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Marine X

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Everything posted by Marine X

  1. I have a variation of this issue on the same Character, Spring Attack from the Leaping pool plays it's animation, deals Damage, then 2 seconds later the targets get knocked down. It happens EVERY time, whereas Savage Leap is in perfect sync EVERY time and is almost the same attack. I don't think this is a Client side or Lag issue or it would happen to both powers. Just weird.
  2. Thanks for the information, was not aware of that, which was where I was confused. Like I said before, I really mostly play Melee Characters so it was not something I would easily notice.
  3. I don't know if "Player Based Area of Effect" and "Melee Area of Effect" sets are interchangeable when Slotting them in a power, but I wouldn't think so or they would just refer to them all as one or the other and not have 2 categories, but I've been getting good lately at being wrong. It's a gift.
  4. If you want to do the entire run you need to visit Captain Nolan outside the PPD Station on Peregrine Island. It is an Introduction Arc that begins with a Suicide on Peregrine Island and is a very cool mini-arc in itself with some unique sets. He then Inroduces you to the first Dark Astoria Contact Heather Townshend.
  5. If you look at the Timeline of the Path of the Dark on the Homecoming Wiki it states: Timeline " Unknown: Arakhn and the Nictus arrive on Earth " " Ancient Rome: Romulus Augustus..... This seems to indicate that a Joined Nictus named Arakhn may have had a Host before Romulus became joined. It depends how long before Ancient Rome but it is described as Unknown, but her limited Lifespan would have forced her to take a Host within 10 Years so who knows. In her BIO she is stated to be the product of an Unknown Human Host and an Unknown Nictus, meaning Arakhn is her joined Identity, not her Nictus Name. However it states that her Age is Unknown, at least 100 Years, seems like a contradiction in the Lore or just the info on her Current Host, who knows. So she may have been around before Ancient Rome, guess it depends on what you give priority.
  6. Just to fill in the tail end is Number Six, he issues missions in Praetoria once you unlock your Alpha Slot. For my Praetorian, Battlestrike ( Energy Melee/Regen Brute ) after the Goldside was done he became a Hero, I selected only Contacts whose Mission Arcs tied into his Praetorian Heritage or his Previous Life there. His Father was a territorial Sheriff for a Rural Area outside the Sonic Fences that was Decimated by a Hamidon Attack ( Praetorian Croatoa ), once on Primal he felt it his duty to Protect this world's Salamanca. From there I transitioned to the Rikti Warzone to defend his new home, and then to Maria Jenkins as her ARCs are all set in Praetoria. Then Tina Macintyre and Dark Astoria. Then Number Six.
  7. That seems the best explanation of why they are the way they are, never thought about a Blaster using Melee AoE sets, but the Names of the sets hints at that. This particular Tank is unusual for me because he has 5 Melee AoEs, was out of Familiar territory when I selected those sets, but the Endurance Reduction IO seems to be balancing it out. He's at 46, once I get him to 50, I'll take Cardiac for his Alpha and install the Procs as planned, thanks for all the information posted as it helped a great deal.
  8. Nope, not at all. Just confused that Endurance Reduction is all but missing from these, and for a 6 Enhancement Set that is Mid Range, that seems odd, Not the Squeaky Wheel. If I was looking for more Damage or Recharge, I could see your point. I will just skip the Proc, and use that Slot for an Endurance Reduction IO, just think the sets should be more balanced so that wouldn't be necessary. No Drama here.
  9. I find with these sets, and some others that it would be a big improvement if there were more options. There is, as far as I am aware no reason that there are only 6 Enhancements in any set. If they added a 7th, one could choose the 6 they want to slot to complete the set, and it would make for more Varied Options, especially if the added one was not Damage or Recharge. An Endurance, or Endurance/Accuracy would find a lot of takers in place of one of the existing ones without removing what the Original set offered. Just a thought.
  10. The 15.2% and 17.5% Endurance Reduction are on the level 50 version ( Not Boosted but Attuned ) from in game stats, not Mids, and I agree that the Damage being replaced with a Damage/Endurance would probably achieve what I feel would be a more Balanced Set or even lose the Proc and have an in set Endurance Reduction Enhancement. As the only Endurance reduction in either one is a 4 way Enhancement that has Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge. I don't believe that a Melee AoE Damage Enhancement can be used by Blasters for a Nuke, but I don't play Blasters, so I have no knowledge of that, but as a Tank a Melee AoE Power is something you are going to use a lot perhaps even on Auto.
  11. Have found while working on one of my Tanks ( Warhorse - Shield/War Mace ) that several of the Orange Enhancement Sets for Melee AoE are rather gimped when it comes to balance. Both Eradication and Obliteration offer only a tiny Endurance Reduction even if you slot the entire 6 enhancements. This means skipping either the Proc or another Set Piece to leave a slot open for an Endurance Reduction IO. Just seems gimped as Eradication 6 slotted only Reduces Endurance by 15.2% and Obliteration by 17.5%. Ouch, kind of defeats the point of installing a set if it is not balanced to cover all the bases. Only noticed it because Shield Defense is bit Toggle heavy to begin with. I know there are other sets available but it seems odd that they are that badly balanced. Eradication: Obliteration:
  12. Absolutely, I guess I just mean it used show that you had put a lot of work into it if you had a lot of Badges. Back before Homecoming some of us participated in Paragon Chat. No Powers, No Missions, Nothing to do but....chat, then Codewalker ( PC Dev ) figured out how to enable Badge Hunting, It got busy, for about 2 weeks there were always people on, running around with Vidiot's Maps collecting them up, then it went back to dead after they burned off the only new toy. I use Vidiot's Maps myself now, but I remember how much more it felt like an accomplishment back in the day, and on PC, to do it Old School. I have little time right now so I spend that playing more than Badge Hunting.
