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Everything posted by Cipher

  1. Character Statistics Number of Characters Players have created 1,207,409 characters on Homecoming, 330,397 of which have been played in 2020. Here’s a breakdown of that data per shard: Character Origins Veteran Levels Homecoming players have earned a combined 1,706,264 Veteran Levels, with the highest-level character being Veteran Level 2,273. Here’s a breakdown of that data per shard: Character Archetypes There are a lot of graphs here. Because of the prevalence of Fiery Aura Brutes, we have included an additional graph for each category which excludes Brutes with Fiery Aura.
  2. User Statistics Accounts & Concurrent Users (CCU) This table shows the total number of accounts, number of active accounts (since Jan 2020), and the concurrent user (CCU) statistics for each month since Homecoming started. Month Avg CCUs Peak CCUs Total Accs New Accs Active Accs Apr 2019 - - 32,688 32,688 - May 2019 5,297 9,998 92,247 59,559 - Jun 2019 4,604 9,161 112,568 20,321 - Jul 2019 3,423 6,582 124,215 11,647 - Aug 2019 2,724 5,321 132,151 7,936 - Sep 2019 2,252 4,574 137,733 5,582 - Oct 2019 1,967 3,803 142,316 4,583 - Nov 2019 1,838 3,425 146,273 3,957 - Dec 2019 1,741 3,308 150,342 4,069 - Jan 2020 1,787 3,369 155,052 4,710 31,061 Feb 2020 1,861 3,495 159,537 4,485 32,164 Time Played People have spent 47,360,000 hours playing on Homecoming since we started back in April of 2019; that’s 5,402 years! Here’s a breakdown of that data per shard:
  3. Note: You may see slight variations in the total numbers between certain graphs. This is because of changes in the data in the time that it took to query the data between producing the graphs. Table of Contents User Statistics (Number of Accounts, Concurrent Users (CCU), Time Played) Character Statistics (Number of Characters, Archetypes, Origins, Levels, etc.) Powerset Statistics (Primary, Secondary, Combinations) Blaster Brute Controller Corruptor Defender Dominator Mastermind Scrapper Sentinel Stalker Tanker
  4. Small progress update as I wrap up for the night: I've started calculating and rendering attributes (numbers!) This does not include global boosts from enhancements such as Shield Wall, Steadfast Protection, etc yet Enhancements now properly boost the attributes of the power they're slotted in (with ED) Power tooltips now show some attributes, including their base and enhanced values Self-affecting click and toggle powers can be toggled on or off Auto powers are toggled on by default (Small demo using Defense powers. Non-pool powers hidden to condense view. Note that the UI is still temporary! Green = toggled on) In-game from the same build:
  5. Hey everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying testing Page 5 (Builds 1 & 2) of Issue 26! We really appreciate all of the testing and feedback you have all provided us. For those who are unaware, we are currently testing the latest build for Page 5 on our beta server. For more information on how to connect and copy your characters see this and this. We have a few additional expenses starting this month which increases our monthly operating expenses by $43. The first new expense is a Paperspace Air instance as we needed an inexpensive server with a GPU to use as a rendering node both for current internal and future public-facing services (more information at the bottom of the post!). The second new expense is 6 more failover IP addresses from OVH. The first new failover address is used to move our authentication server to another physical machine in the event that we need to (such as during the hardware failure that we had earlier this week), and the other four addresses are for our beta, staging, and development shards. Finally, we have received the invoice that we recently received from our primary law firm for their services rendered through January 31st to be paid early in March. February 2020 Breakdown Last month we accepted $5,971.53 in donations - $56.66 over our target for the month. Here is the breakdown of what the January funds went towards: $4,820.39 to OVH for our hosting + $15.00 for 5 new failover IP addresses (failover for the box we had a hardware failure on and new addresses for our beta & staging shards) $953.32 to our lawyers for their services rendered through December 31st $96.00 for our Google G-Suite Business account + $12.83 for Google Voice $30.00 for our 1&1 IONOS domain & outbound email service $22.00 to Paperspace for an Air instance with a dedicated/static IP address This is $22/mo for the Air instance; an additional $3/mo will be charged starting in March for the IP address $10.00 for our Atlassian Jira Cloud instance (10-user) $9.73 for security / administration software March 2020 As previously stated, we received the next invoice from our primary law firm for their services rendered in January totaling $375.30; this will be paid in early March. We still have $21.04 overrun from February which will be put towards the donation target for March. In total, the donation target for March 2020 is $5,376.21. Here is a breakdown of how the funds are allocated: $4,838.39 to OVH for our hosting This includes the new $18/mo for the failover addresses $375.30 to our lawyers for their services through January 31st $108.83 for our Google G-Suite Business account This includes the $12.83 Google Voice line $30.00 to 1&1 IONOS for domain services & outgoing email $25.00 for the Paperspace Air instance $9.73 for the security / administration software $10.00 for our Atlassian Jira Cloud instance (10-user) Paperspace Rendering Node As stated at the beginning of the post, we now have a Paperspace Air instance ($22/mo base + $3/mo for a static IP). This server is currently being used as a rendering node for a scalable character / costume rendering system that we’ve been building to render characters both on-demand and automatically as they log out for use in an internal system and future public-facing web projects. Here are a couple of renders of GM characters (note that this service is still a W.I.P.): (Fun fact: this system is also how I generated a headshot for my forum avatar!) Donations are now closed; thank you for the support! The next donation window will be on Saturday, March 28th. Our donation system will be open as of the time of this post with a donation target of $5,376.21 and will automatically close once that target is met. Thank you yet again for your continued support! The Homecoming Team
  6. The build browser is one component of the larger system that I am working on that will have a place to view that information for characters that opt in 🙂
  7. Hello! Are you able to confirm that this is still happening? Thanks
  8. Agreed! This is being worked on right now as part of the searching functionality 🙂
  9. This is correct; you would have to import your build then mark it as public before it becomes searchable.
  10. The primary goal of my project is to be an online place to view character profiles, builds, and other information from in-game (essentially what City Vault was meant to be before it was scrapped during Live, or comparable to CIT). If build planning / editing were added it would be much further down the road. If the UI is something that PK (or possibly someone else working on a similar project) is interested in, it should be fairly straight-forward to share it so that it's components could be utilized for other projects. Right now it's written with React and it doesn't have any other dependencies (yet). An easier way for third-party developers to access the power data that they need for their projects is something that I've been wanting to do, but doing it a clean and low-maintenance way isn't something we've had the time to figure out just yet.
  11. Powers that create any entity (pets or pseudopets) should display the created entity's powers.
  12. Nope, this is something that I've started working on over the weekend and is unrelated to any existing projects. I am focusing on this being a build and character profile browser first and foremost; anything else would come later, after it's released as a functional browser / viewer. Re: wanting to see numbers - yes, that is the next thing that I will be focusing on with this project 🙂
  13. 1. This is something that I've already added. Keep in mind that the UI really is unfinished though; the static colour would ideally be switched out with something more aesthetically pleasing. 2. Yes, this is on the list!
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