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Everything posted by Ironscarlet

  1. Source please? So it was actually Massively overpowered interview with homecoming devs. Great reporting btw here the interview and attach is the gov doc with NC soft application. It's legit. https://massivelyop.com/2019/07/08/city-of-heroes-homecoming-interview/ https://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=8&ti=1,8&Search_Arg=cityofheroes&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&PID=Lpi4amZpBFdoUxvXFRKVs1OEB&SEQ=20190621110320&SID=1
  2. So people fear nc soft shutting down but I just read on mmorpg. NC soft just applied for copyright on Coh game code May 24th 2019. Which surprised me. Iam no lawyer but maybe the reason ncsoft did not do anything is they couldn't and now even after they got the copyrigh, homecoming was was here before May 24th so there could be a grandfather clause. Homecoming could have a good case to stay if ncsoft advanced to close. Why would NC soft not have a copyright on the code before May 24th was this a huge blunder on there part?.
  3. Sent are almost in a good place. There not saposre to be blasters. I play both same sets play very different. What gets me is Sent have more aoe powers so sustained aoe should be higher, but then there's the cap it just doesn't make sense. The inherit is clunky but ok not that great though they could fix it but I think it would be much easier to adjust three things over inherit. 1. Remove aoe cap or adjust it higher. 2. Increase hp 3. Add brutes puchvoke (optional) Sent run a great sweet spot of off tanks. When playing or play with sent. In a team wipe scenario. Sent and tanks usually are the one surviving these situations. Sent do have there nitch. Everyone focusing on damage but not every AT should be the same and giving Sent +damage will take away from the AT. Instead they should focus on what makes sent different longevity and I believe that will come in hp and letting a sent hit more targets will show it to outshine in sustain aoe damage.
  4. Barrier is a Destiny slot incarnate that pretty much give you def and res. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Barrier_Radial_Epiphany Can't really help you with IO build drop Dark/time at 46 for other combos beams dropping power stole my attention but will probably reroll Dark/Ta or/plant (build up proc and aoe hold) after my Ice is done. I loved the color combos on dark, my fav color is white for dark powers they have a angelic feel great for char concept. Now about snipe you can spec for it but it might change soon. I play 90% on teams so I did not spec for it and 1/3 of the teams have +allot of +tohit. I also have max acc slotting on snipe. I don't know if it helps but at least it's accurate. One thing about IO builds, most blasters can cap range def. I am sure if you search here and reddit you can find some pine builds posted. Now eagle eye I have on my Ice char so no snipe. I can tell you my Ice has no problem hitting +3 with no acc slotting
  5. With Dark primary its very important you choose the right secondary. I ve made over 20+ alts into 40 +lvl range since returning already. One of my favorite builds was Dark/Time at first it was amazing but at top lvl it putters out and plummets in effectiveness. With all the combos I ve tried I wish I rolled a /TA instead. Playing my Ice/Ta its night and day the effectiveness of /Ta. Dark/TA I believe is the best well rounded Blaster. Very survivable. Glue arrow + slow = more control. ESD arrow Aoe Hold +rech+speed,mez protection,+acc Now even with the control and Dark -tohit you will not face plant often but spike will still get you. What I ve learned from Dark/Time which has a good absorb shield sustained is not a problem but +3/+4 Boss can out of no where sometimes spike me into red its rare but it happens and mez protection is really helpful at top lvl so /TA will even be better. Also Dark/ TA because you have mez protection you can go Barrier and never worry about faceplants again. With Dark don't expect to put out damage like fire or beam. But expect to live a lot longer and great aoe damage with light control and - tohit helps the team ALOT. Also Dark/TA might be the strongest solo pvp or duel pvp build in game.
  6. Do people really think cold domination makes a better coruptor? Cold domination as a defender primary gets better stats. Benumb the strongest debuff in game is enhanced by this. What I mean is the -damage goes from I believe -37% to -62% basically cutting opponents damage to nothing. Out of most combos is cold domination really better as a coruptor? I have only played a mm cold domination loved it better than the pets so I wonder what people's opinion are on the top combos for cold domination.
  7. Looking for some help. There are 3 types of hard control it seems in PvP. First are holds,stuns, sleep the usual. Second is confuse. Third is Intagled. I've been trying to think out of the box for PvP builds. Dimension Shift seemed really unique. Hypothetically after a hold you could intangle and enter the thunderdome to finish the job. The issue with dimension shift is it immobalises in the shift. Does that immobalise work like normal PvP immoblise where it is reduced by protection or is it all linked in the intangle category of control. What I worried about is dropping shift and people just go right threw it. Anyone experiance or use it in PvP? Also if people do not know dimension shift now creates a dome that when your inside you can attack the target but no outside attack will get in. Basically creates a thunderdome.
