. It makes sense. What I'm saying is that it be nice if there was some positive trade-off, within the blast sets themselves, to make them more interesting/different/more compelling to play, verse what you get otherwise. Right now, you have Tankers that get wider cones and larger AOE spheres on their attacks compared to most other melees. And Stalkers get AS as a signature move within their sets. So, I think there's some wiggle room to give Sents something a bit more within their primaries for better game-play that's better refined to them being mid-range fighters.
...That's really silly to say when they have the same blast sets as Blasters/Corruptors/Defender. But sure, I'll grant you they're definitely not close to Corruptors or a Defenders, fine. But it it certainly fair to compare them to Blasters, whom are pure DPS like Sentinels. They both do damage from range. One has sustains, melee attacks, and control. The other has armor as a secondary. So, they are most definitely counter-parts to Blasters. And yes, I'm very very well aware of them being balanced like 'Ranged Scrappers'. You should know that I know that. But seeing as that's been mentioned, I'll further state that, while many scrapper/melee sets have range powers in them, Sentinel Blast sets have no such parity of heavy damage melee powers. (Really doesn't have to be melee powers, per-say. Just that there's lots of duplication in Sentinel Blasts that could have been reduced with more customization to their sets.) Also: "Auto Hit debuff that ignores level differences (you didn't mention this, but it cannot be ignored as that is what makes Vuln good in the situations that call for it)." There was no point in me mentioning this, it's well known at this point. (Not like I'm going to mention every little detail in every post, shesh...) Either way, that doesn't change my experience or opinion that I still feel that in most situations; Vulnerability feels under-whelming.
While I've gotten more accustomed to using Vulnerability as a click power, I still find it underwhelming. It could certainly use something more to it. The times where you'd hope it be very useful, like mobs popping a T9, they still shrug it off. And, the times where mobs don't shrug it off, it's effects are generally meaningless as that mob was going to be defeated easily anyway. More -DEF would be nice, as would another -5% RES would be good too. Something that takes out of the territory of "Did that actually do something for me or not? I can't tell..." Otherwise, I'll echo what @XaoGarrent said in the first page of the thread. Sentinel Blast sets, being near clones of their Blaster/Corruptor/Defender counter-parts, just doesn't work well with them having Armor secondaries to leverage. Add to the fact that there is basically no positive traits to a Sentinel set verse the others. Negatives: 1.) Less range and area effect on powers 2.) Lower target caps. Positives: 1.) ..Faster recharging nuke? That does less damage and has lower radius... So, this is more of a trade-off then a positive. To make things more interesting and fair, they really should have something that's a positive in the conversion and sets them apart from their other ranged counter-parts. I'll echo what I've said before and that they should have wider cones which would make them better to play at the mid-range that they're designed for. And, if we could re-design from the ground up, I'd say, give them a signature multi-mode blast power that they got earlier. Something in the same vain as Assassin's strike and Snipe. I'd imagine it could've worked something like this: By default, it would operate as a long recharge single-target 'melee' range blast power. I'm thinking something like 15-20 foot range with a recharge of 25 to 35 seconds. It could also double as a control power. The gimmick of the power though, is that it would do AOE splash damage, like Thunderstrike, but only under the effects of Aim. Aim would only unlock the effect once per usage. So, given that recharge, you'd have the splash for maybe 1/3 of the times you used the attack. Something like would have helped to back-fill the difference between the AOE difference between them and their counter-parts while also helping them better in single-target while not being another mediocre 60 foot single-target power that some sets have 5 of.
This is pretty much what I've seen as well, there are more Sentinels around but not a massive number. The other thing I've noticed or, at least it appears to me, is that other Sentinels aren't really using Vulnerability very much at all, when I've teamed with them. But yeah, that play-style is pretty much what I do on my main. Either Combat Teleporting into a group first (Playing like a Stalker somewhat, to that alpha off on a boss); Fold Space and then nuke, or closely following the tank in (Or CT to them) and then Fold Spacing on top of them and nuke. No melee is going to out-damage you if you're defeating half the spawn as an alpha strike before them. Well, besides a well-played tele-nuking Elec/Shield, that is. And that is really the key difference between the comparisons between a Blaster and a Sentinel. A well-built Sentinel can just be alpha striking spawns as much as they wish. A Blaster not so much. No matter how well you build a Blaster, you're always going to want to have some melee (Or Sent) between you the the NPCs. Sentinels, on the other hand, can be just as aggressive as any Scrapper.
Focused Feedback: Sentinel Archetype Revamp
Teirusu replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
The -resistance is NOT unresistable though. It just isn't reduced by level difference scaling. That means it's always -15% instead of either getting worse against higher con or getting better verse lower con enemies. However, if an AV is resist capped, it still is 100% resisted. So, if they pop their T9-ish power and become capped, it does nothing. Those Cyclopes EB's that cap themselves with unstoppable? Basically shrug it off. So no, it's not suddenly going to make Sents AV killers. The -15% isn't really that much honestly. It's less then what you get out of the -resistance procs. However, I will admit that it's more controllable then the -res procs. One other thing I'll point out that I'm not sure if someone else mentioned in this thread but the old auto proc was main target only. It did not go off on all AOE targets, only just your main target. So, if you used a PBAOE, it did not apply to anything. If you used a TAOE, it would only apply to your main target. So that was effectively only single target. @agentx5 One of the issues with Sentinel's damage scalar is that there isn't really a lot of wiggle room to play with. Corrupters with Scourge are actually pretty close to Sentinel damage and have higher target caps to boot and team wide buffs/debuffs. So really the only sensible choice is to scale them upwards. At least now, in terms of single target damage, you can say they're fairly close to Blasters. Although, even with the buff, do you think that the standard Hammy crowd is going to jump ship and start saying 'Well, why begin a Blaster when you can bring a Sentinel?" No, of course not. So, I assume in the grand scheme of things, the general pop is going to feel that Sentinels are closer to Blasters in usefulness but will probably still rank Blasters higher. Do I agree with this? Not really, but that's just my opinion. I don't honestly believe that target caps actually make that big of a difference that most people make them out to be. Nor do I think the reduced range is that big of an issue either, but that's because my style of play leans more towards melee-ish range. So, to each their own. -
A popmenu for all the temporary summons powers
Teirusu replied to Chronos's topic in Tools, Utilities & Downloads
I actually made a very similar pop menu a little while back which I had posted in the COH Modder. I sorted mine based upon the more common shared summons being in the root of the menu with all the others separated into another menu. I put Ouro icons for the ones I saw on the wiki that were rechargeable. PetSummons.mnu -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Attack Typing Adjustments
Teirusu replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I will mention that it was stated that the change effected less then 10% of the enemy NPC powers in the whole game. So, in a way, this more standardizes how powers are expected to go up against defense. And, to what I recall, the current system was put in well before things like IOs where even a thing. People had what defense they got through powers only. These days, it's a whole different ball-game with set bonuses and Incarnate powers.