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Everything posted by RikOz

  1. Lady on the phone in Kings Row: [NPC] Karrie: So, I didn't get the job... Oh, some dipstick, I'm sure.
  2. Some Arachnos Widow in St. Martial: "I see what I always see. Lots of not much."
  3. This was interesting because of the context. In Atlas Park, I spotted a group of five Clockwork walking single file, a few feet behind a pedestrian. I just thought that was an interesting coincidence. But then the pedestrian stopped, turned around, and looked at the Clockwork for a moment. I expected her to do the usual pedestrian thing and run away after spotting the "villains". But instead, she turned and continued on her way, albeit walking in a slightly different direction. And then she stopped, turned, and watched the Clockwork again, before walking away once more. She was now headed in my direction, so just for fun I clicked on her to see her "chatter": "I work for Paragon Power. Repairs are a constant race against Clockwork scavenging." That made the whole thing look less like coincidence, and more like "scripted".
  4. More new 50s! These are #s 19 and 20. Didn't post the last couple because I had already posted their level 50 costumes fairly recently. Psimonator (Psionic Melee/Electric Armor scrapper): Alternat (Radiation Blast/Energy Aura sentinel):
  5. We don't need an IRL Carnival of Shadows!
  6. Blueside police stations properly flagged as indoor locations so that I can log out there without sitting through a 15-second countdown. 15 seconds doesn't seem like much ... until you're doing "housekeeping" on all your alts. Like, I typically log out my characters for the "Seasoned Law Enforcer" day job XP bonus. Additionally, all of my alts have the Inner Inspiration power, so I regularly log them in to use the power and hopefully generate large inspirations. The 15 seconds to log out adds up to two and a half minutes of staring at a timer per page of ten characters. And if I do this across all of my *ahem* 130 alts, that adds up to 32.5 minutes of staring at a timer (minus my redside characters, since this issue doesn't affect Arachnos bases).
  7. Here's another new 50: Cybernetic Queen (Fiery Melee/Ice Armor scrapper)! Costumes are nothing fancy; I was going for a concept in their progression. And then she gives them All their fantasies Their lust and dreams She brings them down Down to their knees Cybernetic queen of passion Is guaranteeing satisfaction And while she burns in fire Melting down in sweet desire Her heart stays cold ("Cybernetic Queen" by Iron Savior) EDIT: The bolded lyrics inspired her power sets :) Sexbot turned superhero! **Originally completely cybernetic in appearance, CQ is gradually upgrading her body to take on a more human appearance** ((Level 10)) New RealGirl (tm) torso mod ((Level 20)) New ProPerformance (tm) leg mod (hips-to-knees) ((Level 30)) New PerfectFlex (tm) hands and feet ((Level 40)) New PrettyLady (tm) human face mod ((Level 50)) New Hollywood Hair (tm)
  8. Heh - I came up with that one quite some time ago; it's just been waiting for her to hit 50 :D
  9. And Girra reaches level 50! (Spines/Fiery Aura brute) This is supposed to be my fire farmer. I didn't have him power-leveled. I got him to about level 30 by trying to run simple farms, and following a build guide as to which powers to take as I went along. I eventually decided this wasn't working, mainly because I was finding myself completely drained of endurance after every single 3-mob spawn. So I respecced him in a manner suitable for a normal leveling character, just using SO's and slotting as seemed appropriate, and got him the rest of the way to 50 by running missions and saving up whatever Inf he earned via Merits -> selling Boosters. So he has hit 50 with about 101 million inf to get him started once I have him respecced back to a farming build. Then I'll go ahead and try farming.
  10. Party-Grrl is my thirteenth level 50 character (MA/Inv scrapper):
  11. Foolish Malta! Your ambush has been foiled, as I remain safe on the other side of this sliding glass door! (Yeah, I spotted them charging toward me before I opened the door.) Amusingly, I benefitted from that occasional glitch where you can't target enemies who are on the other side of the threshold. The Sapper there on the right just stood there while I punched him repeatedly.
