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Everything posted by Meknomancer
7 foot cone is teeny however you look at it, its comparable to the most skippable powers in melee sets such as rad melees proton sweep. Sure you can proc it out but a power that rarely hits more than a single target is better replaced with....a single target attack which procced out will do more damage.
honoroitthecultist PSA - necro/kin - bestest powersets
Meknomancer replied to honoroit's topic in Mastermind
Dark blast, Gloom, Life Drain. If you have time for all 3 they are worth it, each one has a chance to summon your tanky lil spectre types and even though they won't keep up with you at pace by blasting away they get desummoned and resummoned on the current mob. And they will keep aggro off you. Thats some serious amount of clicking on a /kin which is already click heavy so its a bit of a toss up on if you want to blow all those power picks and some slots or just focus on the tier 1/2/3 pets and soul extraction (and possibly even some team mates although it'll be tough to spot them in a mob with 12-15 necro pets out) -
honoroitthecultist PSA - necro/kin - bestest powersets
Meknomancer replied to honoroit's topic in Mastermind
Paired every primary with kin. Much as i love necro the only 2 i still run are bots and mercs. On any other AT /kin is b tier at worst but on mm's i'd rate it well below /dark /time /storm /traps, possibly even /rad. High level content its some serious micro management and even then your pets will splat more often than not at which point you become just a kin with 0 dps which is how i see most speedy **** content/tf's run when a player shows up with one. On the other hand any content below 50 and m /kins are fantastic. Tons of fun and a blessing to teams if you don't mind constant buffing of team mates and pets. I recommend repel with a sudden acc kb/kd and an ff+rech slotted, it'll let you take alphas and keep mobs flopping til pets catch up all you have to do is stand there and heal yourself til they arrive for a fulcrum. Even with speed boost they will feel like they are moving at a walking pace compared to the movement you have from siphon speed and a travel (if you took one) -
Share build, via forum export, continue. Right click and paste in here. Looks like gibberish but once you post you'll see it.
Looking to rebuild my old AR/Dev character. Need help.
Meknomancer replied to Marshal_General's topic in Blaster
Mids is updating daily it seems. Its not letting me import yours, when i try it opens version 4 up and fails to load. Test export: View This Build In MRB -
Looking to rebuild my old AR/Dev character. Need help.
Meknomancer replied to Marshal_General's topic in Blaster
Pretty sure anyone who has new mids is waiting til builds can be exported to forums as they used to be so you may not get any advice for a bit. If you check furthur down in the blaster forums you'll find a bunch of rifle/dev builds although they won't be updated for page 6 yet. -
How to do more damage with Ill/Cold? Need help with build
Meknomancer replied to Muwu's topic in Controller
Never had any issues its soloed pretty much everything i wanted it too, great on teams (who doesnt want a /cold) I dont really use much beyond PA/sleet/heat loss, the rest are just mules for recharge and ranged defence. -
How to do more damage with Ill/Cold? Need help with build
Meknomancer replied to Muwu's topic in Controller
I went psi epic. Still using old mids: -
Depends on the secondary, not a single one of my /dark or /time /elec /nature trollers runs it, every single one of my /traps /colds /kins and /rads /poison /ta /storms do. FF its about 50/50 depending on primary. No /emps /pains /sonics.
Made a stormx2 corr and a storm/ice blaster. Corr was very impressive, blaster not so much. Snipe animation is the best going by far i love it. Having that t2 water blast as an animation for the t3 attack in storm puts me off a lot and in teams you feel like your always waiting for storm cell to recharge and by the time you summon it the mobs been nuked. The aoe cone got dropped even with a kb/kd in its too short range. The aoe is fantastic...if it hits it hits everything. If it misses your standing there getting pummelled as it won't tag anything in the mob. With the corr its just dump the debuff and attack most times as there isn't time to wait for storm cell animation on top. Its one of those blast sets where you need to be aggressive in getting to the mobs ahead of everyone and setting it up, kind of reminds me of playing anything /dark and running ahead to drop tar patch and darkest night before attacking. So far psi is ahead it got a massive jump in my opinion, especially scramble minds? i think its renamed as. That power on a closely packed mob is hilarious. And assault rifle is just leaps and bounds ahead of where it was, beanbag and ignite were always insta skips for me but now they just flow into a smooth attack chain now and its a constant stream of dot's on enemies. And full auto is a stupidly massive cone.
