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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Hi everybody, I took the liberty to add our little weekly get-together to the Homecoming calendar: The Theme Team - Indomitable Player-Led Event - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com) I hope this is ok for everybody. Please check it out and let me know if there is anything to add, or if you feel that we shouldn't be doing this. Cheers The Ban Edit: Check pls if I got the time / timezone right?
  2. Thanks! This is actually a very good advice for cases like this, and one of the things I put on my To-Do list. And Sorcery would actually fit at least My theme perfectly (Dark Anaesthetist, a magically empowered Brain Surgeon and Psychiatrist having some Beef with CoT). And after the recent upgrade to this powerset it looks like a very servicable solution for a Controller, I would say...
  3. I stilll owe my usual recap of saturdays what I want to call the "Khool Kheldians go to War" Theme Team event. This will be a very quick one, as things are getting busier here and I still haven't come to sort out how to add more pics. So I haven't taken any of significance and now I don't recall a lot of the banter that was going on. This was a really fun hour of floating and carrapacing around, and it seemed like we were deadly efficient as a team again. Also, it was great to see the diversity again of everybody giving their shot at these Kheldians! Amazing work, guys! And now, without much further ado, my single and most important takeaway: THERE IS A BADGE FOR SMASHING DOORS! 🥳 Bonus Pic (still got room for this one): We need more colours on the Nova Form!!!! P.S.: And although it would have been cheap and easy, I am not commenting in any way on @TygerDarkstorm seeming to spend a lot of time spread out on the floor! But I loved Elfvira as a concept! 😘 P.P.S.: Shoutout to @Jaxman100 for pushing my toon beyonfd the required level range for this. I wouldn't have made it without your help, man! And it was sooo worth it!🎖️ P.P.P.S.: Ok, looking at it now, this post has rather not stayed as short or quick as I originally expected...
  4. Will hop in this bus and check out the build when back home. I still need to Clean Up and Incarnate mine correctly. My Mind/Emp Controller was my 1st to 50 as well. Plays absolutely great in teams, especially in squishy ones. But DONT try to solo anything with that!
  5. Just started up my 1st serious Tank toon and this souds fun. So I will be watching this space and try to schedule for the 19th.
  6. @TrixieKixx I am looking at my collection and currently my favorite for Ice Mistral seems to be DROIDICA MK V, an Ice/Claws Tank. Mostly because I fell in love with her version of the Droidica costume 🙂 I will need to accelerate her progression though, to get her to 35 in time... Off to Work! Realizing only now that for the boatload of somethingh/ICE/something toons that I have, I never pushed any of them beyond the 20ies! This was a difficult decision. So many choices, and all would be good 😇
  7. @TrixieKixx Looking ahead now to the All-Kheldians and the Double Respec, I have made plans... I have created a Peacebringer for next saturday named Barbarelia*, but she is only lvl2 now. And I have just started reading up on these Kheldians and what to do about them, I may be going into this one very much ad lib 🙈 @Jaxman100 , I recall you making the offer to run a farm to get her going. Maybe we can find a time sometime this week that suits you to help with levelling. I have a few days off from wednesday, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to stay up late to make it into your timezone somehow. Talking about Defenders and Corruptors for the 26th, I needed to dig a little until I found just the right line-up for this, deep within Bananiacs Assembly of Awesome Alts: Amber Siren - Sonic / Sonic Defender Divine Wind - Fire / Storm Corruptor If I am not mistaken, these powersets are still up for grabs, right? I am desperately missing your overview, Trixie! 🙂 * Original Art courtesy of Jane Fonda. I needed to get creative with the spelling cos "Barbarella"(TM) and many permutations of that name are blocked.
  8. P.S.: For some reasons the forum gives me a new file limit of just 194,87 kB?!? Did I overdo it with my picture collection? Why is that, and does anybody else have this problem? Edit: Found it! All the pictures I posted seem to be stored on my account, and I have used up my quota apparently. Now I need to find a way how to clean that out, without removing all the pics from the forum posts...
  9. Hi Fellow Themers, before moving on to next weeks Khrazy Kheldians, let's have a quick recap of what I hereby deftly name the "Spice Up Your Life" Manticore Mayhem! @Midnyte did a great job again finding motives for our Journal and displaying the different creations for this weeks theme! Thank you, as usual! I only have 1 thing to add, see below. But before that, here my own, personal takeaways from this all blasters all the way sweepstakes: - Main thing: I hope we get more people joining in-theme again! 4 just felt like a small group, and getting others on board was a little mixed bag this time... - That being said, we still managed to get an 8 Head Blaster Allstar team assembled. Opposition was drowned in firepower! - I was just glad I brought a couple of Holds and Stuns as well, for those pesky Paragon Protectors. You just can't let them take a breath at the last second... - Which proofs one more point of the Blaster Mantra: Damage is the ultimate Crowd Control, and can only be replaced by Moar Damage! 😎🤠🔥 Bonus Pic - I just had to do this: Glad that nobody went that way with the spices....
  10. It's Archery / Plant Manipulation, to be specific. And I am very happy now with how the guy turned out for this Theme! Looking forward to see your creations for it!