  12. Elektricheskiy Shok is my twelfth level 50 character (Elec Melee/Elec Armor brute)! This guy, like me, is in his mid-50s. Misha Yermakov was born in the USSR, and joined the Soviet army as a young man. He was selected for a special, scientific program, which caused him to manifest electrical powers. He became part of a Soviet military metahuman team. After the breakup of the USSR, he and his teammates continued on as an independent superhero team for a few years, but eventually Misha emigrated to the USA. He says, cheerfully, "Now I am capitalist!" Having fought Malta numerous times in the USSR, where he had been told they were American agents, he was pleased to discover that Americans also dislike Malta, and that he gets to fight against them here as well. He enjoys the fact that he is virtually immune to their sappers.
  13. [NPC] Architect Patron: If only I could pay for snacks with tickets.
  14. Level 50 number eleven! Miss Action (Psionic Melee/SR brute)
  15. Is there anything that can be done to get rid of the huge delay in being able to target a Freak that is in the process of self-rezzing? Is there even a legit reason for the delay? It's especially annoying when playing a scrapper with no inherent taunt but with a damage aura, because these rezzing Freaks have a tendency to take off running before they can be targeted. It also came to my attention, once I started running alignment missions on a Vigilante, that this delay only applies to player characters, not to NPCs. Specifically, the "An Explosion in Peregrine" mission. If you run that one as a Vigilante, you get teamed up with Blast Furnace, and Blast Furnace will target and attack the rezzing Freaks the instant they start to rez, while the player is left standing there waiting for the rez animation to complete.
  16. "Combat" NPCs aren't immune to this. I've lost count of the number of times Overdrive has aggroed on something way over on the opposite side of a gigantic warehouse room, only to immediately complain that she can't keep up with me. Frostfire and Miss Thystle are utterly incapable of keeping up with me. Likewise Silent Blade.
  17. Just here to second what MrSnottyPants said. I was having exactly the same problem. Everything else was posting just fine.
  18. I love my Fire Blast/Fire Manipulation/Flame Mastery blaster. She managed to solo Marchand's "New Praetorians" arc in Brickstown at around level 35. I can say that having Bonfire from the Flame Mastery epic pool is the only reason I got past the part where you have to fight three (I think it was three) Kronos Titans. (Having done it once, before I knew what I was getting into, I haven't yet had the nerve to try that arc again on other characters.)
  19. Decided to completely redo Girra's "spectrum" costume (previous version a few posts back). Some more experimentation with color combinations finally got me much closer to what I was originally going for--making his body look like a combination of fire and poison. I added a full-body "Starburst Glow" aura in bright green, which combines with the orange flames from his fire armor powers to create an interesting effect. Finally, I switched to the Ascension armor pieces instead of the Cyborg stuff. The effects look better when he's in motion.
  20. Is that jetpack a temp power? (assuming so, since you're also wearing the Warp thingy on your back) The Gold Bricker jetpack is available, with customizable color, in the CC: (My own ex-Gold Bricker, Goldbar--he also used the Warp backpack until the Gold Bricker jetpack was made available.)
  21. Cobalt Claw (Claws/Invuln scrapper) was my one and only Praetorian (Resistance) character on live to get through the whole story and exit to Paragon City at level 20. I got her to level 31 before the shutdown (actually one of only four--I think--live characters to get past level 30 before the shutdown. When I resurrected her for Homecoming, I decided to skip Praetoria and just start her off in Paragon City; her bio references her origins by mentioning that she has a vague, uneasy feeling that she came from someplace else, but she otherwise remembers nothing about it. Anyway, she's up to level 41 now, and she has a few costumes I really like.
  22. Overheard one from Super Unknown that I hadn't heard before: "I'm thinking of changing names. I'm starting to think 'unknown' was a bad choice."
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