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Everything posted by ivanhedgehog

  1. obviously you dont. COH GM's exist to keep the peace, help with stuck missions etc. they do a great job. They are NOT developers. Please do not confuse the 2. anyone can apply to be a GM, it does not require development skills. I may not always agree with the devs, but I do appreciate them. you have a warped idea of what an MMORPG is.(and while you ignore the red dragon in the room, it is not required to RP in a MMORPG either)
  2. to anyone that thinks AE is the one stop shop....every thing you get in AE can be gotten in greater amounts outside AE
  3. I am seeing a lot of "its only a tiny change " in this release. is it "only a tiny release"? not worth talking about but we gotta do it! that seems to be the scam we are being fed.
  4. I dont know what you are doing for power leveling but I cant pl a new toon in an hour. I do find it amazing that every time they want to nerf ae they find a "mistake" to fix so its not a nerf.
  5. 1/3rd is not negligible. its 1/3rd. if they deleted 1/3rd of your inf would you shrug and blow it off? no
  6. they get some inf from kills/mission bonuses. that doesnt take those into account.
  7. there are people that farm and get little or nothing but it seem no one is interested in those numbers 😆we only seem to look at outliers in one direction, true balance requires that we look in both directions, or ignore outliers all together.
  8. It seems that not only have we abandoned balancing around so's(by some decision of who knows) but now a specific build? city of youmustplaythisway?
  9. that is exactly what I am asking. There are a lot of big assumptions about farming that are taken at face value but should be questioned.
  10. No, I was asking why anyone would think that kneecapping everyone to a lowest common denominator of rewards was some kind of good idea? City of standing around bored? I farm sometimes and I dont make anywhere near what people are claiming I do. Maybe if people concentrated on having fun in a game and not how big a piece of pie everyone else got, this game might still be here next year. People trying to micromanage other people experience in a very dated pirated game is beyond stupid.
  11. from the 1st post Developer 148 1073 Developer Posted July 12 Attack Typing Adjustments NPC Attack Type Adjustments These changes only apply to NPCs attacking players, not the reverse. The attack typing on all NPC attacks have been revamped to only utilize a total of two defense types: Positional & Primary Damage the change does not effect play to nps attacks. we are weaker than they are. why? a smashing/cold round hitting us will do more damage than one hitting them. from the same power
  12. should street sweeping in perez reward the same as running back to back itrials? Farming?Doing a hami raid? why would you expect this in the first place?
  13. ok, that matches up to what i saw last night. My only thought now is, why are the devs making this change? why doesnt it effect the npcs the same? some of the most annoying things in the game are powers that were nerfed for the players but not npcs(paragon protectors MOG)
  14. $450?? my high school guidance councilor did me so wrong!!!!!
  15. that argument came straight from the wow forums. Incarnate system is part of character progression. I may do MISSIONS solo but I have never managed to solo hami, you I gotta let the others help me. You dont need any rewards in the game, but if you cut people off from them because a few elitists want you to, you start eroding the player base. This could be part of why wow is so much smaller today than in 2007
  16. So the devs made a change that you say is minor, but will cause a complete change the way we build and cause many respecs. It will be a much larger change to some of the squishier at's, but they have to just suck it up. whats the next "minor" change coming? who knows. will they apply the same changes to npcs to balance this? maybe, maybe not. why is there a separation between the first half of this and the second? try using a level 30 blaster with nothing but so's. the entire game is not just io'd builds.
  17. The problem comes to why are is the game we were so excited to see come back being changed into a completely different game? a number of the changes we are seeing here should have been added as a difficulty toggle. Let people continue to play as they always have, but give them new options. We were told that agro was hard coded in, evidently that was not the case after all. how will these changes effect low level non io builds in the game? I will be trying that this evening after I get back
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