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Skyhawke last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Skyhawke

  • Birthday January 16

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  1. Echo Galaxy's biggest draw is one of the plaques is needed for the Atlas Medallion. That's it. That's the only reason I go there: a quick zoom around getting the badges and plaques and never visit again. Which, as has been pointed out numerous times, is a shame. Back on Live, Atlas was where I'd start a solo character, but ones that were for teaming would start in Galaxy, usually for a SG night. I do think that adding everything back to Echo Galaxy would (unless it's literally something like changing a 0 into a 1 in a line of code) wouldn't be worth the effort. That effort could (and seems to be heading that way) would be better invested in setting up the aftermath of the Galaxy tutorial as a new zone akin to Striga for both sides to go to and have missions, TFs, etc.
  2. Back on live, I had an Empathy defender named Shins McGillicutty. He took the Medicine pool and used Teleport as his travel power. They don't all have to be damage dealers. What's an away team without a medic?
  3. Consider yourself lucky. His badge title is obviously there to lull people into a false sense of security and then he strikes. You walked away with your blood intact!
  4. This made me think of this and now I can't stop laughing. 😄
  5. Same. I figured it'd be a suggestion to auto set all fonts to extra large so all of us geezers can see the text.
  6. Agreed! I'd list all the awesome things, but it'd just be a couple paragraphs of spoiler tags.
  7. Depending on the stitch work, it may just fall off.
  8. I've read "time sink" so many times now, I'm imagining it's where the Menders wash their hands after hitting the head.
  9. I'm willing to bet your bodies just get dumped over in a ghoul infested area. Due process is a whole different thing in Praetoria.
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