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Everything posted by Healix

  1. Yes, and if you do find the area, beware of the tin cans waiting to engage you in a slaughter.
  2. JM, I so agree with you. (Everyone has their own way of playing that is fun for them. For me, the idea of just rushing to get to 50 is no fun. I dislike 'speed runs' , although I did create a fire farmer to help my friends who enjoy being farmed.) This game is SO full of lore and subtle things that you miss if you don't take time to enjoy the journey, as you stated. Even after playing all this time, since 2004, I am still discovering new things I never saw, new sounds I never heard, and loving finding out about all of the new things being added. I laughed when I realized that I know the streets and alleys in the game better than I know the real ones in my home city. 😁
  3. Yes indeed. I took pics....I don't want to spoil it for those who want the challenge of trying to find it on their own, but I will give a clue: the halls on either side of the medical bay,
  4. Speaking of Twilight Zones, how many of you guys know about the secret area in the RWZ with a Flat Nemesis? A dear friend showed it to me last night and I was blown away.
  5. Who turned out the lights? Where am I? Has anyone else ever gone off of a mission map? LOL *CoVoid*
  6. it's very smoky and pleasant!
  7. That is really awesome!
  8. Thank you, Biostem! I thought that was strange, too LOL
  9. The stake wasn't rare enough
  10. I guess he was pretty full of himself to do that....
  11. *the GMs*
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