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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Kudos to you for explaining it so eloquently. I wish I had delved into numbers but I have not and don’t see myself doing so anytime soon. I’ve just played and love this game so much that I have an inherent understanding of how a lot of it works. Definitely a no brained for going ET over BoF. Thanks for explaining it to the masses!
  2. I have a full set of Superior Avalanche in Irradiated Ground, when the patch drops everything gets KDd at all times. Sort of a buff if you ask me. However, and I assume this is when the patch double stacks, mobs will go FLYING across the map. I’m talking really far. And that’s the only IO or power in my build that can do KB. It also seems to proc with a higher mag when I use any power that procs the global taunt proc. Sort of fun, but hard to keep enemies within my damage auras/patches when they are getting tossed around the map! 😛
  3. I normally put both procs in my debuff rain power when playing Storm or Cold Dom.
  4. This is Doom’s thread. A lot of great info here. I had never built a Warshade and got all of my inspiration for my build here. Check it out! I posted my final build there as well which incorporates the Force of Will power pool and has every single travel option, Superspeed, Super Jump, Fly, TP. Check out all the builds on this post!
  5. Torrent could be pretty viable with just two slots. KB/KD IO and Force Feedback +recharge proc. I could see it having a lot of potential on a Thermal/Dark/Dark build. The extra recharge would be great for Forge, Heat Exhaustion, Melt Armor and Soul Drain. Not only that but the KD effect would be great for damage mitigation and the power also debuffs to-hit. I would definitely try finding room for it and pairing it with Tenebrous Tentacles. Since damage isn’t a Defenders strong suit I think you’d find more utility out of Torrent than Night Fall. You could even throw 4 procs in there to have a mini shotgun cone that also buffs you.
  6. I would actually reccomend anything /Dark Affinity. The set is a powerhouse and is incredibly offensive as it is defensive. Fire works well because Bonfire + Tar Patch is nutty. Throw a -res proc in Bonfire and the KB/KD IO and you have essentially another Tar Patch that offers tons of damage mitigation. Hot Feet and Soul Absorption are like cookies and milk. Both require you to be in melee and Soul Absorption solves all of your end issues. Fire/Dark is probably the fastest playstyle, it took me awhile to adapt to how to efficiently play it as you basically need to be the quickest member in your team to maximize you and your teams damage/survival. But as long as you are dropping Bonfire and Tar Patch on mobs before your team smacks them around, you’ll be a huge asset to the team. Dark Control is also pretty nutty when paired with /Dark Affinity. Plant is also phenomenal.
  7. Looks good! Two things I noticed, slot the Steadfast unique in Steamy Mist, it’s not much, but you’d get more enhancement value out of it being slotted there. I also noticed you didn’t slot the Shield Wall unique, pulling the LoTG Defense IO and slotting it there would yield better results. You’d lose 1% defense but gain 5% resist to all. Take one of the Achilles procs our and replace it with Annihilation -res proc. The Achilles procs don’t stack, but the Annihilation -res proc will stack with Achilles. Other than that this build looks stellar! There might also be some value in changing the slotting of Tactics and Aim, the build up proc goes off more than a few times in the time it takes Aim to recharge, just a thought! Although you get more control by having that proc in Aim.
  8. I second Fire/Dark. I have a decent amount of 50’s with a full IO/Incarnate/Accolade build and I find myself always coming back to it.
  9. I’ve never had an issue with Acc for this power. I’ve always thought it was auto-hit, if that says anything :p.
  10. You’re welcome! I’ve always had the best success using Shadow Meld before quite ‘literally’ jumping into a mob. If you time it right, and with practice, you can jump right before you activate a long animation power and use the momentum of the jump to keep you moving and into the center of a mob while activating the power. Using this technique for longer animating powers will almost make them feel like they have no animation time since you are actively moving where you want to go while in animation. Outside of being great to tank alphas, it’s a fantastic “oh s*+t!!” button. I have not thoroughly tested Unleash Potential’s crash, because truth be told, every character I have at 50 that does have it, has absolutely no problems with endurance, my bar is always at full on those toons so I can only speculate that the crash isn’t that bad when you have a full IO build. I can say in confidence that trying to get both Unleash and Unrelenting would not be worth it. There simply wouldn’t be enough space and you would really have to sacrifice a lot for very little benefit. Shadow Maul is there almost entirely for the set I put in it. But it can be an incredible power in certain situations, if and when you can hit 3 or more enemies (hard to do, but possible and frequent in scenarios like the ITF) it then becomes your best damage dealer. You could take Shadow Punch instead, but I find far less utility from Shadow Punch when all my Dark Melee toons can run Smite, Siphon Life and Midnight Grasp with no downtime between attacks. As for the KB protection, 4 is enough for 99% of the game. I think a lot of people, especially min/maxers, will agree that 4 is just enough to not have it be an issue. If you did want more, you would need 12-16 points. I’ve read many posts on the forum that 8 points doesn’t make a difference really when compared to 4. All my toons without KB protection function fine with only 4 points though.
  11. 5 slot it. Do 3 of Numina's (Heal, Heal/Recharge, Heal/Endurance/Recharge) and then slot 2 Efficacy Adaptors (End/Recharge, End/Acc/Recharge) You don't 'have' to +5 those but it helps tremendously. At +5 the values are red for Heal and Recharge, which are the most important values in Soul Absorption, then 60% for End mod which is plenty in a well slotted build.
  12. This is what I came up with. Cardiac Alpha, chance for +end in Dark Regeneration, Dark Consumption, Unleash Potential and Ageless (even the +Debuff Resistance version which I opted for here) mean you will never have endurance issues except in rare cases. This build has capped resistance to S/L and nearly capped resistance to Fire, Cold and Psi. Has nearly 40% defense to S/L and a 20% resistance to defense debuff, so if you do get hit with a debuff your defense won't be floored. Dark Armor can be incredibly tanky, but suffers from a lack of defense debuff resistance, Ageless solves that issue and you become nigh unkillable with either Shadow Meld or Unleash Potential up. Shadow Meld alone will push you past the defense soft-cap to ALL and can be boosted past Incarnate levels with Unleash Potential. Hasten and Soul Drain are permanent with proper cycling of Ageless and Unleash Potential, and Shadow Meld has like a 6-8 second down time too depending on how buffed you are from Ageless/Unleash Potential. I have so many things I want to build but if I were going to make a Dark/Dark Scrapper I would definitely go this route. I love Unleash Potential on Dark Armor and would 100% recommend it! Hero Plan by Hero Hero Designer 2.23 https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Scrapper Primary Power Set: Dark Melee Secondary Power Set: Dark Armor Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Force of Will Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Smite -- SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprCrtStr-Dmg/Rchg(11), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(13), SprCrtStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(15), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(15), SprCrtStr-Rchg/+50% Crit(17) Level 1: Dark Embrace -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(39), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(39), UnbGrd-Max HP%(40) Level 2: Shadow Maul -- SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprScrStr-Dmg/Rchg(3), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(3), SprScrStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprScrStr-Rchg/+Crit(7) Level 4: Death Shroud -- SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(A), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(36), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(36), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37), SprAvl-Rchg/KDProc(37) Level 6: Murky Cloud -- TtnCtn-ResDam(A), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx(39) Level 8: Siphon Life -- SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(17), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(23), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(25), SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(25) Level 10: Obsidian Shield -- TtnCtn-ResDam(A), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx(37) Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13) Level 14: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A) Level 16: Dark Regeneration -- ThfofEss-+End%(A), ThfofEss-Acc/EndRdx/Heal(43), ThfofEss-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(45), TchoftheN-Acc/EndRdx/Heal/HP/Regen(45), TchoftheN-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(45), TchoftheN-Heal(46) Level 18: Dark Consumption -- EffAdp-Acc/Rchg(A), EffAdp-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(19), PrfShf-Acc/Rchg(19) Level 20: Cloak of Darkness -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(21), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(21) Level 22: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(23), Rct-ResDam%(43) Level 24: Boxing -- KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(A), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(46), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(46), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50) Level 26: Soul Drain -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27), Arm-Acc/Rchg(27), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(34), Arm-Dam%(34), GssSynFr--Build%(36) Level 28: Cloak of Fear -- SphIns-Acc/ToHitDeb(A), SphIns-Acc/Rchg(29), SphIns-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(29), SphIns-ToHitDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(31), SphIns-%ToHit(31) Level 30: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(31), RctArm-ResDam(40), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(40) Level 32: Midnight Grasp -- Hct-Dmg/Rchg(A), Hct-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Hct-Acc/Rchg(33), Hct-Dmg/EndRdx(33), Hct-Dam%(34) Level 35: Weaken Resolve -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A) Level 38: Mighty Leap -- WntGif-ResSlow(A) Level 41: Unleash Potential -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), HO:Membr(42), HO:Membr(42), Prv-Heal(42), Prv-Heal/Rchg(43) Level 44: Moonbeam -- Empty(A) Level 47: Shadow Meld -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), HO:Membr(48), HO:Membr(48), HO:Membr(48) Level 49: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(50) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Critical Hit Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Clr-Stlth(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(9), Mrc-Rcvry+(11) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Rchg(7), PrfShf-End%(9) Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 50: Cardiac Core Paragon Level 50: Void Radial Final Judgement Level 50: Reactive Radial Flawless Interface Level 50: Ageless Radial Epiphany Level 50: Assault Radial Embodiment ------------
  13. Was messing around in Hero Designer and had the idea of making a Scrapper as "Controller" like as possible and came up with this build. The idea seems ridiculous but I kept tweaking the build and actually got some decent numbers to boot! I'm slightly convinced this might just be crazy enough to work and even more intrigued to try it out in game. It's only a theory, but check it out and let me know what you think! Has anyone ever experimented with this? Hero Plan by Hero Hero Designer 2.23 https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Scrapper Primary Power Set: Ice Melee Secondary Power Set: Dark Armor Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Leviathan Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Frozen Fists -- SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprScrStr-Dmg/Rchg(3), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(3), SprScrStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprScrStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprScrStr-Rchg/+Crit(7) Level 1: Dark Embrace -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(25) Level 2: Death Shroud -- SprAvl-Acc/Dmg(A), SprAvl-Dmg/EndRdx(7), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(9), SprAvl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(9), SprAvl-Rchg/KDProc(11) Level 4: Murky Cloud -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(37) Level 6: Build Up -- GssSynFr--Build%(A), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg(11) Level 8: Ice Patch -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 10: Obsidian Shield -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(37) Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13), RechRdx-I(50) Level 14: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(15), Rct-ResDam%(48) Level 16: Dark Regeneration -- ThfofEss-+End%(A), ThfofEss-Acc/EndRdx/Heal(40), ThfofEss-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(43), TchoftheN-Acc/EndRdx/Heal/HP/Regen(46), TchoftheN-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(48), TchoftheN-Heal(48) Level 18: Greater Ice Sword -- SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprCrtStr-Dmg/Rchg(19), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(19), SprCrtStr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(23), SprCrtStr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(23), SprCrtStr-Rchg/+50% Crit(25) Level 20: Cloak of Darkness -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(21), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(21) Level 22: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A) Level 24: Boxing -- Empty(A) Level 26: Freezing Touch -- UnbCns-Hold/Rchg(A), UnbCns-Acc/Hold/Rchg(27), UnbCns-Acc/Rchg(27), UnbCns-EndRdx/Hold(29), UnbCns-Dam%(29), Hct-Dam%(31) Level 28: Cloak of Fear -- SphIns-Acc/ToHitDeb(A), SphIns-Acc/Rchg(31), SphIns-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(31), SphIns-ToHitDeb/EndRdx/Rchg(34), SphIns-%ToHit(36), UnsTrr-Stun%(36) Level 30: Tough -- RctArm-ResDam(A), RctArm-ResDam/EndRdx(39), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(40), GldArm-3defTpProc(40) Level 32: Frozen Aura -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Arm-Acc/Rchg(33), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(33), Arm-Dam%(34), FuroftheG-ResDeb%(34) Level 35: Oppressive Gloom -- Acc-I(A), Stp-KB%(36), RzzDzz-Immob%(37) Level 38: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(39), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(39) Level 41: Water Spout -- OvrFrc-Dam/KB(A), SprFrzBls-Rchg/ImmobProc(42), RzzDzz-Immob%(42), AbsAmz-ToHitDeb%(42), Ann-ResDeb%(43), AchHee-ResDeb%(43) Level 44: Spirit Shark Jaws -- SprEnt-Acc/Hold(A), SprEnt-Rchg/AbsorbProc(45), GhsWdwEmb-Dam%(45), NrnSht-Dam%(45), Apc-Dam%(46), GldJvl-Dam%(46) Level 47: Hibernate -- Prv-Absorb%(A) Level 49: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(50) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Critical Hit Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A) Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(17), Mrc-Rcvry+(17) Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(13), PrfShf-End%(15) Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 50: Cardiac Core Paragon Level 50: Void Radial Final Judgement Level 50: Cognitive Core Flawless Interface Level 50: Ageless Core Epiphany Level 50: Control Radial Embodiment ------------
  14. Thanks for the replies! I’ve gotten all of my low level TFs out of the way, so I may consider Subdue to immob AVs. Due to slotting reasons I’ll be putting Apocalypse for the recharge bonus, so won’t be putting 3 procs in there. Good to know, I was being lazy and didn’t compare the DPA of a fully slotted Psi Dart compared to Mental Blast fully slotted, but figured it would edge it out, barely.
  15. Does Mental Blast do more damage when procs are in play? I slotted 2 procs in mine and they both have a 21% and 27% chance to proc. When I slot those same procs in Psionic Dart they have a 10% less chance to proc. I'm debating getting rid of Mental Blast but don't see any power picks that would really benefit my build.
  16. Here is my first go at a revision. Got a few more hours in on the Plant/Psi and am getting a better feel for how I want to spec. Turns out I LOVE Carrion Creepers so I wanted to add another proc there. I was noticing a large amount of procs from the chance to build up IO in Tactics, so I dropped Assault since the dmg boost was anemic. Found a way to incorporate most of what I wanted while still keeping Ice Storm. Have not leveled to APP levels but I am almost right there! Here's the revision. Hero Plan by Hero Hero Designer 2.23 https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Dominator Primary Power Set: Plant Control Secondary Power Set: Psionic Assault Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Ice Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Strangler -- SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear(A), SprAscoft-Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/Rchg(29), SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx(31), SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx/Rchg(31), SprAscoft-Rchg/+Dmg%(31), UnbCns-Dam%(33) Level 1: Psionic Dart -- HO:Nucle(A) Level 2: Roots -- Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(43), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(43), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(43), Rgn-Knock%(46), PstBls-Dam%(46) Level 4: Mind Probe -- SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(17), SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(27), Hct-Dam%(29) Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(7) Level 8: Seeds of Confusion -- CrcPrs-Conf/Rchg(A), CrcPrs-Acc/Conf/Rchg(9), CrcPrs-Acc/Rchg(9), CrcPrs-Conf/EndRdx(15), CrcPrs-Conf%(17) Level 10: Mental Blast -- Apc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(11), Apc-Acc/Rchg(11), Apc-Dmg/EndRdx(13), Apc-Dam%(15), GldJvl-Dam%(48) Level 12: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(13), Ksm-ToHit+(46) Level 14: Boxing -- KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(A), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(40), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(42), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(42) Level 16: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), UnbGrd-Max HP%(50) Level 18: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(19), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(19) Level 20: Drain Psyche -- Acc-I(A), Pnc-Heal(21), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(21), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(23), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(23), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(27) Level 22: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A) Level 24: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(25), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(25) Level 26: Carrion Creepers -- SprDmnGrs-Rchg/Fiery Orb(A), PstBls-Dam%(34), JvlVll-Dam%(34), TraoftheH-Dam%(36), ImpSwf-Dam%(36), ExpStr-Dam%(36) Level 28: Tactics -- GssSynFr--Build%(A) Level 30: Vengeance -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A) Level 32: Fly Trap -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(33), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(34) Level 35: Psionic Lance -- StnoftheM-Acc/Dmg(A), StnoftheM-Dmg/ActRdx/Rchg(37), StnoftheM-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37), StnoftheM-Acc/ActRdx/Rng(37), StnoftheM-Dam%(40) Level 38: Psychic Shockwave -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Arm-Acc/Rchg(39), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Arm-Dam%(40), FuroftheG-ResDeb%(50) Level 41: Sleet -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A), Ann-ResDeb%(42) Level 44: Frozen Armor -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(45), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(45), GldArm-3defTpProc(45) Level 47: Hoarfrost -- Prv-Heal(A), Prv-Heal/Rchg(48), Prv-Heal/Rchg/EndRdx(48) Level 49: Ice Storm -- Rgn-Dmg(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(50) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Domination Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Clr-Stlth(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), Prv-Absorb%(5) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(3), PrfShf-End%(3) Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon Level 50: Degenerative Radial Flawless Interface Level 50: Barrier Core Epiphany Level 50: Assault Core Embodiment ------------
  17. Debating on skipping Ice Storm and instead getting Vengeance for one more LoTG 7.5 and to have 2 slots to play around with. Is Ice Storm worth it? Would I notice a difference in AoE without it? I noticed the HP cap with Hoarfrost on, it's not perma though and I get it so late that the +HP still seems viable, but may consider taking the slot in Tough and putting it elsewhere. Less than 1400 HP didn't sit right with me so I put the UG IO in Tough to patch that up.
  18. I made this thread a little while back. I posted my first iteration of a build in there. Got a little bit more feedback from it but not much. Expecting to change quite a bit moving forward. Someone posted a Plant/Fire/Fire build and I learned a lot from it on the Plant side. Give it a look!
