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Everything posted by LegionAlpha

  1. Man. Don't tease me with a good time. All I want for X-mas is some new enemies, powers and costumes , disco ball or two for my costume, breakdancing animation, also a new zone.
  2. With the limitations of the engine, I can only hope for regular fingers and feet and not gloved ones that imitate said appendages or better rifles for blaster class.
  3. After that back to trying to steal the purse from the super strong woman who won't give it up. Sometimes I wonder (again)do they think to themselves, "Am I purse snatching from a super?"
  4. The major supergroup that Positron leading currently would be a magnet for tourists.
  5. Okay, this was on my mind the last couple of days. with so many people in Paragon there has to be some tourists who come to the city to take pictures and catch a glimpse of their fav hero. Your on patrol and sees these tourists. Excited to see you ask you a bunch of questions, the one that strikes you is "What advice could you give us to navigate this awesome city of yours"? BadMuthaBrutha: Stay away from alleys, unless you wanna on Vaz butcher's choice menu.
  6. Was about to ask that at some point. Saw it on the wiki and was fascinated at an Air bender blaster or controller.
  7. They are artistic and probably will steal a idea or two.
  8. The last room and it is the "cake" area. Kill all mission is the worst, multilevel of doom and there is always one hiding.
  9. On behalf of the Mutant community( or Homo Sapien Superior), please do not confuse genetic defects with us.
  10. Back in I think Issue 2 or 3 there was a Ralaruu invasion event in Atlas Park I enjoyed. It was when I first came into CoH, what a "welcome to the city" experience. Then there was the Seed of Hamdion in all zones. The devs had an April Fools invasion where all the GMs attacked the city. Now it is the Ritki and the NPC or glitch invasion a while ago.
  11. I am just going to put it out there. I need more stories, more crossover events, real threats, monsters with a purpose. I am the Oliver Twist of the community at this point. "Can I have some more please sir"? I dig we got some for Cimorea and a TF, but I hunger for more. I feel most pages are like: Meanwhile our (insert villain or hero here) is in peril over generic threat that is under the radar during the Inferno event (X-Men crossover for example) in New York. All the while the (generic Villain or hero) was doing a side quest to kill or capture some random mob boss/cartel or what have you, is not helping out in an world ending event to help the Avengers or the X-Men during the demon invasion. I am starving for more story driven content, and a constant.. I mean you can just do so many AE missions and still feel like you have not accomplished anything. Other than badges and tickets. This is not a knock on those who work hard to craft missions for AE. Believe me, I tried and it is hard to come up with stories and the right set design with current sets.
  12. A cyberpunk 2077 type city. Augmented cyber humans and critters, drugs, excessive crime that even Recluse barely can contain, roving gangs that are not Outcast, hellions, skulls or any generic villain group we have fought in America and now Rogue isles. A Night City like place ran by someone other than Dr. Aeon, with tall buildings and dense city areas with everyone doing something different. From Vendors to tech wizards( Hackers), major corporations seeking to undermine Recluse and claim the island for themselves.
  13. In my humble and sometimes... I will leave it at that, I think this was not announced unlike the Halloween event because there is no backstory. Nothing new was added or anything, so it was a "meh" release. Halloween had new monsters, badges, clothing psy thingies and stuff.
  14. Perhaps the man-baby got tired of being "kidnapped" by an angry gnome, and the Nordic Ice giants are sick of humans killing their kin.
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