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  1. Pzn


    I just know from experience playing the game. I'm no programmer.
  2. Pzn


    I'm positive it's true.
  3. Pzn


    You can get both mallets in the window. you only need to start the last attack before the critical strikes window finishes in order for it to be boosted.
  4. hahaha are the alt accounts in the room with you right now?
  5. No change from how it is currently on live. If you want a different system then we need a fresh start with no character transfers or it's unfair to new players.
  6. This is a change no one asked for. This ruins the identity of the set while homogenizing the game play between ranged sets further. It already had a unique role and this change makes it another boring blast set.
  7. It takes 30 seconds to deal that amount of damage and on a longer recharge. It's not as effective as the damage number makes it look.
  8. you should experiment with the ATO crit proc in burn. I've been running the chance to hide proc on my EM/fire stalker in burn and since it's recharge is similar to TF it works out nice to get double focus consistently. Not sure if it would work out better with the scrapper version though.
  9. I had the same epiphany, especially with tanks since stone fists is an automatic pick. That wasted power pick was really detrimental with a chain that didn't need both.
  10. Revisiting archery recently I was surprised at how strong blazing arrow is. It has better DPA the regular big blasts other than ice/fire/psi. Pretty good damage rotating with your snipe and a good secondary attack.
  11. It's the HOs doing it since they only go to 53. unslot them, set the +5, then reslot the HOs. You can also use the + and - keys when slotting individually
  12. Pot meet kettle
  13. Thinking about this really hurts my brain but I think the arcana time has to be either part of the ATBE (animation time before effect) or split between the two. Some of the scrapper chains I've managed to fit into the critical strikes window seem to work even though they are barely over by a fraction.
  14. I agree with snarky but I'm not sure if it keeps working for the longer lasting pseudo pets. I was testing it with poison set poison trap recently and the hit chance went up with tactics on but only on the first tick. You can add "Pet damage inflcited" to a chat tab to see the pseudo-pet hit rolls.
  15. Ever since I saw all the cool bases people have made I've wanted this
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