  11. Great ideas! I think... Cinnamon Sting, that's a good one! Yeah! I will go with that! Plants is very stingy power on a blaster as well. Like it!
  12. @TrixieKixx I am going for arrows with this one, please sign me up with Cinnamon Arrow. His secondary is Nature, for the record. Not sure if the name will stay, I am not quite 100% happy with it. But for now it will do, unless I can come up with something more ... pointed 😉
  13. Also, great follow-up with half the team and a couple of PUGs afterwards on Mortimer Kal! I'm at lvl42 now with Bananiac, and having those flames ready for the Time of Incarnation will be a great asset! This is also a fast and fun SF, it's a shame it doesn't happen more often!
  14. Wow, those shots from you gyus @FrauleinMental & @Midnyte turned out great! Especially the close-ups of everybody, really takes some appreciation of those costumes and effects! This was again a very fun theme, @TrixieKixx I think those Powerset-centered teams always feel very unusal and exciting! The documentation from yesterday looks rather complete, I don't have anything of relevance to add, I think! So, just a few more personal observations from what I would now like to coin the "Vegan Fury" Theme Team: This being an all-plants themed team, I remember a lot of discussion about meat! 😁 You can Seed of Confusion turrets and Entangle gun pods! Eat this, machines! What I would give for a better 3D representation of the maps! I struggle with orientation often enough, even without those multi-layered office- and base-layouts. Rightfully being laughed at for this by you guys! 😆. I should have stepped back and just watch the people go to work every once in a while. I just really like the visuals and FX of the Plant/Nature powers, and the costumes and concepts that you created. This gets lost in the heat of action way too much to appreciate it! Looking forward to next weeks All-Blasters Run, which is one of my favorite Archetypes (apparently, just going by the numbers of toons I built...)! I'm sure it will be... wait for it... A Blast! ...bet nobody saw that pun coming! 😎 Ah, wait. I got one for this weeks Bonus Pic: A Study In Mystic Fortune, by Bananiac (Model: Fräulein Mental)
  15. This is of course technically possible, but you know, I am more of a "Power-Alting"-Guy. That means within the first 2 weeks I had about 3-4 pages of toons up at LvL12ish or so 😇 And this was just the beginning... I notice, however, that recently my behavior changed a little. It's been a while that I created a new toon that stuck around. I am now power-alting on endgame, it seems. 🙂 Having shortlisted 12...15 characters in their late 30ies to early 40ies that I am actually now slowly pushing to 50. People were right, Incarnates add a new dimension to any toon, and this started a whole new kind of fascination and collectors addiction.
  16. For future reference (and this has absolutely nothing to do with me getting lost a couple of times trying to do this!) I took a few quick screenshots of the map layouts. After a couple of runs I kinda get around now on my own, but others may find it helpfull. The most difficult part now became finding the Knives in the office and the Glowies in the storage facilty. They seem to start taking extra effort to hide at most unusal places, those little suckers...
  17. Today 2 years ago. Of course that Level50 part is a little exagerated, as far as I am concerned. But I think you get the idea....
  18. Okay, in this case I take this idea and run away with it 🏃‍♂️
  19. How Convenient. You can water your Carrion Creepers right there with some gentle steam spray. Name her "The Gardener"! 💦🌱🤠
  20. @TrixieKixx Bananiac as ready as he will ever get! (That would be a Plant/Rad Controller, btw)
  21. Oh yes! That's so true! 👏
  22. As usual, @FrauleinMental and @Midnyte are much faster than me with their recaps. It is always tough to add something of relevance to that, but here we go anyway 🙂 Here my little thoughts on what I absolutely have to call the "We will always have Cap Au Diable" Theme Team Run! - Hollywood would have been proud of that Kick-Ass team of Celebrity Movie Stars! - I am again amazed at what the turnout was and how everybody brought their own style and ideas to the team. - Double-Iced opposition is very helpless, beginners threat level. - Interesting to see Containment just melt away the enemies with Controllers, Dominators and Widows all throwing in their weight (Shoutout to the Blaster with the Blinding Arrow on Auto 🙂 ) Some more impressions from yesterday. I just HAD TO run this through the B&W filter! Thinking about it, I guess Hollywood Paragon-Style wouldn't be at all unrealistic to have a robotic movie star in their line-ups... Carefull with those barb-wire bracelets 🙂 Getting in position... to have another drink. The Grande Finale blasting away at furious zombie hordes You gotta have to give it to @Midnyte for going All-In on Mrs Bacall! 🙂 😘 Bonus Pic: Good Karma was created, culminating in Ocean Goddess taking it to the finals in the Costume Contest later that day! Gratulations (I guess again, as this seems to be a habit of yours to roll in those accolades, Midnyte 🙂 ) See you all next week!
  23. Excellent Captions, @FrauleinMental! Thank you very much! Great choice of character as well! Really lighted it up a notch, glad you took the effort 🙂
  24. That's an easy decision, isn't it?
  25. The only info I needed: 1. Point glowy end at Hydra Head 2. Pull Trigger .... (4. On every other try: Rez) 😆
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