  8. I love /dark on controller but I need some advice So big question, is /Dark overkill at 50+ or is just not good enough def and res to skip barrier. I am really torn Earth/Dark feels right but I am not at top lvl yet and I am reading it might be overkill. =/ Here are my concerns Barrier from Destiny incarnate makes all my def and res power overkill. On the other hand I can cap all def and 3 res with out barrier freeing up clarion to be the incarnate. Not being cap at all res, will that kill me literally does /Dark cut it 50+??
  9. This is my favorite thing to do is threat assessment. My main was a Tanker back in the day. So when I am grouped for normal missions. I know where the 2nd or 3rd group is going to come from. This is great when you have a inexperienced tank or fury drugged brute. That storms in without pulling or picking up second group. So with earth/Dark I can hold 2 groups and immobalise the 3rd will Emergancey healing. I love this combo and am thinkimg of making it my main into incarnate but I do have a few concerns at top lvl.
  10. Earth/Dark Super strong CC, debuff , heals, soft cap def. Out of all builds this just feels right. It's not a great solo build but the amount of CC you can put out with 2 aoe stuns and a AOE pulsing Hold is insane and thats not the even best part . Massive aoe debuffs -35 def and -res. Now for the team aoe heal, shadow fall and fade will get 25+ Team def add power boost and it's closer to 35% Team def. Also soul asorb is just iceing on the cake with +reg and recovery. Earth/Dark is not the best at dps by a long shot but over excel everywhere else even tankyness. You will get alot of friend request. Ps. Don't be that guy who spams aoe immobalise, tanks hate controllers like that. You have so many toys to start with hold the aoe imoblise till after the tank herds. Start with debuffs instead.
  11. Fire/Ice dominator Ice/Thermal Corruptor Cor or defenders really have the pull heat from foes either with Ice domination or thermal radiation both draw heat from foes. So even a Ice/thermal controller would work TW/Ice Scrapper with Fire TW
  12. So I keep reading at top lvl you can balance out blasters lack of mez protection with IO and incarnates. Can any one post a build so I can see the stacks of IO you use and Incarnates that help. Also how strong is the mez protection? The side situation I am having is desciding which beam char to upgrade to 50+ my Beam/psi blaster or beam/bio Sentinal. I ve seen beam blasters get 45% range def cap so def isn't a main factor anymore the only thing that is a factor now is mez protection and how strong can a blaster get mez protection. I plan on this going into pvp thats why I would like to know; How strong can a blasters mez protection be?
  13. Fav Sentinals 1. Elec/Elec Absolute beast even with the damage nerf and the loss to snipe she gets very well compensated by the high damage on Tesla cage. Two end sinks that recover you and drains opponent . With burnout you can chain T9 secondary power for well over 8 min of unlikable. Damage is just under blasters but with nitch utility, and life is just under a scrapper. Very strong build. 2. BEAM/BIO Killer of worlds I plain'ly think this is the strongest brute force combo in game bordering Elec/shield scrapper lvl of consistent steam roll of aoe damage. The loss of Snipe is replaced by a aoe which spreads. So almost on par, equal trade less ST more aoe. The loss of damage is compensated by bio armor, equaling compared to its blaster conterpart it has better aoe and longer life and 2 life saving powers. 3.Pistol/Reg I personally don't play this combo but I tank on alts and I have to say when a team wipes pistal/reg Sentinals have been the only combo strong enough to live through a wipe with the tank and not die. Maybe someone can explain the super duper absorb shield they get but on Pines its much weaker than Temporal blaster shield. On the opposite side with the eye test its godly in the life department. Now compared to Blasters or any other AT your going to have some builds that perform better than others. I do believe Sent have the most peaks and valleys. Out of all AT Sent one of the few if you did not know what you were doing could build and absolute gimp build. The only major thing that needs help is the inherit maybe boost the values and change activation to its own separate button or turn Inherit into a proc like a critical. After Inherit is tweaked they can just tweak the underperforming classes like /Dark and others and it will be very well balance.
  14. I read the description in pines and can't remember PvP 12 yrs ago. So it has -fly and -run but I do not see -jump. Can you jump out of it? Also what are the best ways to escape tar patch?
  15. Got to create game account not just forum account. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/
  16. When I focus on choosing a secondary I had one goal solo AV and GM so -recovery was one of my goals. I was going to go Thermal but then read res shields were kinda pointless on pets so I looked at cold because of def shield would work better on pets. Had -recovery, def shield, and -res and -def. Just no solid heal. So why no love for /cold looks pretty solid. Cold Defenders were one of the strongest debuffers on live so why no love from MM. What am I missing? Also min FX makes your group looks like mini invulnerable shields on everyone looks pretty awesome.