Lot of ways to slot it, you want to max recharge on it so its up every mob. Treat it the same way you would tar patch in /dark toss it out on the mob before attacking it'll bump your damage when effects kick in. There's so many good aoe sets for it pretty much anything goes. Cheap full set artillery for ranged defence. Full Frozen Blast set for aoe defence and a chance to immob. A couple pieces of Frozen Blast with a force feedback +recharge for slow resists. Maybe a proc or 2 but from what i've seen they have minimal chance to fire off. 5 bombardment/5 ragnarok and a force feedback+recharge for a few good bonuses. You could try tossing in the ATo set defiant barrage but i can't imagine thats a good place to slot it. Positron set is probably the last 1 i'd slot- its got the least recharge in the set.
Depends how you play, i'll pick the powers/travel i want first then start tossing in sets to see what i have before shuffling stuff to get what i want in this case melee defence high enough not to go splat when i hop in a mob with resists to back it up->slow resistance+recharge, you want enough recharge for an attack chain and enough slow resist so that you can keep it running (there's tons of in game mobs that can apply slow debuffs)->damage procs because sent damage is underwhelming if you straight 6 slot full sets. If you look closely at the set bonuses you often find the 6th is essentially useless unless its stacking with other set bonuses providing the same thing. Found an old fire/rad/fire build, you could swap cremate for rain of fire with a ragnarok set for same bonuses but it loses the single target attack chain, fire blast/blaze/cremate, i just don't find fire epic as good as either psi/dark/elec but its a better fit thematically. Inferno slotting is just leftover pieces and could easily be changed/swapped over with fire sword circle or maybe a full set of oblits for more recharge and melee def:
First welcome back to the game. You picked a nice sent combo to begin with. Second (this is just my opinion) the sentinel At is basically just a scrapper running ranged attacks instead of melee one. Its easy to get sidetracked into thinking it should be played at range but the epics once taken usually change your opinion and you realise they become much more effective in melee. Open mids, click slots/enhancements- set all relative levels to +5. Now look at meltdown (which you left running) and you'll see the 3rd rech io is wasted once its boosted to +5. Toss that in hasten. You want a lot more recharge. You skipped particle shielding, its a great power for the aborb-taking alphas, and the bump in regen you get which means you don't need to use the heal as often. Looks like you used a full set of annihilation, good for e/ne res but the f/c/aoe def does nothing for you when its not stacked with other sets offering the same defence. Seems like you went for a lot of ranged defense using thunderstrike and artillery pieces, 2 of my least favourite sets which sacrifice the ability to slot procs, which you want in sents as damage isn't great and slow resistance which /rad armr really needs. I still run psi epic on mine but i play it as a scrapper first rather than a blaster so my melee def is up instead of the ranged def. I don't think much of the fire epics on sent's, its nice to toss out cages and rain of fire but if you compare the recharge and radius of powers like fire sword circle to psi shockwave you realise how some are far superior to others. I'll post the build but with different epics+power picks i'm not sure how much help it will be:
Just finished a Renault and got hit by something called Healing Wave. Healing Wave heals you with their Healing Wave for 11482.5 health points over time. Healing Wave hits you with their Healing Wave granting you 1346.88 points of endurance. What power is this and where does it come from?
