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Banazir Galasbor

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Everything posted by Banazir Galasbor

  1. Taken from General Chat. What’s Lusca's favorite love song? “I Wanna Hold your Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand, Hand”
  2. DJ Zero discusses Lusca's preferred gender identity when he discusses the Valentine sent from Sally to Lusca. It is indicated that both sea monsters are indeed titled She's.
  3. People who do not like puns.
  4. I am 56 and 7/12ths years old. Counting the modern movie there have been 9 actors that have played the three stooges. Usually the three in the movie don't count as they are playing 3 of the original 6. The three stooges are: Moe, Larry, Shemp, Curly, Joe, & Curly Joe My favorite old timey trivia: Who is the Lone Rangers Great Nephew?
  5. 1. Thomas won, but NIkolai should have 2. Harpo, Grouch, Chico are the three you saw the most often, Gummo and Zeppo not so much. 3. The old man was played by Tim Conway. 4. Radio and is now replaced by PDQ Bach for classical and Weird AL for that more modern rock stuff 5. I was in a Trailer because I was only 5
  6. I hate the eye spikes.
  7. Sweet I just learned how to ignore a poster in forums. Thanks for the topic!
  8. Jack Burton, yes that Jack
  9. oh great, now she has fleas.
  10. I used to love watching the show Flipper in syndication back in the early 70's. So I'm wondering why you all are calling a person a Dolphin in COH AH terms?
  11. Well the first time...once. Then it was fake dribbling where you didn't let go until you went for the shot.
  12. Why limit this to just Golf? Tennis anyone? (Pong? lol) Back in the day my buddy and I would get two or even three volleys as we batted the hellion back and forth.
  13. Wait, what color..err colour is Shocked? Is it a Chartreuse or Crimson or Plaid?
  14. Can we Nerf the term Nerf? I mean I loved my first Nerf football that was such a new and wonderful toy when I was a kid back in the early 70's. I also had the Nerf back of the door basketball hoop and a nerf basketball. Nerf meant a soft catch-able ball that nerds playing outside (as in the actual great outdoors) could actually catch. (remember no computers, and a few years before Pong came out for TV)
  15. Why whats wrong with using a poetic license to write a wrong!
  16. Back in the Day, My Soldier MM had the following Minions: Private Room, Private Booth, Major Payne, The medic was Private Nurse, and the big guy was, of Course, General Mayhem. I also made a Christmas Alt named Sandy Koz (Time/Ice powers). Arizona Ranger travels around with a Big Iron on his Hip. (Dual Pistols/Willpower) in a related side note: My dad was in the Air Force, and he reported to Lt. Col Minor. Who, of course before his promotion had been Major Minor.
  17. I had a Desprit once I think... Also remember something about a Dwarf only Supergroup?
  18. KOZMIC Storm here new domain is @Kozmic, ran Kozmic Storm a Giant Yellow Tank, Kozmic Kat, Kozmic Axe, Kozmic Fire, Sandy Koz, Banazir Galasbor, Zorro, Kozmic Dragon, just to name a few.
  19. KOZMIC Storm here new domain is @Kozmic, ran Kozmic Storm a Giant Yellow Tank, Kozmic Kat, Kozmic Axe, Kozmic Fire, Sandy Koz, Banazir Galasbor just to name a few.
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