  17. /time I assume you mean Temporal . I use mine with Dark/ completely different synergy, but same power set. Why I use -tohit and holds. you use the -reg and stuns. This is why I love this game so many different and great combos.
  18. I been following this thread the past few days and it feels like the biggest troll thread of the century. Unfortunately you not going to convince the op that Dark is on par with other blasters because he has already made up his mind on the playstyle. If every powers were the same this game would be super lame. I've Parse more damage than fire blasters not because Dark stronger but because I know how to play my char. Its all about positioning in dark for continues aoe cones, jump in nukes and then massive holds on Bosses, well that last part is because of /temporal synergy. As a Tank at heart I am very aware of the fight and am not afraid to take those leaps and I rarely see that floor because of the synergy of Dark. When you take the KB-> KD you become team friendly and that cone is HUGE. I hate blasters but love my dark blaster see a difference everyone has different playstyle but completely ignoring the facts of dark power is fine by me but you will never find great combos by just focusing on damage. You find great combos by synergizing secondary effects together from primary and secondary powersets This Threads so funny to me, this game is made to fit anyone playstyle if its not for you it doesn't mean you have to change it to fit you. Find a power set that fits you and change the color to dark, there ya go. My Dark blaster shoots white plasma balls. There nothing dark about him. For example I love Tankers my main was Inv/SS on live. I herd SS/Shield brutes where super amazing I plvl one up to 40 and found it clunky and unappealing compared to my fire/shield scrapper . I did not come onto the forum and rant how bad the combo was it could get some great numbers but just felt clunky to me. The other combo felt smooth. I could still clear content with the SS/shield brute but it wasn't for me. If it doesn't feel right then try something else out, but can you play Dark at a high lvl absolutely Yes, does its damage compare YES it just plays differently. Btw the cones on Dark are larger (wider and longer) remember that its makes a huge difference in over all damage.
  19. Created a Dark/Temporal blaster and am having a blast. I don't like glass cannons I normally play Tanks and so forth. What drew me to the combo was 2 massive damage holds when Time Lord and Perms Hasten I stack the hold so fast it's insane. Also the aoes mesh well. Nothing wrong for Dark blaster it just needs a good meshing secondary. To go with its soft control. I put it on par with my Elec/elec Sent not as tough as the sent but not as soft as a blaster. With bigger aoe damage and far more control she shines in her own way. Again choosing a correct secondary to complement the dark soft control is huge compared to other blasters.
  20. Is this true, when did this happen?
  21. Rad Armor I love combos and all I been doing is running char up to 40ish testing out synergy and brute power. I came upon the TW/Rad combo just the other day on reddit read the reviews and was sold. Power lvl it up to 30 just the other night. Synergy is hands down 10/10 now don't get me wrong you can have powerful builds that don't come out to till max lvl but some feel clunky at early stages. TW/Rad does have that clunk, until you get slotted beta decay then -25% rech with TW equal happy face with perma hasten. The feeling is like slicing villain with a butter knife with some crazy Boondock Saint Soundtrack in the background. Its a combo that in mid 20's starts to shine and never turns back. The -rech is huge on TW this is one of the few combos that I think would be good on a brute as well. I chose scrapper for the crit= free rech on build up which is are Momentum cheat. Have fun choosing but this is my 2 scents, also fire/SD is plane Lawls to...….
  22. I would like to hear everyone opinion on this set. It is very hard to find good info on this set. Here are a few question I pounder 1. Does the damage boost and siphon only work when power siphon up or is it always on and power siphon is just more buffs. 2. Since this power uses damage buff at its core. Does this effect your damage cap so at full furry is the damage boost negated? Does this make brute the best or worst class to use this power set. 3. What armor pairs well. I was thinking bio, shield or wp but is there a better option. I've played a few kinetic specs up to 28 but always feel not up to par with my rad/bio tank and I keep rerolling. Just really want something to sink in well with Kinetic.
  23. Don't have a brute but have a Bio/rad tank and usually feels to beefy so in a brute you might be in that sweet spot. 2 damage aura that debuff really help the team and your agro managment. This combo excels at large groups but is a little weaker vs solo AV/boss watch out for large chunks of up being taken vs big bosses although they can be fix with one of 3 reg heal powers you must be on your game but it's a very hands on Armor that when played right is very strong in any situation just might not be the best over ALL at one thing but is very good at everything .
  24. Right now I am running caltrops like suggested not getting the result I really wanted but it works ok. I invested heavy in other powers end reduction which makes whirlwind more efficient. I think I am going to stick with it but I want to make its knockdown stronger. So big question: Iam 42 my knockdown mag is 1.85. I have knockdown because of IO switching knockback to knockdown. I slotted extra knockback enhancements because thats sapose to help knockdown but the mag or 1.85 has not changed any idea why?
  25. Or maybe a mission temp power that has a aoe slow or immobilize
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