For me its just mids build posts, none of my posted builds are with powers picked in a specific order, when it comes time to respec i pick what i want for exempting down prioritising stuff like TJ and farsight on /time with travel/attacks before leadership , powers like distortion field tend to be late picks as is time crawl/time stop/temporal selection. It all depends on the player and if they are going to run incarnate only 50+ content, they maybe final builds after having run all the low lvl stuff.
Time Manipulation/Ice Blast Defender Build- Feedback please
Meknomancer replied to Sirens Sin's topic in Defender
Once you jump in the mob and TJ hits you can basically add whatever - to hit it does to your defence so i wouldn't worry too much about def numbers. All of the above builds look good, if your set on taking flight stick to it and make it work. I run mine as an ice/time corr but there must have been a time i considered a fender version because i have one in mids but i went power over soul. Old build i never got round to making. Different take on it: -
With this combo i'd be aiming for perma overgrowth and fortify pack, drop all the slots from rebirth, you'll rarely need more than a single boosted rech io in that. Take the deci chance for build up out of call hawk and replace it with a force feedback +rech. 5 panacea in wild bastion/full set of preventetive in regrowth/4 dark watchers in spore cloud/more slots in fortify pack. You slotted the shield wall piece in cj but slotted 4 shield wall in weave, you may as well have tossed it in there too and got the damage bonus, but you'd be better off just putting the piece in there and removing the def/rech and using the slot elsewhere. Change the slotting in overgrowth to max recharge- you skipped the adjusted recharge piece- then boost them.
Time Manipulation/Ice Blast Defender Build- Feedback please
Meknomancer replied to Sirens Sin's topic in Defender
There's loads of stuff on these forums about proc rates and how/where to put them but i don't do math or monitor the combat window in game to even notice. All i really know is they fire off more in long recharging powers that are slotted with minimal to no recharge in them, so slotting 2 in something like time stop which recharges quite fast and then slotting it with 4 basilisk pieces will massively reduce the chance of the firing off. I only mentioned Kb protection as /time is best played in melee but if your running hover then 4 points is more than enough. I see you have 11 points in the above build, you could drop a few-i'd only keep that many if i was running superspeed/cj as my travel powers. Most players will tell you that you can get away with 4 points for about 95% of content. Your right about power boosted farsight/clarion combo its awesome and makes you pretty much unkillable at incarnate levels, build looks good but so did your original build. Just go with whatever one you enjoy playing the most, if things don't go the way you want switch over with a quick respec. -
Time Manipulation/Ice Blast Defender Build- Feedback please
Meknomancer replied to Sirens Sin's topic in Defender
Looks good. Just a few minor points but nothing that will change the build. I usually slot slowed response with some acc and rech pieces of the shield breaker set (mostly for the bonuses) but your right in that its not necessary. Farsight gets a cyto and a membrane over 2 cytos but i take tactics, i can see why you'd want 2 cyto's instead. The flight pool/stealth pool- i can see you having some serious endurance issues, you have evasive and fly turned off. In mids. In game you will probably leave them on because a) your so slow without them its laughable and the team will leave you in the dust b) you will turn them on and forget to turn them off c) if evasive is off you'll find yourself getting hit by every web nade (or other immob) going and wonder why you are suddenly glued to the floor (just the luck of the game, you turn off your immob res and suddenly get hit by every immob the game can throw at you) So you end up leaving fly and evasive and stealth running and.........you have 0 endurance. Chrono shift won't help with your endurance for more than a few seconds. I'd swap the dmg/rech or dmg/range (probably the dmg/range) from ice storm for the proc. There was some chat recently that pseudopet powers are now an ok'ish place for damage procs. I only see 3 points kb protection, not an issue if your flying you just get backflipped, prepare to get backflipped a lot- you want to be in melee for TJ to hit max targets with its debuff so you'll be subject to a lot of the kb going. Minor points, you may not even notice in game if your running around teamed up a lot and there's a few buffers going and the occasional ageless tossed your way. Stuff like this only becomes obvious when your soloing a lot. -
No such thing as too much recharge. 5 winters bite = 5% e/ne defence, 6 thunderstrikes = 3.75% e/ne def. Its why i was curious about initial build slotting, the winters bite set puts you at 45% e/ne def and gets you an extra slot.