  19. We’ve chatted a lot back and forth about /Dark Affinity Controllers and I too just rolled a Plant/Psi! Small world. I’m not at the computer now, but I can share what I learned from the Plant/Psi pros and about build theory. At least before the Dominator veterans arrive 😉 What I know so far... Strangler is your staple hold, nothing fancy here. Skip Entangle, I would normally take this power as a Controller to deal damage, but it’s entirely not needed on a Dominator. Roots is AMAZING. As you know, being a veteran Controller user, mass immob is great, but Root also does roughly twice the amount of damage than your usual mass immob and can do a respectable amount of damage when enhanced for damage and outfitted with a proc or two. Take it and spam it! Spore Burst is definitely skippable as is Tree of Life (although you could take ToL and get SOME utility out of it) Seeds of Confusion is your mob neuterer, with the purple confuse set and Domination, practically the entire mob will be confused. Vines is a great power, I opted to skip it because I feel Seeds is vastly superior. Seeds of Confusion will be up every mob with a high recharge build, and since you want the mobs to be damaging themselves, I found Vines clashed with what Seeds could do, more of a personal preference, it’s a great power in and of itself. Carrion Creepers are amazing. Slot them, proc them, abuse them. They will not disappoint. Fly Trap can take it’s fair share of procs too, I didn’t slot the Achille’s Heel proc in mine (opted to put it in Sleet instead) but this is a fantastic place to put that proc if nowhere else. Thats what I’ve picked up on from various users of Plant Manipulation/personal experience. Plant has extremely good crowd control and great AoE to boot. I’m less informed on Psi but have a pretty good understanding of it. I’ve frequently used every power in the set across other builds (I LOVE Mental Manipulation Blasters) minus the ranged blasts which are pretty straightforward. Your T1 is very handy to have when low level, but once you reach around level 28ish I would respec and pull all slots from it. Mind Probe is amazing and allows you to slot some incredible sets here like Hecatomb and Blistering Cold while also being synergistic with your build having a heavy reliance on being in melee, take this and skip Telekinetic Blow for your melee attack. Psychic Scream is pretty handy, too slow for me, and I’ve also never been the biggest fan of cone attacks, but still helpful. You won’t be hurting on AoE without it though, at least not when pairing Plant Manipukation with Psi. I took Mental Blast over Subdue, both are viable, you could even take both. But the build I have is redundant when using both as more important powers can be cycled and Mental Blast is available much earlier. They also have the same damage values, Subdue immobilizes, so that’s something. Drain Psyche is amazing, you can essentially CAP your Regen/Recovery with enough stacks. (Think Soul Absorption but with much higher values and a better debuff) and can basically be perma with enough recharge/help from Incarnates. My build has a 30.2 second recharge and the power has a 30 second duration. I took the snipe and have not regretted it since they made the changes to snipes. Great damage, pick it up, slot it and never look back. Psionic Assaults capstone, Psychic Shockwave, is great and my only complaint is that the potential stun has no synergy with any of the controls from Plant, still an amazing power and would 100% not skip. Quick overview on skippable powers in order from most skippable to least: Plant Manipulation- 1: Entangle 2: Spore Cloud 3: Tree of Life Psionic Assault- 1: Telekinetic Blow 2: Psionic Dart (not skippable, but would not recommend slotting it as the damage is pretty meh even with the buff.) 3: Subdue 4: Psychic Scream Hope this helps and gives you some insight (pun intended) before the veterans arrive!
  20. I've been seeing a lot of "put that unique in x power because you have it earlier..." Do you not get the bonus unless the power is available? Or does this only apply to unn-attuned IOs? I've exemplared down on my Dark/Shield quite often, and I have some uniques slotted in my level 49 power pick but still see the benefit even at level 15, 20, etc.
  21. "power" as in the IOs incorporated into the build. No matter what AT I make or power combos I try to make a version that is incredibly powerful and well slotted to suit my tastes. I typically go for sets, and am not very proc focused. I also have an incredibly offensive approach since I almost always team, so I don't like to be stuck activating powers only for the mob to be dead before said power activates. So far most of my builds have done pretty well!
  22. Lots of things I want to change but the build is really tight. Wanted 45% to S/L, achieved that. Hasten is about 5 seconds off of perma before Incarnates, so recharge is high, but could be higher. Would have liked more procs in my Psi attacks, most of them have at least 1, but the more the merrier. a Recharge reduction IO in Sleet would have been ideal, but it only dropped the recharge by 3-4 seconds and I can live with that. Is Ice Storm pretty decent on Doms? For some reason the base damage looks much higher than on any other set, is this a bug in my Hero Designer or is this legitimate? I have zero experience with Ice APP for Doms.
  23. Ended up creating a Plant/Psi/Ice. This is my proposed build! Have not leveled it to 50 yet (surprising, since I normally farm quite a bit) just haven't felt like farming much and am enjoying the pace of the slower grind. So I imagine the build will be tweaked quite a bit. Seeing a lot of power out of Seeds even though it is severely under enhanced currently. Let me know what you think! Definitely not final, will make final adjustments post 50. Psionic Lance is empty as I am putting Experienced Marksman there. Hero Plan by Hero Hero Designer 2.23 https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Dominator Primary Power Set: Plant Control Secondary Power Set: Psionic Assault Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Ice Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Strangler -- SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear(A), SprAscoft-Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/Rchg(3), SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx(3), SprAscoft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx/Rchg(5), SprAscoft-Rchg/+Dmg%(5), UnbCns-Dam%(42) Level 1: Psionic Dart -- HO:Nucle(A) Level 2: Roots -- Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(36), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Rgn-Knock%(37) Level 4: Mind Probe -- SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(7), SprBlsCol-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(17), SprBlsCol-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(19), SprBlsCol-Rchg/HoldProc(19), Hct-Dam%(42) Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(7) Level 8: Seeds of Confusion -- CrcPrs-Conf/Rchg(A), CrcPrs-Acc/Conf/Rchg(9), CrcPrs-Acc/Rchg(9), CrcPrs-Conf/EndRdx(15), CrcPrs-Conf%(17) Level 10: Mental Blast -- Apc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(11), Apc-Acc/Rchg(11), Apc-Dmg/EndRdx(13), Apc-Dam%(15), GldJvl-Dam%(40) Level 12: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(13) Level 14: Boxing -- KntCmb-Acc/Dmg(A), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx(45), KntCmb-Dmg/Rchg(46), KntCmb-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46) Level 16: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), UnbGrd-Max HP%(37), HO:Ribo(45) Level 18: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 20: Drain Psyche -- Acc-I(A), Pnc-Heal(21), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(21), Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(23), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(23), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(27) Level 22: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A) Level 24: Weave -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(25), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(25) Level 26: Carrion Creepers -- SprDmnGrs-Rchg/Fiery Orb(A), JvlVll-Dam%(27), PstBls-Dam%(31), TraoftheH-Dam%(31), ImpSwf-Dam%(31) Level 28: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(29), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29) Level 30: Tactics -- GssSynFr--Build%(A), HO:Cyto(45) Level 32: Fly Trap -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(33), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(33) Level 35: Psionic Lance -- Empty(A), Empty(40), Empty(43), Empty(43), Empty(43) Level 38: Psychic Shockwave -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Arm-Acc/Rchg(39), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Arm-Dam%(40) Level 41: Sleet -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A), Ann-ResDeb%(42) Level 44: Hoarfrost -- Prv-Heal(A), Prv-Heal/Rchg(46), Prv-Heal/Rchg/EndRdx(48) Level 47: Ice Storm -- SprFrzBls-Dmg/EndRdx/Acc/Rchg(A), SprFrzBls-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(48) Level 49: Frozen Armor -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(50), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(50), GldArm-3defTpProc(50) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Domination Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Clr-Stlth(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(34), Mrc-Rcvry+(36) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(34), PrfShf-End%(34) Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Level 0: Portal Jockey Level 0: Task Force Commander Level 0: The Atlas Medallion Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon Level 50: Pyronic Core Final Judgement Level 50: Degenerative Radial Flawless Interface Level 50: Barrier Core Epiphany Level 50: Assault Core Embodiment ------------
  24. I think I might actually dust him off tonight, I'm on Excelsior if you want to send a tell to @Binarial. My Controllers name is MeEp!
  25. It all varies. In the lower levels I do tend to open with Flashfire a lot. But at higher end content I open with Darkest Night (sometimes... other times I find the animation to be a waste on some mobs, as even without it they pose very little threat, but I do use it!) then immediately follow with Bonfire/Fire Cages and Tar Patch, use Soul Absorption if it isn't up or is flashing and about to be down, then I either spam my AoE (Fire Cages, Fire Ball) and throw in Flashfire here and there. If I know I will be dealing with the mob alone for awhile, I'll stack both stuns. But I often find it to be overkill, especially if the entire team is there, at that point I just spam my AoE damage and watch everything melt and bounce away. My biggest tip is to be aggressive. You want to be in the thick of things at all times, not only does this maximize your damage but also your survivability. With a healthy amount of Soul Absorption stacks you can have anywhere from 40-60 HP regenerating per second, it caps at 10 stacks in Pines but you can get more in game and you ALWAYS want this up and fully stacked.
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