  13. ( 1 ) I miss when Exploration Badge Hunting actually required some skill to locate instead of just going to Markers on the Map. Even after they had all been documented it was still some work locating them by the Map Coordinates. You had to get help to get some of them with no travel powers till 14, you couldn't just zip your level 1 up to the top of the Atlas Statue. ( 2 ) I miss when the Old Hollows, Old Faultline and Old Dark Astoria were actually Intimidating. I think I learned more about how to play this game, as far as strategy, and how different ATs complimented each other, doing 8 person teams in those zones. The experience of having a team with odd mixes of ATs, and still finding success was unique to this game back then. I found those zones way more challenging than most in this game. ( 3 ) I also recall the little bit of anxiety that you would experience when you had to go from the Yellow Line to the Green Line in Steel Canyon or Skyway City. It was almost as much work as doing a mission sometimes just to get from point A to point B. Taxi-Bots were a whole Sub-Culture, and very appreciated. Recall Friend was probably one of the pool powers that people would take most often to just to help out team mates and stranded lowbies.
  14. Have had this happen regularly on my SR/Savage Melee Tank. Rending Flurry plays it's animation and sounds but nothing happens, no "Miss" or Damage Numbers and sadly it seems to happen more often when I have a stack of Blood Thirst boosting the attack. Rending Flurry is also a 360 Degree attack as you mentioned. I have not noticed this issue with any single target attacks, Shred which is a Cone Attack or Savage Leap which is a Targeted AoE/Teleport attack.
  15. It has the best outright heal and the Buffs are good, for other Players. It isn't that the set itself is bad, but it does tend to lean heavily into the old Holy Trinity that a lot of games embrace ( Tank, Healer, Damage Dealer ). The problem is that on Defenders especially, it is not got much to help the Character wielding it in a Game that the Holy Trinity is not necessary to succeed in. Solo play for Empathy Defenders can be very painful, and on teams they are in most cases under utilized because of past power creep that has made a dedicated Healer no longer absolutely necessary. People coming to CoX from say WOW or Guild Wars, where a team without a Mage or a Paladin is going to have a rough time assume the same applies here and may end up as Dead Weight on a team. It has needed attention for quite some time and @Vanden has a few good ideas there. In my reasoning though, wouldn't it be easier to change Fortitude itself to an AoE that includes the Caster rather than create a new power? Then give Empathy something new that would make the set interesting, maybe a sort of AoE Sleep or Hold ( Sympathy ), or a solid AoE Debuff ( Ambivalence ), that would allow the player to increase their survivability. It's all just Talk at this point, and seeing what ideas people have, just suggestions you know.
  16. Also keep in mind that the sound mods are Client Side, meaning you can load sound mods for powers that you don't have, but bother you when playing with others that do, such as Foot stomp or Fault. It only affects what you hear, others will still hear the normal audio unless they install the mods.
  17. Understood, I just figured since I can't help cure the disease, might as well try to help treat some of the symptoms.
  18. You might want to load COH Modder as it includes a bunch audio mods courtesy of @Solarverse, if the most offensive sounds to you are among the ones he has modded you can simply load them into the game. This also allows easy install and updating of VidiotsMaps. A link is below to the forum post.
  19. It would be nice if there was an Enhancement Set that could be slotted into Powers that only take Reduced Endurance / Reduced Recharge Enhancements, giving the opportunity for additional Set Bonuses, Procs or Unique Attributes. Almost every Power Set has a power where IO Sets can't be slotted, and so It would be useable by almost everyone.
  20. From Unai Kemen Mission, "Take readings from 3 Dimensions" Missions, this was the 3rd Mission Almost Didn't see these 2 Portals because of the One Way Glass effect of the Bus Stop Waiting Area. This Shot is from behind them toward the street.
  21. Just curious if any one knows how specifically Set Bonus calculations are handled by the Game. Stat has a base value of 100 before set bonuses of 3.75%, 5.00%, 3.75% and 3.75%. Is it base value times the total %? For example: 100 + (100x (3.75% + 5.00% + 3.75% + 3.75%) meaning 100 + (16.25% of 100) meaning an increase from 100 to 116.25. or Is it base value plus each bonus% in the order that they are applied? For example: 100 + (100 x 103.75% =103.75) (103.75 x 105.00% =108.93) (108.93 x 103.75% = 113.02) (113.02 x 103.75% = 117.26) Meaning an increase from 100 to 117.26. I never seem to come up with a total that matches what the Detail shows.
  22. There were actually little bugs running around on the floor of the sewers, tried stomping them with no success, so I posted a Bug Report. (I can't actually recall ever seeing this before).
  23. From the "Defeat Malaise" mission in the Sewers from Maria Jenkins, ick. Fast little buggers. Bug Report Complete.
  24. Still seeing them on my SR/Savage Melee Tank, do not have that combo on a Dominator to check for it.
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