Quick test, your absolutely correct, good to know. I'm still waiting on the t3 to arrive before using it, the other pets all melee so they're in range most of the time, the Lich is usually hanging back using ranged mez/attacks so i still use it as my point of reference before using soul extract, too many times hitting it when its not there and you only spawn a couple of spirits.
Demons/time was my first mm on HC and my main on torch and its been few a lot of respecs, i ended up dumping mace and power boost in favour of soul as i play it like a melee toon, run ahead hop into the centre of the mob so TJ hits everything and wait on the pets to catch up. Defences aren't anywhere near yours it sits at about 32-35% to most stuff and the only time it runs into trouble is when i'm up against mobs like DA BP and their massive rain debuffs. I don't run flight either and i skipped lash in favour of DF and a fully slotted time stop. Haven't had any issues with pet deaths but i slotted them differently and the only advice i can give is to change the t2 slotting, i squeezed in a d-sync reconstitution and a hammi ribo. I know Temporal Mending is a great heal but sometimes its not enough when pets like to melee and get out of range and it never hurts to bump the res buffs handed out. And Chronoshift, i can't be the only one who hates seeing that doctored wound set 6 slotted but i get your after the rech bonus and its impressive seeing 50% ish toxic res but i get that too and i have 0 sets slotted for extra psi/toxic res bonuses. There's much better ways to slot that power than DW set. 5 panacea or 6 pre-emptive for a start. Not sure what the full set of thunderstrike is doing for you in corruption. Ranged defence or e/ne defence? If your chasing the latter 5 winters bite would take you over 45%. I see leadership skipped, thats the only other thing i can see that'd increase pet def with manouvres but if your spamming all those attacks and time crawl and time stop i can see huge endurance issues, there's no end red slotted in those and they are your best clickies vs gm's and av's along with slowed response, hitting all 3 of those must be taking wopping chunks off your blue bar. As with all builds its your playstyle that matters most. Slotted as it is i don't see you having any issues as demons never got any update last issue and i don't see them getting one in the upcoming issue either. With that much s/l def and res you shouldn't have any problems playing it as a tank/scrap/brute. Just take the alpha let TJ do the rest, maybe try to fit in DF which stacks slows with TJ. Possibly fit an ff+rech in crack whip. Give demon prince a slow proc or 2. The best form of survival is always dps and if your pets kill faster they won't die as often.
Played this combo a lot but respecced it so many times i'm not sure what i run anymore (got 2 on different servers) My only aim was 45% ranged, dps isn't great but its very safe. Different builds/power picks depending on which epic i felt like playing with: Must have preferred mu, i really like powersink for those non incarnate levels but i still carry recovery serums
Hero's hero arc gets you every AV except AM (and shrouded badge) , as long as you remember to hit Black Swan in the rescue prisoner mish (that completes if you free the hostage) and is miles easier than MJ arc once you run it a few times which i find often puts missions in random order and sticks av's in random locations in the shadow shard map. MJ arc i find i have to run through the entire thing and then have to phone back and chat to her again to keep going in order to get Siege/Nightstar's shrouded map which for some reason aren't always included in the initial story arc. I have Instant Army last mish saved on 2nd account for AM/hop on Keyes when its going.
Its not that nobody's playing fire melee its just that: a) they either already have one with a build for it or more likely.... b) they had one and realised tank is superior to brute (especially with fire melee) due to the increased number of targets tank aoe's hit, tanks having a second aoe in combustion, better ATo sets, higher hp caps, better def/res....and then junked the brute and re-rolled it as a tank. And didn't notice any loss in dps. Totally unhelpful comments there my apologies, something to look at: